21 research outputs found

    Advances in Nanomaterials for Photovoltaic Applications

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    The development of novel nanomaterials became a subject of intensive research, due to high market needs for innovative applications in virtually all aspects of life [...

    pH sensitive capacitive detectors based on localized nanowire arrays nanotechnology & device integration routes

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    “Small” and “Sensitive” are two essential properties hard to reconcile in the sensors manufacturing. The challenge is to appropriately manipulate and localize novel nanostructures, to act as potential performance enhancers for low-scale devices fabrication. The aim of this work was to develop and characterize a highly-sensitive capacitive sensor achieved by increasing its active surface using large arrays of localized vertically-aligned nanowires. First, the macro-, micro- and nano-technologies used in the fabrication of the device were detailed, discussed and evaluated. The methods were carefully tailored to the standard silicon technology. Large arrays of metallic nanowires of controlled geometries were nicely localized on top of substrate pre-patterned micro-strips. The supported alumina template was a key element for designing, controlling and tuning the nanowires geometry. To probe the boosted performance, a pH sensor was fabricated by functionalizing the nano-brushes with polyaniline as an electrochemical transducer. Second, electrical modeling methodologies were coupled with frequency based measurements, in order to evaluate the impedance, capacitive and resistive performances of the device. The results demonstrated that the presence of the vertically-aligned nanowires increased the sensitivity of the element with up to two orders of magnitude. The investigations conducted toward the potential integration of the nanostructured element as silicon based detecting chip. Finally, a real-time stand-alone detector was designed, having as active sensing core the nanostructured element previously fabricated and characterized. The proposed solution is very promising and amiable to miniaturization offering great perspectives and enhanced sensing capabilities. The proof-of-concept was probed in the end by implementing an improved sensing core that demonstrates the nanoscale possibility for wireless in-situ capacitive bio-detection and monitoring.(FSA 3) -- UCL, 201

    Study of Optical and Electrical Properties of RF-Sputtered ZnSe/ZnTe Heterojunctions for Sensing Applications

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    Cadmium (Cd)-free photodiodes based on n-type Zinc Selenide/p-type Zinc Telluride (n-ZnSe/p-ZnTe) heterojunctions were prepared by Radio Frequency-Magnetron Sputtering (RF-MS) technique, and their detailed optical and electrical characterization was performed. Onto an optical glass substrate, 100 nm gold (Au) thin film was deposited by Thermal Vacuum Evaporation (TVE) representing the back-contact, followed by the successive RF-MS deposition of ZnTe, ZnSe, Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) thin films, finally resulting in the Au/ZnTe/ZnSe/ZnO/ITO sub-micrometric “substrate”-type configuration. Next, the optical characterization by Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-VIS) spectroscopy was performed on the component thin films, and their optical band gap values were determined. The electrical measurements in the dark and under illumination at different light intensities were subsequently performed. The Current–Voltage (I–V) characteristics in the dark are nonlinear with a relatively high asymmetry, following the modified Shockley–Read equation. From their analysis, the series resistance, shunt resistance, the ideality factor and saturation current were determined with high accuracy. It is worth noting that the action spectrum of the structure is shifted to short wavelengths. A sensibility test for the 420–500 nm range was performed while changing the intensity of the incident light from 100 mW/cm2 down to 10 mW/cm2 and measuring the photocurrent. The obtained results provided sufficient information to consider the present sub-micrometric photodiodes based on n-ZnSe/p-ZnTe heterojunctions to be more suitable for the UV domain, demonstrating their potential for integration within UV photodetectors relying on environmentally-friendly materials

    A polyaniline/platinum coated fiber optic surface plasmon resonance sensor for picomolar detection of 4-nitrophenol.

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    The paper reports for the first time an innovative polyaniline (PANI)/platinum (Pt)-coated fiber optic-surface plasmon resonance (FO-SPR) sensor used for highly-sensitive 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) pollutant detection. The Pt thin film was coated over an unclad core of an optical fiber (FO) using a DC magnetron sputtering technique, while the 4-NP responsive PANI layer was synthetized using a cost-effective electroless polymerization method. The presence of the electrolessly-grown PANI on the Pt-coated FO was observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy and subsequently evidenced by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. These FO-SPR sensors with a demonstrated bulk sensitivity of 1515 nm/RIU were then employed for 4-NP sensing, exhibiting an excellent limit-of-detection (LOD) in the low picomolar range (0.34 pM). The proposed sensor's configuration has many other advantages, such as low-cost production, small size, immunity to electromagnetic interferences, remote sensing capability, and moreover, can be operated as a "stand-alone device", making it thus well-suited for applications such as "on-site" screening of extremely low-level trace pollutants

    Sensitive pH Monitoring Using a Polyaniline-Functionalized Fiber Optic—Surface Plasmon Resonance Detector

