4 research outputs found

    Revisiting the relationship of supervisor trust and CEO trust to turnover intentions: A three-country comparative study

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    Dirks and Ferrin (2002) conducted a landmark meta-analysis that addressed many questions about the antecedents and effects of the employee's trust in their direct leader and in the organization's leadership. There are still some unanswered research questions. The present study addresses direct-leader trust and organization-leadership trust in the international setting (U.S., Russia, and Poland) while employing a refined research design that minimizes range restriction. The results show that trust of the firm's CEO and top management is more highly correlated with turnover intentions than is trust of the supervisor. In-group collectivism dimension did not moderate these trust and turnover-intentions relationships.Turnover intentions CEO trust Supervisor trust Cross-cultural

    Research of acceptor impurity thermal activation in GaN: Mg epitaxial layers

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    3rd group element nitride based semiconductor compounds are widely used in various optical and electronic devices. One problem in the fabrication of GaN based device heterostructures is the synthesis of p conductivity epitaxial layers. Magnesium is a typical doping impurity for GaN. The choice of optimum doping and thermal activation conditions is of utmost importance for the synthesis of low-Ohmic p-GaN epitaxial layers. The effect of thermal annealing of GaN:Mg layers on acceptor impurity activation has been investigated. Hole concentration increased and mobility decreased with an increase in thermal annealing temperature. The sample annealed at 1000 °C demonstrated the lowest value of resistivity. Rapid thermal annealing (annealing with high heating speed) considerably improved the efficiency of Mg activation in the GaN layers. The optimum time of annealing at 1000 °C has been determined. The hole concentration increased by up to 4 times compared to specimens after conventional annealing