57 research outputs found

    Observation of Aubry transition in finite atom chains via friction

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    The highly nonlinear many-body physics of a chain of mutually interacting atoms in contact with a periodic substrate gives rise to complex static and dynamical phenomena, such as structural phase transitions and friction. In the limit of an infinite chain incommensurate with the substrate, Aubry predicted a structural transition with increasing substrate potential, from the chain's intrinsic arrangement free to slide on the substrate, to a pinned arrangement favoring the substrate pattern. To date, the Aubry transition has not been observed. Here, using a chain of cold ions subject to a periodic optical potential we qualitatively and quantitatively establish a close relation between Aubry's sliding-to-pinned transition and superlubricity breaking in stick-slip friction. Using friction measurements with high spatial resolution and individual ion detection, we experimentally observe the Aubry transition and the onset of its hallmark fractal atomic arrangement. Notably, the observed critical lattice depth for a finite chain agrees well with the Aubry prediction for an infinite chain. Our results elucidate the connection between competing ordering patterns and superlubricity in nanocontacts - the elementary building blocks of friction.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Squeezing on momentum states for atom interferometry

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    We propose and analyse a method that allows for the production of squeezed states of the atomic center-of-mass motion that can be injected into an atom interferometer. Our scheme employs dispersive probing in a ring resonator on a narrow transition of strontium atoms in order to provide a collective measurement of the relative population of two momentum states. We show that this method is applicable to a Bragg diffraction-based atom interferometer with large diffraction orders. The applicability of this technique can be extended also to small diffraction orders and large atom numbers by inducing atomic transparency at the frequency of the probe field, reaching an interferometer phase resolution scaling Δϕ∼N−3/4\Delta\phi\sim N^{-3/4}, where NN is the atom number. We show that for realistic parameters it is possible to obtain a 20 dB gain in interferometer phase estimation compared to the Standard Quantum Limit.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Tuning friction atom-by-atom in an ion-crystal simulator

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    Friction between ordered, atomically smooth surfaces at the nanoscale (nanofriction) is often governed by stick-slip processes. To test long-standing atomistic models of such processes, we implement a synthetic nanofriction interface between a laser-cooled Coulomb crystal of individually addressable ions as the moving object, and a periodic light-field potential as the substrate. We show that stick-slip friction can be tuned from maximal to nearly frictionless via arrangement of the ions relative to the substrate. By varying the ion number, we also show that this strong dependence of friction on the structural mismatch, as predicted by many-particle models, already emerges at the level of two or three atoms. This model system enables a microscopic and systematic investigation of friction, potentially even into the quantum many-body regime.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Multislip Friction with a Single Ion

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    A trapped ion transported along a periodic potential is studied as a paradigmatic nanocontact frictional interface. The combination of the periodic corrugation potential and a harmonic trapping potential creates a one-dimensional energy landscape with multiple local minima, corresponding to multistable stick-slip friction. We measure the probabilities of slipping to the various minima for various corrugations and transport velocities. The observed probabilities show that the multislip regime can be reached dynamically at smaller corrugations than would be possible statically, and can be described by an equilibrium Boltzmann model. While a clear microscopic signature of multislip behavior is observed for the ion motion, the frictional force and dissipation are only weakly affected by the transition to multistable potentials.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Producing Squeezed Input States for an Atomic Clock Using an Optical Cavity

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    Spin squeezing, the generation of collective states of atomic ensembles with reduced spin noise by exploiting non-classical correlations between particles, is a promising approach to overcoming the standard quantum limit set by projection noise of independent atoms. We present two implementations of spin squeezing in ensembles of [superscript 87]Rb confined within an optical resonator, and discuss some of the decoherence mechanisms, both technical and fundamental, that we encounter.Harvard University - MIT Center for Ultracold AtomsDefense Advanced Research Projects AgencyNational Science Foundatio

    Single-atom heat machines enabled by energy quantization

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    Quantization of energy is a quintessential characteristic of quantum systems. Here we analyze its effects on the operation of Otto cycle heat machines and show that energy quantization alone may alter and increase machine performance in terms of output power, efficiency, and even operation mode. Our results demonstrate that quantum thermodynamics enable the realization of classically inconceivable Otto machines, such as those with an incompressible working fluid. We propose to measure these effects experimentally using a laser-cooled trapped ion as a microscopic heat machine
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