122 research outputs found

    Multi-Task Learning as Multi-Objective Optimization

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    In multi-task learning, multiple tasks are solved jointly, sharing inductive bias between them. Multi-task learning is inherently a multi-objective problem because different tasks may conflict, necessitating a trade-off. A common compromise is to optimize a proxy objective that minimizes a weighted linear combination of per-task losses. However, this workaround is only valid when the tasks do not compete, which is rarely the case. In this paper, we explicitly cast multi-task learning as multi-objective optimization, with the overall objective of finding a Pareto optimal solution. To this end, we use algorithms developed in the gradient-based multi-objective optimization literature. These algorithms are not directly applicable to large-scale learning problems since they scale poorly with the dimensionality of the gradients and the number of tasks. We therefore propose an upper bound for the multi-objective loss and show that it can be optimized efficiently. We further prove that optimizing this upper bound yields a Pareto optimal solution under realistic assumptions. We apply our method to a variety of multi-task deep learning problems including digit classification, scene understanding (joint semantic segmentation, instance segmentation, and depth estimation), and multi-label classification. Our method produces higher-performing models than recent multi-task learning formulations or per-task training.Comment: In Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 201

    Multi-Scale Context Aggregation by Dilated Convolutions

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    State-of-the-art models for semantic segmentation are based on adaptations of convolutional networks that had originally been designed for image classification. However, dense prediction and image classification are structurally different. In this work, we develop a new convolutional network module that is specifically designed for dense prediction. The presented module uses dilated convolutions to systematically aggregate multi-scale contextual information without losing resolution. The architecture is based on the fact that dilated convolutions support exponential expansion of the receptive field without loss of resolution or coverage. We show that the presented context module increases the accuracy of state-of-the-art semantic segmentation systems. In addition, we examine the adaptation of image classification networks to dense prediction and show that simplifying the adapted network can increase accuracy.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Direct Sparse Odometry

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    We propose a novel direct sparse visual odometry formulation. It combines a fully direct probabilistic model (minimizing a photometric error) with consistent, joint optimization of all model parameters, including geometry -- represented as inverse depth in a reference frame -- and camera motion. This is achieved in real time by omitting the smoothness prior used in other direct methods and instead sampling pixels evenly throughout the images. Since our method does not depend on keypoint detectors or descriptors, it can naturally sample pixels from across all image regions that have intensity gradient, including edges or smooth intensity variations on mostly white walls. The proposed model integrates a full photometric calibration, accounting for exposure time, lens vignetting, and non-linear response functions. We thoroughly evaluate our method on three different datasets comprising several hours of video. The experiments show that the presented approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art direct and indirect methods in a variety of real-world settings, both in terms of tracking accuracy and robustness.Comment: ** Corrected a bug which caused the real-time results for ORB-SLAM (dashed lines in Fig. 10 and 12) to be much worse than they should be ** Added references [12], [13],[19], and Fig. 11. ** Partly re-formulated and extended [5. Conclusion]. ** Fixed typos and minor re-formulation

    Semi-parametric Topological Memory for Navigation

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    We introduce a new memory architecture for navigation in previously unseen environments, inspired by landmark-based navigation in animals. The proposed semi-parametric topological memory (SPTM) consists of a (non-parametric) graph with nodes corresponding to locations in the environment and a (parametric) deep network capable of retrieving nodes from the graph based on observations. The graph stores no metric information, only connectivity of locations corresponding to the nodes. We use SPTM as a planning module in a navigation system. Given only 5 minutes of footage of a previously unseen maze, an SPTM-based navigation agent can build a topological map of the environment and use it to confidently navigate towards goals. The average success rate of the SPTM agent in goal-directed navigation across test environments is higher than the best-performing baseline by a factor of three. A video of the agent is available at https://youtu.be/vRF7f4lhswoComment: Published at International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2018. Project website at https://sites.google.com/view/SPT

    Does computer vision matter for action?

