3 research outputs found

    Airborne Infection Control measures among Government and Private Health Facilities in a hilly district of North India

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    Introduction: Guidelines for Airborne Infection Control in Health Care Settings were published in the 2010 to reduce Airborne Infections in health service providers and visitors to health facilities. Objectives: To evaluate healthcare facilities regarding implementation of Guidelines for Airborne Infection Control in Health Care Settings. Methods: An analytic, cross- sectional, health care facility-based study in the district Solan of Himachal Pradesh. A total 53 health care facilities from both public and private sectors were assessed and compared. Results: The implementation of these guidelines was unsatisfactory. Government health care facilities were better implementing the guidelines, compared to the private sector. Conclusion: The guidelines are over a decade old and implementation is not optimal. Efforts and emphasis are required to be put into implementation of these guidelines in health care facilities. An update of policy with stringent penalties are advocated for better compliance in the private sector

    Assessment of Indian Medical Graduate (IMG)’s knowledge about emergency contraception (EC) in a medical college of Himachal Pradesh

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    Background: Undergraduate curriculum of the medicine is created to ensure achievement of goal of “health for all” in India. In addition, it aspires graduates to meet or exceed global benchmark in knowledge, attitude, skills and communication (1). Objectives: 1) To assess undergraduates’ knowledge regarding the types and correct usage of available Emergency Contraceptives. 2) To utilize the data base for capacity building by focusing on the Core Competency of Emergency Contraceptives. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done among 442 undergraduates of all the Profs in our college in September 2017 after approval from Institutional Ethical Committee (17/66) and informed verbal consent from the participants. This pretested, pre-designed and self-administered 11-questionnaire proforma in English was used as a tool of investigation. Results: Maximum participation was from 3rd and 4th year. 7.2 % had a very poor knowledge, attempted 3 or less questions correctly.  Only 14.5% attempted 8 or more questions correctly. Conclusion:  Young population of our country forms the broad base of the pyramid, they should be provided with correct knowledge about EC for improving their reproductive health.  Since these graduates are going to serve the community, their knowledge and skill in this core competency is going to help the community

    Hematological Profile of Women in Pregnancy in a Hilly District of Himachal Pradesh

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    Introduction: Anemia during pregnancy is a major public health problem throughout the world, especially in the developing countries. Anemia during pregnancy can lead to morbidity and mortality in mother as well as fetus. Anemia cannot be diagnosed only clinically, several blood tests are required for complete characterization. Aim of the present study was to know the prevalence of anemia during pregnancy in District Solan of Himachal Pradesh, classify its types and determine the effect of pregnancy on hematological parameters in Anemia. Material and Methods:In the present study Hematological parameters of 150 pregnant females in advanced pregnancy (of gestational age 32 to40 weeks) were analyzed and the results were compared with 90 age matched control cases. Results: The pregnant study group exhibited statistically significant lower values of haemoglobin, PCV, MCV, MCHC and lymphocyte and platelets while neutrophil and total WBC counts were significantly elevated. Conclusion: Hematological parameters are a simple and cost effective investigation which can aid in early recognition of anemia during pregnancyand thereby improve the outcome of pregnancy