30 research outputs found

    Learning in industrial organizations - a multisource feedback study

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    AbstractThis paper is a result of one year research in a two industrial facility in West of Romania. The main objective was to regarding the management skills and soft skills of the management personnel. We choose to operate with a 360° paradigm of interest and involvement, vertically up and down, as well as horizontally across, the organizational compass. The Training Diagnostic strategy relies on the following methodological design of the program:Due to the fact that any organizational analysis relies on the sincere and competent participation of the co-workers, any relevant analysis has to insure that the acquired information is valid, relevant and accurate. In this regard, our program uses 2 different types of methods & tools:Assessment tools (direct methodology): like the 360° Analysis and the Focus Groups, for the direct acquisition of relevant information in respect to the program objectives.Redundancy tools (indirect methodology): like the Indirect Data Collection and the Semi-Structured Interviews, for the validation of the acquired information and the accuracy assessment of the direct methodology.The results of the program will be described in 2 separate sections:Quantitative outputs: measured results of the 360 Degree Analysis, represented separately for each analyzed department.Qualitative outputs: the results of the qualitative methods, as well as the accuracy ranking of the quantitative outcomes

    Surgical Approaches for Total Knee Arthroplasty

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    Total knee arthroplasty surgery is a current practice in orthopedic surgery. The success of this intervention consists in part in the realignment of the lower extremity’s anatomical axis, adequate implant orientation and design, good implant fixation, proper soft tissue balancing, and stability. A good exposure also allows optimal placement of the components. Our preferred approach is the median parapatellar approach in most cases. However, the orthopedic surgeon may face anatomical variants associated with knee types that may complicate the classic approach. We are reviewing multiple surgical approaches also used by us in our clinic in total knee arthroplasty, as well as additional techniques in these surgical approaches. The MIS approach can be used in many cases to reduce pain and speed the healing process. All of the total knee arthroplasty approaches are detailed with anatomical illustrations along with advantages and disadvantages of each. The ultimate goal is to restore knee function as quickly as possible and to preserve the anatomical integrity of the joint

    The impact of the biodex 4 pro system dynamometer in the rehabilitation of ankle sprain in youth football players

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to identify impact differences in the rehabilitation the second-degree ankle sprain, more specifically the restoration of agonist-antagonist muscle balance, static and dynamic balance, and motor control in junior soccer players will have a different impact on patients who perform the recovery program with the help of Biodex 4 Pro and myofascial therapies compared to those who perform physical therapy using classical methods. (2) Methods: the study included 22 subjects divided into two equal groups in accordance with the agreement to practice modern therapies (MT) and kinesiotherapy (KT): the experimental group that performed the myofascial therapies and exercises with Biodex 4 pro and the control group that performed the KT. The parties' evaluations included: the Biodex 4 Pro for a range of motion assessment and the PodoSmart device for gait assessment. (3) Results: analysis identifies significant improvements for the subjects in the experimental group, respectively for the subjects in the control group, as follows: after completing the therapeutic plan for four weeks, the subjects gained 35.8° of flexion and 36.4° of extension compared to the initial results. In the PodoSmart gait analysis, the experimental group progressed between tests by 14.8% for the foot symmetry parameter, which was 3.8% more than in the control group, whose symmetry progress between tests was 11%. (4) Conclusion: the combined therapeutic plan containing Biodex technology and myofascial therapies is a current effective option in the rehabilitation of athletes

    Introduction to data encryption with RSA

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    The presentation aims to show how data encryption within the RSA cryptosystem works and what vulnerabilities may appear in case of misconfigurations. The document is revealing how at a high-level the key generation and data transmission works, but also, how mathematically this process is securing the communications and the data in transit. Adjacent with this subject, the history of the RSA as well as its purpose in use were included to enhance the knowledge-sharing

    (Cyber) Security Challenges in Critical Infrastructures, focusing on the Aerospace Industry

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    This presentation is focused on the cyber security challenges that aviation stakeholders might face. The presentation is divided into two parts. Firstly, Part A introduces the ideas of Critical Infrastructures, Safety-Critical Systems and their associated general challenges with respect to safety and security. Part B is focused on Aviation stakeholders and what cyber security challenges they might face within their systems architectures and technologies utilized

    Contribution to a secure urban air mobility

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    Following the permanent upscaling of the number of unmanned air vehicles applying to enter the airspace, the need for re-structuring of the flow of air traffic gets more and more important. Multitudes of research groups around the world are proposing comparable, yet in detail slightly differing approaches to establish the urban air mobility of the future. The urban air mobility of the future will utilize all kinds of ever-emerging new technologies while posing the need to be connected to legacy systems present in aviation. This is on the other hand a door opener and invitation for malicious subjects to invent innovative new attacks of different kind. As the attack surface is tremendously widened by the grow of urban air mobility, the need to keep the security-by-design principle has to be emphasized.This paper addresses the first development steps of a security perimeter for urban air mobility to already consider security in a holistic and system-wide manner during the design phase and beyond

    Aviation Security Lab: A testbed for security testing of current and future aviation technologies

