11 research outputs found

    The impact of type 1 diabetes on the development of the craniofacial mineralised tissues (bones and teeth): literature review

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      Background: There are many reports on the impact of diabetes on periodontium as well as the state of organs in diabetics; however, there is little research on the impact of the disease on morphological and anatomical changes in the mineralised tissues like teeth and craniofacial bones. The aim of this study was to present a review of literature on morphological and anatomical changes of mineralised tissues in the course of type 1 diabetes. Materials and methods: A review of PubMed database was made using the keywords: morphological changes, anatomical changes, enamel hypoplasia, type 1 diabetes, induced diabetes and the names of individual anatomical and morphological structures of the teeth. Results: The analysis of experimental studies have shown that in induced type 1 diabetes in rats there is a substantial reduction in the thickness of the enamel and dentin, compared with the control group. The changes in the content of indivi­dual minerals in the tissues of the tooth have been shown — a decrease in the concentration of calcium and fluoride ions and an increase in the concentration of magnesium. In a study conducted on embryos of rats born of diabetic dams, defects were observed in enamel organ, which can cause delayed enamel hypo­plasia. Literature analysis revealed morphological disorders also in some clinical cases of patients with type 1 diabetes. Conclusions: Type 1 diabetes mellitus as a metabolic disorder may affect changes in the structure of mineralised tissues, thereby increasing their susceptibility to caries development and orthognathic disorders

    Subjective rating of fatigue

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    lspitivalo se kako varira osjećaj umora u funkciji trajanja statičnog napora. Ispitanici su nakon statičnog napora različitog trajanja (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 i 180 sek) procjenjivali svoj stupanj umora na neograničenoj skali bez zadanog standarda. Na završetku ispitivanja na istim ispitanicima izvršeno je snimanje sumiranog EMG-a četiri aktivne mišićne skupine u toku od 180 sek jednakog statičnog napora. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da subjektivne procjene umora u funkciji trajanja statičnog napora variraju u obliku blage sigmoidalne krivulje. Izgleda, kao da u početku statičnog napora ispitanici još ne osjećaju umor, dok kod najdužih statičnih napora do usporenja porasta osjećaja umora u funkciji trajanja statičnog napora dolazi zbog svojevrsnog artefakta. Čini se kao da ispitanici u toku pokusa i nehotice fiksiraju gornju granicu svojih procjena, što dovodi do nužnog smanjenja procjena što se više toj granici približuju. Zbog toga se može samo srednji dio prosječne krivulje izraziti potencijalnom funkcijom Ψ =0,0048 (φ - 30")1, 54, gdje je Ψ subjektivna veličina umora, trajanje statičnog napora, a 30" predstavlja zamišljenu liminalnu vrijednost osjećaja umora. Krivulja prosječnog sumiranog EMG-a ima sličan tok kao i prosječna procjena osjećaja umora u funkciji trajanja statičnog napora i može se izraziti analognom formulom EMG = 0,0051 (φ - 30")1, 51. Naprotiv, među individualnim krivuljama pojedinih ispitanika nema nekog jasnog. slaganja. Individualne krivulje sumiranog EMG-a pojedinih ispitanika jednako se toliko međusobno razlikuju koliko krivulje subjektivnih procjena umora.After static efforts of various duration (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 sec.) subjects rated the degree of their feeling of fatigue on an unlimited scale without a given standard. On the same subjects were recorded, during static effort, the summed EMG of four active muscle groups. The results obtained showed that subjective ratings of fatigue in the function of duration of the static effort vary in the form of a mild sigmoid curve. The medium section of the average curve can be expressed by a potential function Ψ = 0,0048 (φ - 30")1, 54 where Ψ stands for the subjective degree of fatigue, φ for duration of the static effort and 30" represents presumed liminal value of the feeling of fatigue. The curve of the average summed EMG is very similar to that of the average rating of the feeling of fatigue in the function of duration of the static effort and can be expressed as EMG = 0,0051 (φ - 30")1, 51. Individual curves of the summed EMG differ to the same extent as the individual curves of subjective ratings of fatigue

    Subjective rating of fatigue

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    lspitivalo se kako varira osjećaj umora u funkciji trajanja statičnog napora. Ispitanici su nakon statičnog napora različitog trajanja (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 i 180 sek) procjenjivali svoj stupanj umora na neograničenoj skali bez zadanog standarda. Na završetku ispitivanja na istim ispitanicima izvršeno je snimanje sumiranog EMG-a četiri aktivne mišićne skupine u toku od 180 sek jednakog statičnog napora. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da subjektivne procjene umora u funkciji trajanja statičnog napora variraju u obliku blage sigmoidalne krivulje. Izgleda, kao da u početku statičnog napora ispitanici još ne osjećaju umor, dok kod najdužih statičnih napora do usporenja porasta osjećaja umora u funkciji trajanja statičnog napora dolazi zbog svojevrsnog artefakta. Čini se kao da ispitanici u toku pokusa i nehotice fiksiraju gornju granicu svojih procjena, što dovodi do nužnog smanjenja procjena što se više toj granici približuju. Zbog toga se može samo srednji dio prosječne krivulje izraziti potencijalnom funkcijom Ψ =0,0048 (φ - 30")1, 54, gdje je Ψ subjektivna veličina umora, trajanje statičnog napora, a 30" predstavlja zamišljenu liminalnu vrijednost osjećaja umora. Krivulja prosječnog sumiranog EMG-a ima sličan tok kao i prosječna procjena osjećaja umora u funkciji trajanja statičnog napora i može se izraziti analognom formulom EMG = 0,0051 (φ - 30")1, 51. Naprotiv, među individualnim krivuljama pojedinih ispitanika nema nekog jasnog. slaganja. Individualne krivulje sumiranog EMG-a pojedinih ispitanika jednako se toliko međusobno razlikuju koliko krivulje subjektivnih procjena umora.After static efforts of various duration (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 sec.) subjects rated the degree of their feeling of fatigue on an unlimited scale without a given standard. On the same subjects were recorded, during static effort, the summed EMG of four active muscle groups. The results obtained showed that subjective ratings of fatigue in the function of duration of the static effort vary in the form of a mild sigmoid curve. The medium section of the average curve can be expressed by a potential function Ψ = 0,0048 (φ - 30")1, 54 where Ψ stands for the subjective degree of fatigue, φ for duration of the static effort and 30" represents presumed liminal value of the feeling of fatigue. The curve of the average summed EMG is very similar to that of the average rating of the feeling of fatigue in the function of duration of the static effort and can be expressed as EMG = 0,0051 (φ - 30")1, 51. Individual curves of the summed EMG differ to the same extent as the individual curves of subjective ratings of fatigue