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    Computer vision produces representations of scene content. Much computer vision research is predicated on the assumption that these intermediate representations are useful for action. Recent work at the intersection of machine learning and robotics calls this assumption into question by training sensorimotor systems directly for the task at hand, from pixels to actions, with no explicit intermediate representations. Thus the central question of our work: Does computer vision matter for action? We probe this question and its offshoots via immersive simulation, which allows us to conduct controlled reproducible experiments at scale. We instrument immersive three-dimensional environments to simulate challenges such as urban driving, off-road trail traversal, and battle. Our main finding is that computer vision does matter. Models equipped with intermediate representations train faster, achieve higher task performance, and generalize better to previously unseen environments. A video that summarizes the work and illustrates the results can be found at https://youtu.be/4MfWa2yZ0JcComment: Published in Science Robotics, 4(30), May 201

    Learning to Inpaint for Image Compression

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    We study the design of deep architectures for lossy image compression. We present two architectural recipes in the context of multi-stage progressive encoders and empirically demonstrate their importance on compression performance. Specifically, we show that: (a) predicting the original image data from residuals in a multi-stage progressive architecture facilitates learning and leads to improved performance at approximating the original content and (b) learning to inpaint (from neighboring image pixels) before performing compression reduces the amount of information that must be stored to achieve a high-quality approximation. Incorporating these design choices in a baseline progressive encoder yields an average reduction of over 60%60\% in file size with similar quality compared to the original residual encoder.Comment: Published in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017

    OpenBot: Turning Smartphones into Robots

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    Current robots are either expensive or make significant compromises on sensory richness, computational power, and communication capabilities. We propose to leverage smartphones to equip robots with extensive sensor suites, powerful computational abilities, state-of-the-art communication channels, and access to a thriving software ecosystem. We design a small electric vehicle that costs $50 and serves as a robot body for standard Android smartphones. We develop a software stack that allows smartphones to use this body for mobile operation and demonstrate that the system is sufficiently powerful to support advanced robotics workloads such as person following and real-time autonomous navigation in unstructured environments. Controlled experiments demonstrate that the presented approach is robust across different smartphones and robot bodies. A video of our work is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc8hFLyWDO

    Free View Synthesis

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    We present a method for novel view synthesis from input images that are freely distributed around a scene. Our method does not rely on a regular arrangement of input views, can synthesize images for free camera movement through the scene, and works for general scenes with unconstrained geometric layouts. We calibrate the input images via SfM and erect a coarse geometric scaffold via MVS. This scaffold is used to create a proxy depth map for a novel view of the scene. Based on this depth map, a recurrent encoder-decoder network processes reprojected features from nearby views and synthesizes the new view. Our network does not need to be optimized for a given scene. After training on a dataset, it works in previously unseen environments with no fine-tuning or per-scene optimization. We evaluate the presented approach on challenging real-world datasets, including Tanks and Temples, where we demonstrate successful view synthesis for the first time and substantially outperform prior and concurrent work.Comment: published at ECCV 2020, https://youtu.be/JDJPn3ZtfZ

    Stable View Synthesis

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    We present Stable View Synthesis (SVS). Given a set of source images depicting a scene from freely distributed viewpoints, SVS synthesizes new views of the scene. The method operates on a geometric scaffold computed via structure-from-motion and multi-view stereo. Each point on this 3D scaffold is associated with view rays and corresponding feature vectors that encode the appearance of this point in the input images. The core of SVS is view-dependent on-surface feature aggregation, in which directional feature vectors at each 3D point are processed to produce a new feature vector for a ray that maps this point into the new target view. The target view is then rendered by a convolutional network from a tensor of features synthesized in this way for all pixels. The method is composed of differentiable modules and is trained end-to-end. It supports spatially-varying view-dependent importance weighting and feature transformation of source images at each point; spatial and temporal stability due to the smooth dependence of on-surface feature aggregation on the target view; and synthesis of view-dependent effects such as specular reflection. Experimental results demonstrate that SVS outperforms state-of-the-art view synthesis methods both quantitatively and qualitatively on three diverse real-world datasets, achieving unprecedented levels of realism in free-viewpoint video of challenging large-scale scenes.Comment: https://youtu.be/gqgXIY09ht

    Learning to Guide Random Search

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    We are interested in derivative-free optimization of high-dimensional functions. The sample complexity of existing methods is high and depends on problem dimensionality, unlike the dimensionality-independent rates of first-order methods. The recent success of deep learning suggests that many datasets lie on low-dimensional manifolds that can be represented by deep nonlinear models. We therefore consider derivative-free optimization of a high-dimensional function that lies on a latent low-dimensional manifold. We develop an online learning approach that learns this manifold while performing the optimization. In other words, we jointly learn the manifold and optimize the function. Our analysis suggests that the presented method significantly reduces sample complexity. We empirically evaluate the method on continuous optimization benchmarks and high-dimensional continuous control problems. Our method achieves significantly lower sample complexity than Augmented Random Search, Bayesian optimization, covariance matrix adaptation (CMA-ES), and other derivative-free optimization algorithms.Comment: Published at ICLR 2020, Code is available at: https://github.com/intel-isl/LMR
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