5 research outputs found
The Supreme Court and Federal Prosecution of State and Local Government Corruption
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'M. E. Sharpe Inc.'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Republican Party-Building and Anti-Tax Policies
- Author
- Andrea Campbell
- Appendix
- Barbara Sinclair
- Barbara Vobejda
- Bob Woodward
- C Eugene Steuerle
- David Sears
- David Stockman
- Eric Patashnik
- Eric Weiss
- Frank Baumgartner
- Frank Porter
- Gene Smiley
- Henry Speech
- J Douglas Memo
- James Savage
- Jane Quinn
- Jeffrey Birnbaum
- Jerry Tempalski
- John Goldsmith
- John T Woolley
- John W Ellwood
- Jude Wanniski
- Keith T Poole
- Keith T Poole
- Larry Bartels
- Laura Blessing
- Michael J Graetz
- Office
- Peter R Orszag
- R Arnold
- Richard Fleisher
- Richard Stevenson
- Robert Pear
- Roscoe Drummond
- Sean M Theriault
- Sean M Theriault
- Sheldon Pollack
- Steven Roberts
- The Baltimore Sun
- W Brownlee
- Walter Memo
- Walter Memorandum
- William Greider
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Talking Past Each other about Sexual Harassment: An Exploration of Frames for Understanding
- Author
- Alter J.
- Altheide D.L.
- Ball-Rokeach S.J.
- Bart P.B.
- Bateson G.
- Brock D.
- Carlson M.
- Chafe W.
- Chamallas M.
- Cohen R.
- DeArmond M.
- Dowd M.
- Ehrenreich B.
- Foster C.
- Goffman E.
- Goodman W.
- Graham D.L.
- Greenfield M.
- Henley N.
- Henneberger M.
- Kilborn P.
- Kilpatrick J.
- Kramer M.
- Kramerae C.
- Lacayo R.
- MacKinnon C.
- Marton Kati
- Masters K.
- Mauro T.
- Mayer J.
- Packwood R.
- Ptacek J.
- Redden J.
- Romero C.
- Schaff A.
- Slade M.
- Stanko E.
- Talbott S.
- Tannen D.
- Till F.
- Tipton E.C.
- Trilling D.
- Vobejda Barbara
- Will G.F.
- Williams R.M.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Combining historic preservation and income class integration: A case study of the butchers hill neighborhood of Baltimore
- Author
- Abramson Alan J.
- Anderson Elijah
- Beaumont Constance
- Beauregard Robert A.
- Brambilla Robert
- Brophy Paul C.
- Calavita Nico
- Calthorpe Peter
- Carson Larry
- Cassidy Robert
- Ceraso Karen
- Clay Phillip
- Cunningham James V.
- Delvac William F.
- Downs Anthony
- Duff Charles
- Fisher Robert
- Gasser William
- Glickman Norman J.
- Havemann Judith
- Hyatt Betty
- Jackson Kenneth T.
- Kasarda John D.
- Katz Peter
- Keister Kim.
- Kuttner Robert
- Lane Vincent
- Langdon Philip
- LeGates Richard T.
- Leith‐Tetrault John
- Lemann Nicholas
- Lipton Eric
- MacRostie William G.
- MacRostie William G.
- McNeely Joseph
- Nyden Philip
- Olson Sherry H.
- Rosenbaum James E.
- Schwartz Alex
- Smith Neil
- Stegman Michael A.
- Suchman Diane R.
- Terry Don
- Vobejda Barbara
- Wallace James E.
- Warner Sam Bass
- Weschler Stuart
- Williams Peter
- Wilson William J.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Targeting the suburban urbanites: Marketing central‐city housing
- Author
- Abbott Carl
- Bailey John T.
- Beale Calvin
- Berry Brian J. L.
- Black Thomas J.
- Burchell Robert
- Calthorpe Peter
- Claritas Inc.
- Claritas Inc.
- Cohn D'Vera
- Cromartie John
- Downs Anthony
- Downs Anthony
- El Nasser Haya.
- Feagin Joe R.
- Fishman Robert
- Fitts Michael D.
- Fitzsimmons James D.
- Fulton William
- Glaab Charles M.
- Gordon Peter
- Greenberg Michael
- Hayward Steven F.
- Hughes James W.
- Hughes James W.
- Jackson Kenneth T.
- Joint Center for Housing Studies
- Karp David
- Kasarda John D.
- Kasarda John D.
- Katz Peter
- Kearns Gerry
- Kotler Philip
- Lang Robert E.
- Lang Robert E.
- Lang Robert E.
- Larson Jan
- Lemann Nicholas
- Lewis Peirce
- Marcuse Peter
- Miller David R.
- Neal Terry M.
- Neill William J. V.
- Office of Management and Budget
- Orfield Myron
- Porter Michael
- Porter Michael
- Prendergast Todd R.
- Reps John
- Roberts Roxanne
- Rusk David
- Salant Katherine
- Smith Neil
- Smith Neil
- Smyth Hedley
- Squires Gregory D.
- Suchman Diane R.
- The Community's Pulse
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- U.S. Bureau of the Census
- Urban Land Institute
- Urban Land Institute
- Varady David P.
- Varady David P.
- Vobejda Barbara
- Ward Stephen V.
- Washington DC Board of Education
- Weiss Michael J.
- Weiss Michael J.
- Whyte William H.
- Woodyard Chris
- Zimmerman Todd
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study