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    The continuous development and integration of new technologies in the aviation industry has increased the pool of active systems in use, and thus, the attack surface. The aircraft, as one central element in aviation, have followed the same trend. To accommodate current and future needs of onboard avionics intercommunication, the standard Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet has been created and implemented in several aircraft in recent decades. While this standard suggests security measures for the onboard networks, there may exist potent threat actors which can surpass the measures and pose significant security risks. Therefore, a brief discussion on the type of actors and general threats will be presented. This paper will inform on circumstances which can lead to security breaches, and further report on the simulation of one threat scenario. The environment providing the simulation capabilities is the Aviation Security Lab, a testbed designed for security applications in aviation. The current status of the testing environment is also described towards the end of this paper

    Transfemoral Approach in Revision Hip Arthroplasty: A Prospective Analysis of 36 Cases: Radiological and Functional Results at a Minimum 2 Years Follow-up

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    Background and Objectives: One of the most difficult aspects of hip revision is to remove the stem from the femoral canal with or without cement while maintaining the maximal amount of bone stock to obtain the best possible press-fit of the revision prosthesis. The transfemoral approach ensures direct access to the medullary canal so that the content removal is completed under direct control, while protecting the bone. This type of approach is particularly efficient for special conditions, such as deformation of the proximal femoral region, broken stems, or the presence of cement over a long distance distal to the prosthesis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main advantages of transtrochanteric approach in hip revisions. Materials and Methods: Our series included 36 revisions performed using the transfemoral approach. We have analyzed the following postoperative radiological aspects: the length of the fixation zone distal to the osteotomized bone fragment (OBF), the gap between the OBF and the diaphysis, stem subsidence over time, and OBF consolidation. Results: The results were very good, both in terms of the rate of intraoperative complications and postoperative evolution. The fixation zone length was 4.2 cm on average (range: 2 to 5.8 cm). The distal gap between the OBF and the diaphysis was 1.2 cm on average (range: 0 to 2.3 cm). Stem subsidence was noted in four cases (11.1%). In all cases, stem subsidence occurred between three and six months and was 6 to 8 mm without affecting hip stability. OBF consolidation was radiologically confirmed for all cases at one year follow-up. Clinical assessment based on the Harris Hip Score showed an overall improvement from 43.2 preoperatively to 79.7 at 12 months and 83 at two years, respectively. The most important rate of progress was between 6 months and 12 months. Conclusions: The transtrochanteric approach has been shown to be very efficient for hip revisions. Understanding the hip biomechanics, applying a less aggressive surgical technique, and using efficient fixation methods such as cables significantly improved the results

    Scheduled Child

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    AbstractÎn ultimii şapte ani, acest fenomen social de programare a apariţiei copiilor pe lume, a început să ia o deosebită amploare pentru tot mai multe familii tinere din România, şi în special din oraşul Timişoara.In the past seven years, this social phenomenon of scheduling children's birth in the world began to spread more and more within young families in Romania, especially in Timisoara. Tot mai multe familii aleg să amâne momentul în care vor deveni părinţi din diverse motive, conştiente sau inconştiente.More and more families choose to delay the moment to become parents for various reasons, consciously or unconsciously. Fenomenul denumit “copilul programat” este ales adeseori de cei doi membrii ai cuplului care alcătuiesc familia deoarece pare avantajos pentru ei, problema însă este mult mai complexă şi merită o analiză mai detaliată. The phenomenon called “scheduled child” is often chosen by the two members of the family because it seems advantageous for them, but the problem is more complex and deserves a more detailed analysis. “Copilul programat” nu trebuie privit doar din perspective unei afaceri (bune sau proaste), ci el trebuie analizat şi din perspectiva relaţiei psihologice, relaţiei emoţionale care se va instala între părintele trecut de 30 de ani şi copilul său, pe termen lung.”The scheduled child” should not be viewed only from a business perspective (good or bad), but it must be analyzed in the long term also from the point of view of psychological and emotional relationship between a parent who is older than 30 years and his child. Scopul acestui studiu este aflarea şi cunoaşterea celor mai importanţi factori care determină tot mai multe familii din România să-şi programeze apariţia copiilor după vârsta de 30 de ani.The purpose of this study is finding and knowing the most important factors leading to more and more families in Romania to program the birth of their children after the age of 30 years. Principalele obiective ale studiului sunt:The main objectives of the study are: Să atragă atenţia asupra acestui fenomen social care a început să ia amploare în România;to draw attention to this social phenomenon that began to grow in Romania; Să analizeze avantajele şi dezavantajele programării unui copil, atât din perspectiva părinţiilor cât şi din perspectiva copiilor;to explore the advantages and disadvantages of programming a child, both from parents and children perspective; Să analizeze cei mai importanţi factori care determină familia contemporană să apeleze la programarea, în detaliu şi exactă, a apariţiei copiilor în viaţa lor;to explore the major factors that determine the contemporary family to turn to programming precise and in details the appearance of children in their lives; Să conceapă o piramidă a factorilor semnificativi care determină familiile să-şi programeze apariţia copiilor pe lume;to develop a pyramid of relevant factors which determine the families to program the appearance of their children into the world; and tSă analizeze mediul de provenineţă care favorizează amploarea acestui fenomen social modern.o explore the environment that encourages the extension of this modern social phenomenon