51 research outputs found

    Methodiek voor korte-termijn arbeidsmarktprognoses op basis van een stromenmodel

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    Dit werkdocument maakt deel uit van het Project Onderwijs-Arbeidsmarkt (POA). Dit project wordt gefinancierd door het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, Arbeidsvoorziening Facilitair Bedrijf, het LDC Expertisecentrum voor Loopbaanvraagstukken en het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. In toenemende mate bestaat er behoefte aan arbeidsmarktprognoses voor de korte termijn. In dit werkdocument vindt een verkenning plaats van de informatie die dergelijke prognoses op moeten leveren. Daarnaast wordt een methodiek gepresenteerd die gebruikt zal worden om kortetermijnprognoses te genereren.education, training and the labour market;

    De inzet van niet-direct inzetbaar arbeidsaanbod bij knelpunten op de arbeidsmarkt

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    Dit werkdocument maakt deel uit van het Project Onderwijs-Arbeidsmarkt (POA). Dit project wordt gefinancierd door het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, Arbeidsvoorziening Facilitair Bedrijf, het LDC Expertisecentrum voor Loopbaanvraagstukken en het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuurbeheer en Visserij. De komende jaren wordt voor een groot aantal opleidingen knelpunten in de personeelsvoorziening verwacht. Om deze tekorten het hoofd te kunnen bieden is het belangrijk dat werkgevers in toenemende mate op zoek gaan naar additioneel arbeidsaanbod vanuit groepen die op dit moment niet actief zijn op de arbeidsmarkt. Het is daarbij van belang om inzicht te hebben in hoeverre uit deze groepen mensen kunnen worden geworven, die ingezet kunnen worden om deze tekorten te verminderen. Dergelijke arbeidsmarktinformatie is vooralsnog in beperkte mate voorhanden. In dit werkdocument wordt getracht een overzicht te geven van de mogelijkheden om dit arbeidspotentieel aan te wenden en van de mogelijke processen die hierbij een rol kunnen spelen.education, training and the labour market;

    Personalized web-based advice in combination with well-child visits to prevent overweight in young children: Cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Overweight is a major health issue, and parent-targeted interventions to promote healthy development in children are needed. Objective: The study aimed to evaluate E-health4Uth Healthy Toddler, an intervention that educates parents of children aged 18 to 24 months regarding health-related behaviors, as compared with usual care. The effect of this intervention on the following primary outcomes was evaluated when the children were 36 months of age: health-related behaviors (breakfast daily, activity and outside play, sweetened beverage consumption, television (TV) viewing and computer time), body mass index (BMI), and the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Methods: The BeeBOFT (acronym for breastfeeding, breakfast daily, outside playing, few sweet drinks, less TV viewing) study is a cluster randomized controlled trial involving 51 Youth Health Care (YHC) teams. In total, 1094 parents participated in the control group, and 1008 parents participated in the E-health4Uth Healthy Toddler intervention group. The intervention consisted of Web-based personalized advice given to parents who completed an eHealth module and discussion of the advice during a regular well-child visit. In this study the eHealth module was offered to parents before two regular well-child visits at 18 and 24 months of age. During the well-child visits, the parents’ personalized advice was combined with face-to-face counseling provided by the YHC professional. Parents in the control group received usual care, consisting of the regular well-child visits during which general information on child health-related behavior was provided to parents. Parents completed questionnaires regarding family characteristics and health-related behaviors when the child was 1 month (inclusion), 6 months, 14 months, and 36 months (follow-up) of age. The child’s height and weight were measured by trained health care professionals from birth through 36 months of age at fixed time points. Multilevel linear and logistic regression models were used to evaluate the primary outcomes at 36 months of age. Results: At 36 months, we observed no differences between health-related behaviors of children, BMI or the percentage of children having overweight or obesity in the control and intervention group (P>.05). An analysis of the intervention effect revealed that boys benefited from eating breakfast daily, non-Dutch children spent more time being active or playing outdoors, children of low-educated parents and of overweight and obese mothers spent less time watc

    Tailored communication methods as key to implementation of evidence-based solutions in primary child health care.

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    Background: Evidence-based policies should underpin successful implementation of innovations within child health care. The EU-funded Models of Child Health Appraised project enabled research into effective methods to communicate research evidence. The objective of this study was to identify and categorize methods to communicate evidence-based research recommendations and means to tailor this to stakeholder audiences. Methods: We conducted an online survey among national stakeholders in child health. Analysis of the most effective strategies to communicate research evidence and reach the target audience was carried out in order to ensure implementation of optimal child health care models at a national level. Results: Representatives of stakeholders from 21 of the then 30 EU MS and EEA countries responded to the questionnaire. Three main approaches in defining the strategies for effective communication of research recommendations were observed, namely: dissemination of information, involvement of stakeholders and active attitude towards change expressed in actions. The target audience for communicating recommendations was divided int
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