24 research outputs found

    Search query as a methodological indicator of new pedagogical conceptualizations (on the example of hip-pedagogy)

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    The article discusses the question of what precedes the theoretical formulation of new pedagogical conceptualizations. It is shown that new directions in the development of pedagogical knowledge can appear in accordance with the emerging needs of educational practice. To clarify the question of what structural components of pedagogical theory and in what form are formed at the pre-theoretical stage, as an example, a new conceptualization of “hip-pedagogics” is considered, which solves the problems of rehabilitation and correction. The hypothesis is tested that the direction of Internet search queries in the special Google Trends resource characterizes the features of this stage in the development of theoretical conceptualization, which is reflected in the frequency of the choice of the search query and the features of the lexical form of its representation. It is concluded that the emergence of new conceptualizations is associated, among other things, with the extrapolation of the results obtained on one object of the model to another, which can potentially contain similar characteristics and/or perform similar functions

    Professional standard "Digital tutor" as the guidance for the specialist of a new profile

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    In this article the following notions are characterized: the concept, structural and substantive features of the professional standard "Consultant in the development of digital competence of the population (Digital tutor)," which regulates the activities of representatives of a new breakthrough profession in ensuring digital literacy of the population. It was pointed that the development and implementation of this professional standard meets the requirements of time and the need of the population to use information and communication technologies in the transition to the fifth technological order, for which the competencies of the digital economy are urgently needed. Based on the interpretation of the results of the content analytical study, it was proved that the professional standard is focused on two groups of competencies – IT (Information technology) and pedagogical. They are presented in three clusters: "Labor actions," "Necessary skills" and "Necessary knowledge." The content of these clusters determines the training requirements for future specialists. There is a bias towards the requirements for information technology training to the detriment of pedagogical training, despite the fact that the pedagogical activity aiming to educate the population of various typological groups should dominate. A loss of logical sequence was established when designing the content of the pedagogical unit, the lack of accounting for the initial level of pedagogical awareness at the stage of selecting potential tutors. Thematic gaps were identified in determining the content of pedagogical training between the requirements for specialists of the third and fifth qualification groups

    Postmodernism in Russian pedagogical discourse

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    The article analyzes the state and level of theoretical elaboration of the issues of pedagogy of the postmodern era in the Russian scientific literature. Based on the analysis of the content of publications posted in the Russian leading bibliographic resource - bibliographic database of scientific publications “The Russian Science Citation Index» – the ratio of publications devoted to the problems of postmodernism in non-pedagogical and pedagogical discourse is revealed. There are established the main clusters, which include publications on general problems of postmodern pedagogy, problems of meta-postmodern pedagogy and anti-pedagogy. The interpretive approach allows us to prove that in Russian pedagogy, critical and analytical consideration of foreign pedagogical arrays dominates. At the same time, there are first attempts to determine the author's position on the creation of Russian postmodern pedagogy, which at present is not completely methodologically entrusted. The arguments used by the authors to substantiate postmodern pedagogy are very exotic and fully correspond to the principle “Anything goes”, which is a methodologically regulating postmodern pedagogy

    “Рostmodern shift” in German textbooks on pedagogy at the beginning of the XXI сentury

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of the theory of pedagogy, which is moving to a new stage of its development - the stage of postmodernity. On the example of the analysis of textbooks on pedagogy published in modern Germany, the author examines the characteristic features of postmodern pedagogy. Based on the content analysis, the representation of postmodern problems in textbooks is established, a classification of the approaches of the authors of textbooks to the reflection of this topic in different parts of the didactic apparatus of textbooks is carried out. Three leading directions, which are the pedagogical projection of the ideas of postmodernism, are characterized in detail. These include: clarification of the conceptual differences between modernity and postmodernity and their pedagogical projections; ideas that contain criticism of metanarrations; the issue of human identity in the era of pluralism of ideas and forms of their objectification. The conclusion is made about the weakening of theorists' attention to postmodernism problems, while postmodernism practices tend to spread

    Deconstructive approach in the presentation of botanical knowledge in educational materials for students

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    The article discusses the latest trends in the field of presentation of natural science information for students, which have developed in the postmodern era. It is shown that botanical illustrations presented in postmodern alphabets do not reflect the morphological features of plants. When depicting plants, the author uses the technique of deconstructing images presented in ancient botanical atlases. Fragments of botanical illustrations are placed against the background of everyday scenes of the 19th century, including those of a fantasy nature. The structural components of the botanical educational book, its content and ironic author's comments are considered. The description of plants is pseudo-academic: the texts are surreal, they combine fiction and truth, fantasy and the specifics of the action. It is concluded that the irony of the comments does not contribute to the formation of the foundations of the natural science worldview

    Key areas of modern research of the joint consumption economy

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    That paper is motivated by the fact that the development of a joint consumption economy is one of the most significant trends in the modern economy. The object of the study is an array of publications indexed in Scopus and devoted to the analysis of the patterns of development a joint consumption economy (sharing economy) for the period from 2000 to 2019. The study shows a dynamic growth of the number of the publications describing the impact of new digital technologies and digital on-line technological platforms based on the Internet on fundamental changes in the field of individual consumption of households. The analysis of the content of publications of Russian and foreign authors indexed in Scopus database and Russian national bibliographic database (2000-2019) allowed the authors to identify at least the six key areas of modern research of a joint consumption economy. The paper considers each of the six key areas of a joint consumption economy. Authors has predicted the emergence of new areas of research of a joint consumption economy as new trends emerge in the field of individual consumption of modern households in the context of the constant progress of digital technologies

    Search query as a methodological indicator of new pedagogical conceptualizations (on the example of hip-pedagogy)

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    The article discusses the question of what precedes the theoretical formulation of new pedagogical conceptualizations. It is shown that new directions in the development of pedagogical knowledge can appear in accordance with the emerging needs of educational practice. To clarify the question of what structural components of pedagogical theory and in what form are formed at the pre-theoretical stage, as an example, a new conceptualization of “hip-pedagogics” is considered, which solves the problems of rehabilitation and correction. The hypothesis is tested that the direction of Internet search queries in the special Google Trends resource characterizes the features of this stage in the development of theoretical conceptualization, which is reflected in the frequency of the choice of the search query and the features of the lexical form of its representation. It is concluded that the emergence of new conceptualizations is associated, among other things, with the extrapolation of the results obtained on one object of the model to another, which can potentially contain similar characteristics and/or perform similar functions

    Professional standard "Digital tutor" as the guidance for the specialist of a new profile

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    In this article the following notions are characterized: the concept, structural and substantive features of the professional standard "Consultant in the development of digital competence of the population (Digital tutor)," which regulates the activities of representatives of a new breakthrough profession in ensuring digital literacy of the population. It was pointed that the development and implementation of this professional standard meets the requirements of time and the need of the population to use information and communication technologies in the transition to the fifth technological order, for which the competencies of the digital economy are urgently needed. Based on the interpretation of the results of the content analytical study, it was proved that the professional standard is focused on two groups of competencies – IT (Information technology) and pedagogical. They are presented in three clusters: "Labor actions," "Necessary skills" and "Necessary knowledge." The content of these clusters determines the training requirements for future specialists. There is a bias towards the requirements for information technology training to the detriment of pedagogical training, despite the fact that the pedagogical activity aiming to educate the population of various typological groups should dominate. A loss of logical sequence was established when designing the content of the pedagogical unit, the lack of accounting for the initial level of pedagogical awareness at the stage of selecting potential tutors. Thematic gaps were identified in determining the content of pedagogical training between the requirements for specialists of the third and fifth qualification groups