3 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Ionosphere and Magnetosphere Plasma and High Energy Charge Particle Fluxes in Multi-satellite Measurements in Wide Range of Altitudes

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    A system for monitoring the radiation parameters of near-Earth space is described. This system is based on the multi-satellite measurements made on spacecraft Meteor, Electro, Arktika launched into orbits with a wide range of altitudes. The main instrument for space radiation monitoring is spectrometer of electrons and protons SKIF. Such instruments operate in all spacecraft of mentioned above series. The results of observations of different events connected with solar and geomagnetic activity in 2017 and 2021 years are presented and discussed

    Monitoring of Radiation Fields in Near Earth Space and Atmosphere in New Space Projects of Moscow University

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    The Universat-SOCRAT project is developed in the Moscow State University aiming to forecast space-related risks for aviation, suborbital, and orbital flights and provide new knowledge on the magnetosphere and atmosphere of the Earth. An essential part of the system is a multi-satellite constellation, which would operate in the low-Earth orbit. Among other things, it would monitor the radiation and magnetic-wave environment in the vicinity of the Earth: in space and atmosphere. An Earth observation system, which operates in gamma and visible spectral range, should allow attribute detected changes in the environment to the atmospheric phenomena. We have already designed the instruments to detect increases in the flux of energetic charged particles (solar energetic particles, galactic cosmic rays, and electrons precipitating from radiation belts), geomagnetic disturbances, and electromagnetic transients in the atmosphere. The first stage of the program started on July 5, 2019, with a successful launch of three 3U CubeSats from the Vostochny cosmodrome. These satellites carry instruments for monitoring space radiation and prototype of the device for observing the Earth’s atmosphere in the ultraviolet range. The collected data has confirmed the advantages of multi-satellite observations for the goals of the project. During this year, we plan to launch two more 6U CubeSats with charged particle and gamma-ray detectors, magnetometers, and instrument for detecting of atmospheric electromagnetic transients. We suppose that these satellites will lay the foundation of the space threat monitoring system

    Monitoring of Physical Processes in Upper Atmosphere, Ionosphere and Magnetosphere in Ionosphere Space Missions

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    The Ionosphere missions are the part of Ionosond-2025 space project, which main scientific objectives are monitoring of physical processes in the Earth upper atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere, as well as of solar activity. Within the framework of the Ionozond-2025 project, it is planned to launch four spacecraft Ionosphere and one satellite Zond. The Zond satellite is planned to be launched in 2025. The main task of Zond mission is patrol of solar activity. The launch of the first pair of spacecraft is planned in early 2022, the second pair - late 2022 or early 2023. In case of successful implementation of the program of experiments on the Ionosphere satellites, control of the physical parameters of electromagnetic fields and corpuscular radiation in the near-Earth space will be provided, new information will be obtained on the geophysical processes occurring in the magnetosphere, ionosphere and upper atmosphere in their connection with solar activity