44 research outputs found

    Crystallisation of magmatic topaz and implications for Nb-Ta-W mineralisation in F-rich silicic melts - The Ary-Bulak ongonite massif

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    Textural, mineralogical and geochemical data on F-rich rhyolite (ongonite) from the Ary-Bulak massif of eastern Transbaikalia help constrain the formation of magmatic topaz. In these rocks, topaz occurs as phenocrysts, thus providing compelling evidence for crystallisation at the orthomagmatic stage. Cathodoluminescence images of topaz and quartz reveal growth textures with multiple truncation events in single grains, indicative of a dynamic system that shifted from saturated to undersaturated conditions with respect to topaz and quartz. Electron microprobe and Raman analyses of topaz indicate near-pure F composition [Al2SiO4F2], with very limited OH replacement. Laser ablation ICP-MS traverses revealed the presence of a large number of trace elements present at sub-ppm to hundreds of ppm levels. The chemical zoning of topaz records trace element fluctuations in the coexisting melt. Concentrations of some trace elements (Li, Ga, Nb, Ta and W) are correlated with cathodoluminescence intensity, thus suggesting that some of these elements act as CL activators in topaz.The study of melt inclusions indicates that melts with different F contents were trapped at different stages during formation of quartz and topaz phenocrysts, respectively. Electron microprobe analyses of glass in subhedral quartz-hosted melt inclusions indicate F ≤ 1.2 wt.%, whereas irregular-shaped melt inclusions hosted in both topaz and quartz have F ≤ 9 wt.%. Cryolithionite [Na3Li3Al2F12] coexists with glass in irregular inclusions, implying high Li contents in the melt. The very high F contents would have increased the solubility of Nb, Ta and W in the melt, thus allowing progressive concentration of these elements during magma evolution. Crystallisation of Nb–Ta–W-oxides (W-ixiolite and tantalite–columbite) may have been triggered by separation of cryolithionite, which would have caused F and Li depletion and consequent drop in the solubility of these elements

    Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y reconstruction in a patient with afferent loop syndrome and peptic ulcers of gastroenteroanastomosis - A first experience

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    This paper is devoted to the description of a currently rare clinical observation of the surgical treatment of a patient with postgastroresection syndrome (afferent loop syndrome and peptic ulcers of gastroenteroanastomosis) - resection of the stomach stump with laparoscopic Roux-en-Y reconstructio