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    In this work, we report results on the fabrication and characterization of a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) pH sensor using platinum (Pt) and polyaniline (PANI) layers successively coated over an unclad core of an optical fiber (FO). The plasmonic thin Pt layer was deposited using a magnetron sputtering technique, while the pH-sensitive PANI layer was synthesized using an electroless polymerization method. Moreover, the formation of PANI film was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique and its surface morphology was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that the PANI/Pt-coated FO-SPR pH sensor exhibits a fast and linear response in either acid or alkali solutions (pH operational range: 1 to 14). The proposed FO-SPR sensor could be used for biomedical applications, environmental monitoring or any remote, real-time on-site measurement

    Cadmium Ions’ Trace-Level Detection Using a Portable Fiber Optic—Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor

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    Environmental pollution with cadmium (Cd) is a major concern worldwide, with prolonged exposure to this toxic heavy metal causing serious health problems, such as kidney damage, cancer, or cardiovascular diseases, only to mention a few. Herein, a gold-coated reflection-type fiber optic–-surface plasmon resonance (Au-coated FO-SPR) sensor is manufactured and functionalized with (i) bovine serum albumin (BSA), (ii) chitosan, and (iii) polyaniline (PANI), respectively, for the sensitive detection of cadmium ions (Cd2+) in water. Then, the three sensor functionalization strategies are evaluated and compared one at a time. Out of these strategies, the BSA-functionalized FO-SPR sensor is found to be highly sensitive, exhibiting a limit of detection (LOD) for Cd2+ detection at nM level. Moreover, the presence of Cd2+ on the FO-SPR sensor surface was confirmed by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique and also quantified consecutively for all the above-mentioned functionalization strategies. Hence, the BSA-functionalized FO-SPR sensor is sensitive, provides a rapid detection time, and is cheap and portable, with potential applicability for monitoring trace-level amounts of Cd within environmental or potable water

    Effects of Electrolyte Additives and Nanowire Diameter on the Electrochemical Performance of Lithium‐Ion Battery Anodes based on Interconnected Nickel–Tin Nanowire Networks

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    Tin‐based nanowire electrodes present desirable properties as lithium‐ion battery anodes, because they undergo volume changes without pulverization. However, they suffer from limited mass loading and propensity for surface parasitic reactions. Herein, we evaluate the electrochemical performances of interconnected nickel‐tin nanowire network electrodes (NiSn 3DNWN) with nanowire diameters of 40 nm, 105 nm, and 230 nm, respectively, that attain mass loadings of up to 3 mg cm‐2. To mitigate the surface parasitic reactions, the effects of fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) and vinylene carbonate (VC) additives are investigated as a function of nanowire diameter and additive concentration. The results show that FEC and VC of all compositions improve the capacity retentions and coulombic efficiencies of the NiSn 3DNWN electrodes. In 10 vol% FEC, the electrodes demonstrate a similar capacity of ∽ 550 mAh g‐1, but the capacity retentions after 100 cycles are 73.68%, 53.79%, 51.70% for the 40 nm, 105 nm, and 230 nm NiSn 3DNWN, respectively. However, the 105 nm‐diameter nanowire electrode has the highest average coulombic efficiency of 96.55%. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and post‐cycling investigations reveal that FEC has the most profound effect on the interphasial resistances, which is reflected in the rate performances of the tested electrodes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Effect of the Cadmium Telluride Deposition Method on the Covering Degree of Electrodes Based on Copper Nanowire Arrays

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    In this work, we report the preparation of nanostructured electrodes based on dense arrays of vertically-aligned copper (Cu) nanowires (NWs) to be subsequently covered by cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin films, with great potential to be used within “substrate”-type photovoltaic cells based on AII-BVI heterojunctions. In particular, the multi-step preparation protocol presented here involves an electrochemical synthesis procedure within a supported anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) nanoporous template for first generating a homogeneous array of vertically-aligned Cu NWs, which are then further embedded within a compact CdTe thin film. In a second stage, we tested three deposition methods (vacuum thermal evaporation, VTE; radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, RF-MS; and electrochemical deposition, ECD) for use in obtaining CdTe layers potentially able to consistently penetrate the previously prepared Cu NWs array. A comparative analysis was performed to critically evaluate the morphological, optical, and structural properties of the deposited CdTe films. The presented results demonstrate that under optimized processing conditions, the ECD approach could potentially allow the cost-effective fabrication of absorber layer/collecting electrode CdTe/Cu nanostructured interfaces that could improve charge collection mechanisms, which in turn could allow the fabrication of more efficient solar cells based on AII-BVI semiconducting compounds

    Template-free electrodeposition of highly oriented and aspect-ratio controlled ZnO hexagonal columnar arrays

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    We report an easy one-step template-free electrodeposition method for preparing large arrays of ZnO hexagonal nanocolumns, vertically oriented on a Au-coated Si substrate. Systematic scanning electron microscopy investigations revealed the potential of this method for obtaining a high degree of verticality and orientation of the nanostructures and for controlling their aspect-ratio in an easy manner. Further structural studies demonstrated that the as-obtained ZnO nanocolumns present a well defined hexagonal symmetry exhibiting an excellent crystallinity