22 research outputs found
The Effect of CaO Addition on Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Tiles
Stoneware clay, fired clay (as a grog), calcite waste and class C fly ash in various mixing rations were the basic raw materials for the mixture for production of dry pressed ceramic tiles. Mechanical properties (water absorption, bulk density, apparent porosity, flexural strength) as well as mineralogical composition were studied on samples with different source of calcium oxide after firing at 900, 1000, 1100 and 1200°C. It was found that samples with addition of calcite waste contain dmisteinbergit and anorthite. This minerals help to improve the strength of the body and reduce porosity fired at lower temperatures. Class C fly ash has not significantly influence on properties of the fired body as calcite waste
Development of Thermal Insulation Materials Based on Silicate Using Non-Traditional Binders and Fillers
When insulation and rehabilitation of structures is important to use quality building materials with high utility value. One potentially interesting and promising groups of construction materials in this area are advanced, thermally insulating plaster silicate based. With the present trend reduction of energy consumption of building structures and reducing CO2 emissions to be developed capillary-active materials that are characterized by their low density, low thermal conductivity while maintaining good mechanical properties. The paper describes the results of research activities aimed at the development of thermal insulating and rehabilitation material ongoing at the Technical University in Brno, Faculty of Civil Engineering. The achieved results of this development will be the basis for subsequent experimental analysis of the influence of thermal and moisture loads developed on these materials
Катетеризация подключичной вены с использованием ультразвуковой навигации в педиатрической практике
ABSTRACT In this article the most relevant methods of subclavian vein catheterization were considered in order to find the optimal technique that can be used in routine clinical practice by pediatric intensive care physicians.OBJECTIVE To compare the efficiency and safety of subclavian vein catheterization by supraclavicular access under ultrasound control and subclavian access by anatomical landmarks in children.RESULTS The number of attempts for successful catheterization was statistically lower in ultrasound-control group compared to the anatomical landmarks group (1.2±0.4 vs. 2.6±1.3, p<0.0001); in the anatomical landmarks group such complications as catheter malposition (14% vs. 0), arterial puncture (5% vs. 1%) and pneumothorax (10% vs. 0) were observed more often than in the ultrasound group.CONCLUSIONS We recommend catheterization of the subclavian vein by supraclavicular access under ultrasound control to be commonly used in clinical practice due to its high efficiency and safety.РЕЗЮМЕ В статье рассмотрены актуальные методики катетеризации подключичной вены в контексте поиска оптимальной техники, которая может быть использована в рутинной клинической практике специалистами интенсивной терапии педиатрического профиля.ЦЕЛЬ Сравнить эффективность и безопасность катетеризации подключичной вены надключичным доступом под ультразвуковым (УЗ) контролем и подключичным доступом по анатомическим ориентирам у детей.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ Ретроспективный анализ результатов различных доступов при катетеризации подключичной вены у 3375 пациентов Морозовской больницы Москвы за 2019–2020 годы.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Количество попыток до успешной катетеризации было статистически значимо меньше в группе с использованием УЗ-контроля в сравнении с группой катетеризации по анатомическим ориентирам (1,2±0,4 против 2,6±1,3, p<0,0001); при установке центрального венозного катетера «вслепую» статистически значимо чаще, чем при катетеризации под УЗ-контролем, наблюдались осложнения в виде мальпозиции катетера (14% против 0%, p<0,0001), пункции артерии (1% против 0,8%, p<0,01) и пневмоторакса (1,6% против 0%, p<0,0001).ВЫВОДЫ Мы рекомендуем методику катетеризации подключичной вены надключичным доступом под ультразвуковым контролем к широкому использованию в клинической практике ввиду ее высокой эффективности и безопасности
Значение нейрогуморальной регуляции в исходе синдрома полиорганной недостаточности при сепсисе
The objective: to present information about potential mechanisms of development of sepsis-associated encephalopathy, and its potential role in sepsis outcome.Neurohumoral regulation is the most important system that integrates many functions of variable values to achieve the final result that is beneficial for the host. The central nervous system (CNS) is the switch and control mechanism responsible for the functioning of this system. The increasing number of studies indicating the relationship between the development of sepsis and occurrence of qualitative and quantitative changes in the central nervous system suggests that it is the degree of damage to neurohumoral regulation mechanisms at the very beginning of the disease can significantly determine the severity of the course and prognosis of the outcome of multiple organ failure syndrome in sepsis.Цель: представить информацию о возможных механизмах возникновения такого явления, как сепсис-ассоциированная энцефалопатия, и ее возможной роли в исходе сепсиса.Система нейрогуморальной регуляции – важнейшая функциональная система, осуществляющая интеграцию множества функций переменных величин с целью достижения конечного полезного для организма результата. Центральная нервная система (ЦНС) является коммутатором и управляющим механизмом, ответственным за функционирование этой системы. Увеличивающееся количество работ, указывающих на связь между развитием сепсиса и возникновением качественных и количественных изменений в ЦНС, позволяет предположить, что именно степень повреждения механизмов нейрогуморальной регуляции в самом начале заболевания может в существенной мере определять тяжесть течения и прогноз исхода синдрома полиорганной недостаточности при сепсисе
Liquidity and profitability are two very important aspects of the banking business. The aim of this paper is to thoroughly evaluate the development of bank profitability and liquidity in the Polish banking sector and to analyze the link between profitability and liquidity ratios with the use of correlation analysis over the period 2007-2013. Liquidity of the Polish banking sector has decreased during this period. Small banks are the less liquid, the most dependent on other sources of funding and their net interbank position is the most vulnerable. Profitability of Polish banks could be higher. With the exception of interest margin, profitability increases with size of the bank. The values of the Pearson´s correlation coefficient showed mixed results: the links between profitability and liquidity ratios differ among individual groups of banks
The Effect of CaO Addition on Mechanical Properties of Ceramic Tiles
Stoneware clay, fired clay (as a grog), calcite waste and class C fly ash in various mixing rations were the basic raw materials for the mixture for production of dry pressed ceramic tiles. Mechanical properties (water absorption, bulk density, apparent porosity, flexural strength) as well as mineralogical composition were studied on samples with different source of calcium oxide after firing at 900, 1000, 1100 and 1200°C. It was found that samples with addition of calcite waste contain dmisteinbergit and anorthite. This minerals help to improve the strength of the body and reduce porosity fired at lower temperatures. Class C fly ash has not significantly influence on properties of the fired body as calcite waste
Development of Thermal Insulation Materials Based on Silicate Using Non-Traditional Binders and Fillers
When insulation and rehabilitation of structures is important to use quality building materials with high utility value. One potentially interesting and promising groups of construction materials in this area are advanced, thermally insulating plaster silicate based. With the present trend reduction of energy consumption of building structures and reducing CO2 emissions to be developed capillary-active materials that are characterized by their low density, low thermal conductivity while maintaining good mechanical properties. The paper describes the results of research activities aimed at the development of thermal insulating and rehabilitation material ongoing at the Technical University in Brno, Faculty of Civil Engineering. The achieved results of this development will be the basis for subsequent experimental analysis of the influence of thermal and moisture loads developed on these materials