69 research outputs found
Comparative anatomical study of the taxa from series Verni Mathew (Crocus L.) in Serbia
The comparative leaf anatomy of three Crocus L. taxa from series Verni Mathew (Crocus heuffelianus Herb., Crocus tommasinianus Herbert and Crocus kosaninii Pulević) in Serbia is introduced. The general outlook of the cross sections of the leaves was defined with microphotographs. More precisely, leaf shape, leaf surface, mesophyll parenchyma and vascular bundle features were examined. The biggest differences were found at the level of vascular bundles (xylem area, phloem area, sclerenchyma area) and leaf blade features (section height, section length, arm length, white stripe width, lacuna area). In general, listed parameters had the lowest values in C. tommasinianus population, while the highest values could be found in population of C. heuffelianus. Further investigations should be focused on discovering more localities followed by surveying the ecological factors of the habitats
Interactive Concealed Information Test: A Novel Approach to Psychophysiological Testing Supported by Artificial Intelligence
Jedan od najznačajnijih psihofizioloških testova memorije poznat je pod imenom test skrivenih informacija (CIT). Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije je unapređenje klasifikacionih rezultata CIT-a primenom sledećih inovativnih rešenja: novog algoritma za interaktivnu selekciju slajdova (ISS), uvođenjem novog psihofiziološkog mehanizma za vršenje klasičnog uslovljavanja na istinite iskaze (CtTC), kao i novog algoritma za preprocesiranje CIT datasetova. ISS algoritam prikazuje slajdove ispitaniku interaktivno, na osnovu analize prethodnog EDA signala, za razliku od dosadašnjeg principa po kojem su slajdovi bili predefinisani i prikazivani sekvencijalno u unapred definisanom redosledu. Klasično uslovljavanje na istinit sadržaj (CtTC) predstavlja novi psihofiziološki mehanizam kojim se omogućava automatski odgovor organizma u trenutku prepoznavanja istinitog sadržaja na ekranu. Ovakav odgovor nije pod voljnom kontrolom i omogućava značajno povećanje senzitivnosti i tačnosti. Tokom uslovljavanja, CtTC stvara asocijativnu memoriju između reprezentacije apstraktne istine i elektrodermalne reakcije. Tokom testiranja, CtTC funkcioniše tako što istinit sadržaj sa ekrana, preko čula vida, dolazi do asocijativne memorije, koja, preko autonomnih centara u mozgu, aktivira simpatička vlakna i elektrodermalni odgovor u koži ispitanika. Ovaj nervni put nikada do sada nije primenjen ni u jednom psihofiziološkom ispitivanju. Algoritam za preprocesiranje CIT datasetova, vrši repozicioniranje slajdova unutar dataseta tako da oni vise ne budu poređani po redosledu prikaza, već na osnovu amplituda elektrodermalnog odgovora (EDR) relevantnih i kontrolnih slajdova. Ovakvo repozicioniranje omogućava algoritmima mašinskog učenja (ML) smisleno povezivanje između supervizovanih vrednosti i vektora obeležja elektrodermalnih reakcija, tako da se, kao rezultat, dobija značajno bolja klasifikaciona metrika. U cilju provere klasifikacione metrike svakog od nabrojanih unapređenja, izvršeno je testiranje bazirano na paradigmi insceniranih kriminalnih događaja (mock-crime). Upoređivanjem klasifikacionih rezultata potvrđeno je da ISS algoritam značajno unapređuje tačnost i specifičnost pre svega smanjenjem broja lažno pozitivnih rezultata, ali i da skraćuje vreme testiranja za 5-10 puta. CtTC, sa druge strane, dovodi do značajnog povećanja tačnosti, čime se omogućava primena CIT-a čak i u slučajevima detektovanja namera i drugih stimulusa niskog nivoa značaja za ispitanika. Takođe, algoritam za preprocesiranje CIT datasetova omogućava algoritmima za mašinsko učenje da značajno unaprede svoje klasifikacione rezultate. Ukupan doprinos ove disertacije ogleda se u prikazu potpuno novih metoda koje značajno unapređuju rezultate psihofiziološkog testiranja memorije ali i u primeni nove forme klasičnog uslovljavanja i nervnog puta koji do sada nikada nije primenjen u psihofiziologiji. Svaka od predloženih metoda unapređuje postupak testiranja i, u krajnjoj liniji, dovodi do značajnog unapređenja senzitivnosti, specifičnosti i tačnosti klasifikacije ispitanika, kao i do značajnog smanjenja vremena testiranja. Takođe, povećanje senzitivnosti uz pomoć CtTC-a pruža mogućnost proširenja spektra primene u smislu omogućavanja testiranja ne samo memorije događaja, već i testiranja namere, kao i drugih memorijskih sadržaja niskog stepena važnosti
Nomenclature adjustments to neglected syntaxa of the tall-herb hygrophilous communities of the SE-Europe
Background and Purpose: During the preparation of a coenological
paper concerning the tall-herb vegetation of the Balkans, it emerged that some syntaxa were invalidly described in their original papers, while some other synataxa had been forgotten or considered invalid according to the current phytosociological literature even if they had been validly published in their original papers. The present study deals with the nomenclatural problems of the Rumicetalia balcanici Lakušić 1973, a neglected order of the montane tall-herb vegetation, and those of all its related lower-rank syntaxa.
