15 research outputs found

    Ulcus cruris: ethiopathogenesis

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    Ulcus cruris je najčeŔće uzrokovan insuficijencijom venskoga krvotoka, arterijskom insuficijencijom, neuropatijama (obično dijabetičnim), ili kombinacijom svih ovih čimbenika. Liječenje ovih rana često je veliki problem. Osim Å”to je skupo, udruženo je i s velikim gubitkom radnoga kapaciteta. U ovom članku autori su opisali patogenezu i kliničku sliku ulcus crurisa.Leg ulcers are most frequentli caused by venous insufficiency, arterial insufficiency, neuropathy (usually diabetic) or a combination ot those factors. The treatment of leg ulcers is a common and sometimes difficult problem. They can be costly to treat and are associated with a loss of working capacity. The pathogenesis and clinical features of leg ulcers are emphasized in this review

    Ulcus cruris: ethiopathogenesis

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    Ulcus cruris je najčeŔće uzrokovan insuficijencijom venskoga krvotoka, arterijskom insuficijencijom, neuropatijama (obično dijabetičnim), ili kombinacijom svih ovih čimbenika. Liječenje ovih rana često je veliki problem. Osim Å”to je skupo, udruženo je i s velikim gubitkom radnoga kapaciteta. U ovom članku autori su opisali patogenezu i kliničku sliku ulcus crurisa.Leg ulcers are most frequentli caused by venous insufficiency, arterial insufficiency, neuropathy (usually diabetic) or a combination ot those factors. The treatment of leg ulcers is a common and sometimes difficult problem. They can be costly to treat and are associated with a loss of working capacity. The pathogenesis and clinical features of leg ulcers are emphasized in this review

    Trigger Factors in Childhood Psoriasis and Vitiligo

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    Psoriasis and vitiligo are very common skin disorders that may have a profound impact upon the affected individuals; the etiology of both diseases includes genetic factors and triggers, which could be endogenous or exogenous. Two groups of children population consisting of 153 patients suffering from skin disorder (65 with vitiligo and 88 with psoriasis) have been examined at the Department of Dermatovenerology, University Hospital Osijek, during three years period. Basic methods of data collection were: questionnaire, clinically examination and histological proven diagnosis. The aim of this investigation were to determine the most common triggers, which play a role at onset of disease among young patients with vitiligo and psoriasis, and to establish familial distribution among both groups of patients. The results of investigations showed that the onset of vitiligo was mostly connected with psychological factors (56.9%), but the most frequently trigger in childhood psoriasis was inflammatory focus (38.6%). According to morphologic patterns the authors separated two groups of patients among psoriatics: group I with plaque psoriasis, which pointed the inflammatory focus and physical trauma as trigger before onset of disease (each 25.0%) and group II with psoriasis guttata and inflammatory focus as trigger at even 62.5% cases. Familial distribution among psoriatic children was 55.6%, and among children with vitiligo only 16.9%. Ours children patients showed significantly disparity in structure of triggers according diagnosis and gender distributions and about familial occurrence. Also some difference has been established according to age of onset between psoriasis and vitiligo at early childhood

    Psoriasis vulgaris in eastern Croatia- epidemiology and "trigger" factors

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    Na području bivÅ”e općine Osijek (grad Osijek, prigradska naselja Emestinovo i SarvaÅ”), provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem da se ispita sljedeće: CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: 1) prevalencija vulgarne psorijaze na području bivÅ”e općine Osijek i najčeŔći kliničko-morfoloÅ”ki oblici; 2) obiteljska učestalost psorijaze u ispitivanome uzorku; 3) najčeŔći provocirajući "trigger" čimbenici u nastanku bolesti; i 4) kliničkomorfoloÅ”ki tipovi psorijaze, te njihove povezanosti s provocirajućim ("trigger") čimbenicima. ISPITANICI I METODE: 1) Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno 10500 ispitanika, podijeljenih u 3 populacije, i to u gradsku sa 4025, seosku sa 3000, te u radno-aktivnu populaciju, u kojoj je bilo preostalih 3475 ispitanika. 2) Primijenjene su sljedeće metode: a) terensko istraživanje (anketa i klinički pregled), b) obrada otkrivenih bolesnika (histoloÅ”ka verifikacija bolesti, anketa otkrivenih 102 bolesnika s ciljem da se utvrde "trigger" čimbenici), statistička obrada podataka, te c) taksonomska analiza. GLAVNI REZULTATI I ZAKLJUČCI: 1) od ukupno 10500 pregledanih osoba, psorijaza je utvrđena u 102 ispitanika. Prevalencija psorijaze u području bivÅ”e općine Osijek iznosi: za gradsku populaciju 1,09%; za seosku populaciju 0,63%; te za radnoaktivnu populaciju 1,12 %. U sve tri populacije zajedno utvrđena je prevalencija vulgarne psorijaze od 0,97%. NajčeŔći kliničkomorfoloÅ”ki oblici psorijaze jesu: psoriasis vulgaris nummularis (79,41% ispitanika) i psoriasis guttata (20,51% ispitanika); 2) obiteljska učestalost psorijaze iznosi 32,35%; 3) najčeŔće opaženi "trigger" čimbenici bili su psihički čimbenici (u 72,54%), upalno žariÅ”te i febrilno stanje (u 11,76%), te fizička trauma (u 10,70%); 4) na temelju taksonomske analize podataka, izdvojilo se nekoliko kliničko-epidemioloÅ”kih modela, a utvrđen je i odnos kliničko-morfoloÅ”kog tipa bolesti i provociranjućih čimbenika.The research was conducted within the area of the former Community of Osijek including the suburb settlements Emestinovo and SarvaÅ” with an aim to investigate the following points: THE AIM OF INVESTIGATION: 1) prevalence of psoriasis vulgaris in the area of the former Community of Osijek and the most frequent clinical morphological forms; 2) family frequency of psoriasis of the investigated pattern; 3) the most frequent provoking "trigger" factors in the occurrence of the disease; and 4) clinical-morphological types of psoriasis, and their relation to provoking "trigger" factors. EXAMINEES AND METHODS: Examinees. Investigation has been carried out on the total number of 10500 examinees, divided into 3 population groups: urban (4025), rural (3600) and employed (3475) population. Methods. The following methods have been applied: 1) investigation on the ground (questionnaire and clinical examination); 2) elaboration of the discovered cases (histologycal verification of the disease, questionnaire of 102 discovered patients with the aim to determine "trigger" factors), elaboration of the statistical data; and 3) taxonome analysis. MAIN RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS ARE THE FOLLOWING: 1) from the total number of 10500 examinees, psoriasis has been confirmed in 102 cases. The prevalence of psoriasis within the area of the former Community of Osijek accounts for: urban population 1.09%; rural population 0.63%; employed population 1.12%. The prevalence of psoriasis vulgaris in the three population groups taken together has been 0.97%. The most frequent clinical-morphological forms of psoriasis are: psoriasis vulgaris nummularis (79.41% examinees) and psoriasis guttata (21.51% examinees); 2) family frequency of psoriasis amounts to 32.35%; 3) the most frequently observed "trigger" factors have been psychological factors (72.54%), inflammatory focus and febrile state (11.76%) and physical trauma (10.70%); 4) according to taxonomic analysis of the statistical data several clinical-epidemiological model have been selected