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    We have studied variations in the structure and composition of minerals from the pipes of the Yakutian kimberlite province (YKP) in different mantle terranes of the Siberian craton. The study was based on an extensive database, including the microprobe analysis datasets consolidated by IGM, IG, IEC and IGDNM SB RAS and ALROSA and geochemical analysis of minerals performed by LA‐ICP‐MS (Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry). The reconstruction shows layering under the tubes, including 6–7 slab that were probably formed due to subduction; the slabs are separated by pyroxenitic, eclogitic and metasomatic layers and dunite lenses. Transects and mantle profiles across kimberlite fields are constructed. Within the limits of the revealed tectonic terranes, we assume a collage of microplates formed in the early – middle Archean. Extended submeridional structures of the tectonic terranes are not always confirmed at the mantle level. Beneath the Anabar and Aldan shields, the mantle sections show more coarse layers and 3–4 large horizons of dunites with garnet and pyroxene nests separated by ilmenite‐ phlogopite metasomatites and pyroxenites. Terranes representing the suture zones between the protocratons (e.g. Khapchan) are often saturated with eclogites and pyroxenites that may occur as leghthy ascending bodies of magmatic eclogites penetrating through the mantle lithosphere structure (ML). A nearly ubiquitous pyroxenite layer at the level of 3.5–4.5 GPa formed probably in the early Archean with a high heat flux during melting of eclogites and was subsequently traced by plume melts. Within the early Archean protocratons – granite‐greenstone terranes (Tungus, Markha, Berekta, and Sharyzhalgai, ~3.8–3.0 Gyr [Gladkochub et al., 2019], the mantle lithosphere is less depleted and largely metasomatized. The ML structure of the Daldyn and Magan granulite‐orthogneiss terranes is layered with folding revealed in the north‐to‐south sections from the Udachnaya pipe to the Krasnopresnenskaya pipe, which is less pronounced in the latitudinal direction. From the Daldyn field to the Alakit field, there is an increase in the degree of metasomatism, and higher alkalinity of pyroxenes and larger amounts of phlogopite are noted. The most productive Aikhal and Yubileinaya pipes are confined to a dunite core, which is accompanied by a change in the specialization of high‐charge elements Ta‐Nb to Zr‐Hf. Within the limits of the Magan terrane, the thin‐layer structure of the middle and upper parts of the craton keel is replaced with a sharply depleted productive horizon at its base. The mantle of the granite‐greenstone Markha terrrein comprises eclogite (often pelitic) horizons, which suggests subduction of the continental lithosphere or sediments. In the central and northern parts of the Siberian craton, most structures in the mantle are sinking to the west at small angles. The geochemistry features of garnets and pyroxenes from various mantle terranes are considered in detail.Вариации структуры и состава минералов из трубок Якутской кимберлитовой провинции (ЯКП) разных мантийных террейнов Сибирского кратона изучены с использованием обширной базы данных микрозондовых анализов минералов коллектива авторов (ИГМ, ИГХ, ИЗК и ИГБМ СО РАН и «АЛРОСА»), а также геохимических анализов минералов, выполненных методом индуктивно связанной масс‐спектрометрии c лазерной абляцией. Реконструирована слоистость под трубками, образованная 6– пластинами вероятного субдукционного генезиса, разделенными пироксенитовыми, эклогитовыми, метасоматическими горизонтами и линзами дунитов. Построены мантийные разрезы через кимберлитовые поля и протяженные трансекты. В пределах установленных тектонических террейнов предполагается коллаж из микроплит, возникших в раннем –среднем архее, а протяженные субмеридиональные структуры тектонических террейнов не всегда подтверждаются на мантийном уровне. Под Анабарским и Алданским щитами мантийные разрезы более грубослоисты и состоят из 3– крупных горизонтов дунитов с гнездами граната и пироксенов, разделенных ильменит‐флогопитовыми метасоматитами и пироксенитами. Террейны, представляющие шовные зоны между протократонами, как Хапчанский, часто насыщены эклогитами и пироксенитами, которые могут быть протяженными восходящими телами магматических эклогитов, прорывающих структуру мантийной лито‐ сферы (МЛ). Почти повсеместный пироксенитовый слой на уровне 3.5–.5 ГПа, вероятно, возник в раннем архее при высоком тепловом потоке при плавлении эклогитов и в дальнейшем трассировался плюмовыми расплавами. В пределах раннеархейских протократонов: гранит‐зеленокаменных террейнов –Тунгусского, Мархинского, Беректинского, Шарыжалгайского –с возрастом ~3.8–.0 млрд лет [Gladkochub et al., 2019] ман‐ тийная литосфера менее истощена и часто метасоматизирована. Далдынский и Маганский гранулит‐орто‐ гнейсовый террейны имеют слоистую структуру МЛ со складчатостью, проявленной в разрезах с севера на юг от тр. Удачной до тр. Краснопресненской и менее выраженной в широтном направлении. От Далдынского до Алакитского поля растет степень метасоматоза, щелочность пироксенов и количество флогопита. Наиболее продуктивные трубки Айхал и Юбилейная приурочены к дунитовому ядру, что сопровождается сменой специализации высокозарядных элементов Ta‐Nb на Zr‐Hf. В пределах Маганского террейна тонкослоистая структура средней и верхней части киля кратона сменяется резко истощенным продуктивным горизонтом в его основании. Мантия гранит‐зеленокаменного Мархинского террейна содержит горизонты эклогитов (часто пелитового типа), предполагающих субдукцию континентальной литосферы или осадков. В центральной и северной части Сибирского кратона в мантии преобладают структуры погружения на запад с небольшим углом. Рассмотрены особенности геохимии гранатов и пироксенов различных мантийных террейнов

    Justification of Technical System Control in Developing and Testing Objects of Missile and Space Technology

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    Tests in general lifecycle of missile and space technology, play a special role. The high cost of such products and a little time for creation and refinement, allow only a limited number of tests. Justification of the appropriate number of tests and finding the ways to reduce it are important from the practical point of view.When the appropriate number of field tests is impossible to implement, as well as if full or partial realization of the sample operation conditions is impossible the authors propose to use software with the involvement of previously obtained aprioristic information to have the modeling results of the functioning sample or its parts, according to the reliability and quality standards.Involvement of statistical methods for systems and objects of the missile and space equipment is limited to the single number of the carried-out tests. Currently used models and methods for systems of missile and barreled weapon do not allow us to conduct analysis and provide guidance on emerging issues of concern to ensure the quality and reliability of objects of the missile and space equipment by results of tests.The method of probabilistic and statistical analysis of the stochastic system operability is supposed to be used to solve a problem of the planning tests, assessment and control of reliability of technical systems at tests using aprioristic calculated and experimental information. This method makes it possible to relate the number of tests, required to prove the desirable level of reliability, to different types of constructional, functional, structural reserves of the system, as well as the level of information-and-measuring base and the completeness of available information.Thus, the structure of controlled elements, their importance, and acceptance conditions including elaboration of actions and recommendations to eliminate discrepancies in controlled parameters and improve quality of the considered system are justified and formed when solving a problem of the planning tests.</p

    Sr, Nd, C and O isotope characteristics of Siberian carbonatites

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    Refinement of the Crystal Structure of Vlasovite from Burpala Massif (Russia)

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    Abstract: The structural model and chemical composition of vlasovite from the Burpala massif (Russia) have been determined using X-ray diffraction methods and electron probe microanalysis. The crystal structure has been refined in the sp. gr. Cc to R = 1.4% (R w = 1.8%) with the following unit-cell parameters: a = 11.0396(3) Å, b = 10.1042(2) Å, c = 8.5696(2) Å, β = 100.307(1)°, V = 940.48(4) Å 3 , and Z = 4