Materials and Methods: All published papers that treated the nomenclatural issues regarding the tall-herb vegetation in the Balkans were analysed. The nomenclature adjustments were made in accordance with the rules of the Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN). The original relevés presented in this paper were carried out using the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological approach.
Results and Conclusions: The nomenclature adjustments made in the
paper result in the validation of the order Rumicetalia balcanicae and of four alliances: Rumicion balcanici, Ranunculion serbici, Cicerbition
pancici and Petasition doerfleri. The validity of the alliance Cirsion appendiculati Horvat, Pawlowski et Walas 1937 was here confirmed while the name citation Geion coccinei Horvat in Quezel 1969 was here given for the first time. Finally several tall-herbs association were here validated and some others were proposed as new
Protein-protein interakcije u razvoju novih lekova
Protein-protein interactions form the basics of both physiological and pathological processes, which makes them important targets for drug discovery. Structural characteristics of protein complexes, features of their binding interfaces and theoretical foundations relevant to the design of small molecules modulators of protein interactions have been briefly described in this text. Several experimental methods applicable to the design of drugs acting on protein-protein interactions are listed. The research progress achieved so far is illustrated through several examples of successfully designed modulator molecules. Due to the extraordinary significance of protein-protein interactions in living systems and our improved understanding of them, protein-protein interactions are becoming an increasingly important part of drug discovery research projects. Drugs modulating protein-protein interactions are likely going to represent an increasing percentage of therapeutically active compounds.Interakcije među proteinima nalaze se u osnovi kako fizioloških, tako i patoloških procesa, što ih čini važnim metama za razvoj novih lekova. U ovom radu su ukratko prikazane strukturne karakteristike kompleksa nastalih interakcijom proteina, osobine njihovih vezivnih površina i teorijske postavke na kojima se zasniva dizajn malih molekula modulatora proteinskih interakcija. Navedeno je nekoliko eksperimentalnih metoda primenjivih u razvoju organskih molekula koji deluju na protein-protein interakcije. Dosadašnji razvoj istraživanja u ovoj oblasti ilustrovan je kroz više primera uspešno dizajniranih modulatorskih jedinjenja. Zbog izuzetnog značaja u živim sistemima, a zahvaljujući sve boljem razumevanju protein-protein interakcija, one postaju sve važniji deo istraživačkih programa za razvoj novih lekova. Lekovi koji deluju kao modulatori proteinskih interakcija u budućnosti će verovatno predstavljati sve veći procenat terapijski aktivnih supstanci
Chemical composition of the essential oil of Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. (Lamiaceae) from Georgia
Taxa belonging to the Ziziphora L. genus are represented in the Caucasian flora [1,2] and are commonly used in traditional food and for medicinal purposes [2]. Ziziphora clinopodioides Lam. (Lamiaceae), known as blue mint bush is widespread in the Caucasus region and used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and as an aperitive, carminative, antiseptic and wound healing material [2]. To the best of our knowledge, there are limited data on the composition of Z. clinopodioides essential oil and no previous studies of the essential-oil constituents of Z. clinopodioides aerial parts from Georgia. The plant material used for the present study was collected near Jvari Monastery, Mtskheta, Georgia and subjected to hydrodistillation for 3 h using a Clevenger-type apparatus to produce the essential oil. The essential oil was analyzed by GC and GC-MS and this allowed the identification of 28 constituents representing 99% of the total detected GC-peak areas. The essential oil of Z. clinopodioides aerial parts from Georgia was found to be characterized by high levels of oxygenated monoterpenes, with the main components identified as pulegone (29.4%), p-menth-3-en-8-ol (15.2%), germacrene D (9.2%), neomenthol (5.6%), cis-pulegol (5.3%), menthofuran (4.5%), piperitenone (4.3%) and piperitone (3.1%). Pulegone, the most abundant constituent, is a widespread component of the Lamiaceae essential oils [3], however, it has been proven to be highly toxic to laboratory animals, primarily expressing pulmonary and hepatotoxic effects [4]. Having in mind that pulegone represents almost one-third of the oil, further toxicological studies of the Z. clinopodioides aerial parts essential oil are needed
Nasilje u porodici tokom pandemije virusa COVID-19 na teritoriji Kragujevca: Pandemija unutar pandemije?
Predmet rada je nasilje u porodici tokom pandemije COVID-19. U radu su prikazan rezultati istraživanja o stanju prijavljenog nasilja u porodici tokom pandemije virusa COVID-19 na teritoriji Policijske uprave Kragujevac sa ciljem ostvarivanja dubljeg uvida u mehanizme viktimizacije nasiljem u porodici tokom pandemije. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na nove obrasce viktimizacije, novo nasilje i nove kategorije učinilaca, kao i na povećanje obima povratničkog nasilja u porodici, zbog čega se može postaviti pitanje
da li padajući trend prijavljenog nasilja u kritičnom periodu odražava realno stanje ove vrste nasilja tokom pandemije. Može se opravdano pretpostaviti da je u vreme pandemije zbog socijalne izolacije i stalne prisutnosti nasilnika, kao i zbog domaće nerazvijenosti posebnih mehanizama prijave nasilja pozivom za pomoć, nasilje u porodici i u domaćim uslovima u vreme COVID-19 pandemije u većoj meri ostalo „zaključano” unutar porodice.Publishe
Political and economic changes in the former socialist countries in the early 90s of the 20th century have not only opened up possibilities for the future democratic development of these countries, but also an opportunity for solving economic, political, social and environmental situation in the context of building a new, market economic system. The unfavourable environmental situation in Serbia is caused by many factors, among which frequent changes in the economic system in the past and inadequate economic and system solutions occupy a significant place. A critical approach to the impact of economic system solutions to the political and institutional arrangements for environmental protection in the SFRY, FRY, Serbia and Montenegro and RS is therefore a suitable starting point for understanding the importance and the need to take a more active approach to solving environmental problems in Serbia. It is also a goal of this work. In addition, solving the problems in the field of environmental protection is crucial for achieving sustainable development and improving the competitiveness of the Serbian economy. Key Words: economic system, reforms, environmental policy, Republic of Serbia
Anelacije β-karbolina i izohinolina primenom reakcija olefinske metateze
Isoquinoline and β-carboline derivatives are a large class of naturally occurring compounds. These compounds show variety of biological properties and as such they have been a subject of intensive research. Structural variations attracted attention from organic chemists as well and a number of synthesis for the preparation of these systems have been reported in the literature. Our strategy was based on annelation of the isoquinoline and β-carboline skeleton via ring closing metathesis reaction and further functionalization of the obtained product to more complex structures.Izohinolinski i β-karbolinski skelet je prisutan u velikom broju prirodnih proizvoda, koji pokazuju širok spektar bioloških aktivnosti. Raznolikost njihovih struktura već godinama privlači pažnju organskih hemičara, pa su razvijene i brojne metode za sintezu ovih jedinjenja. U cilju razvoja alternativnog sintetskog pristupa, u našim laboratorijama proučavani su procesi anelacije izohinolinskog i β-karbolinskog skeleta zasnovani na reakciji olefinske metateze. Na ovaj način dobijene su strukture koje potencijalno mogu biti upotrebljene u sintezi kompleksnijih molekula, uključujući i neke klase prirodnih proizvoda zasnovanih na pomenutim heterocikličnim jedinjenjima
Supplementary data for article: Tasić, G.; Randjelovic, J.; Vusurovic, N.; Maslak, V.; Husinec, S.; Savić, V. A Highly Regioselective, Protecting Group Controlled, Synthesis of Bicyclic Compounds via Pd-Catalysed Intramolecular Cyclisations. Tetrahedron Letters 2013, 54 (18), 2243–2246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2013.02.068
Supplementary material for: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tetlet.2013.02.068]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1586
Intergranular area microalloyed aluminium-silicate ceramics fractal analysis
Porous aluminium-silicate ceramics, modified by alloying with magnesium and microalloying with alluminium belongs to a group of advanced multifunctional ceramics materials. This multiphase solid-solid system has predominantly amorphous microstructure and micro morphology. Intergranular and interphase areas are very complex, because they represent areas, where numbered processes and interactions take place, making new boundaries and regions with fractal nature. Fractal analysis of intergranular microstructure has included determination of ceramic grain fractal dimension by using Richardson method. Considering the fractal nature of intergranular contacts, it is possible to establish correlation between material electrical properties and fractal analysis, as a tool for future correlation with microstructure characterization. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. ON 172057 i br. III 45012
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