5 research outputs found

    System of Breeding Cow Calf in the Sarajevo Romanija Region

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    Under the cultivation of the cow-calf system, the cattle breeding is understood as the cows on the pasture opening cows that at the end of the grazing season remain on the breeding or fattening economy or going to the market. In breeding, mixed and meat breeds of cattle are used. Through this work we will bring the basics of the technological process in the cow-calf system with a view to the condition of the same in the Sarajevo Romania region (12 municipalities) from the aspect of the cow-calf system. Areas that are particularly suitable for the cow-calf system are characterized as mountainous mountain areas with a large number of pastures that are the ideal habitat for cattle, and can be used to a large extent in this way. When it comes to registered agricultural holdings in the Sarajevo Romania region, the represented race is in the Simmental type. Given that the shortage of meat of cattle of all categories is also actual in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a bigger market, this is another additional motive for increasing investments in this sector

    Uticaj starosti na važnije proizvodne osobine krava u tipu Simentalca

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    The aim of this study was to determine the productive traits of cows Simmental breed reared in the breeding area or farm "Planinsko good" Nevesinje, Serbian Republic, Bosnia, or more precisely determine the age of heifers (cows) at first, second and third fertilization (pregnancy), productivity milk in the first three lactations. Special emphasis is given to determining the strength and significance of correlation connection, calculating the correlation coefficients of correlation (rp), between the ages (age) heifers (cows) at first insemination productivity of cows in first three lactations (production - whole and standard lactation), and therefore and make specific findings of research conducted. Based on all the above, it can be said that the farm "Planinsko good" Nevesinje in the analyzed period, achieved satisfactory results in terms of productivity. milk production, namely household, according to the selection plan aimed high milk production, which was achieved in the period analyzed.Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrđivanje produktivnih osobina krava u tipu simentalske rase gajenih na farmi „Planinsko dobro“ Nevesinje, Republika Srpska, BiH, Istraživanje je obuhvatilo utvrđivanje starosti junica (krava) pri prvoj, drugoj i trećoj oplodnji (bremenitosti), kao i produktivnost mlijeka u prve tri laktacije. Poseban naglasak je dat na utvrđivanje jačine i značajnosti korelacione povezanosti, izračunavanjem koeficijenata korelacije (rp) između uzrasta (starosti) junica (krava) pri prvoj oplodnji i produktivnost krava u prve tri laktacije (proizvodna i standardna laktacija). Na osnovu svega izloženog može se reći da je farma „Planinsko dobro“ Nevesinje u analiziranom periodu postigla zadovoljavajuće rezultate u pogledu produktivnosti, tj. proizvodnje mlijeka, tačnije gazdinstvo je prema selekcijskom planu imalo za cilj visoku proizvodnju mlijeka, što je i ostvareno u analiziranom periodu

    In vivo and in vitro investigations of laser and nonlaser therapies in treatment of root surface erosion and root surface caries

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    Prevention of dental disease and conservation of tooth structure are integral principles of modern dental practice. With greater retention of teeth, the incidence of root surface erosion and root surface caries is on the rise, and is commonly seen in everyday clinical practice. There has been extensive research on the individual effectiveness of photo-activated disinfection (PAD), laser activated fluoride (LAF) therapy, and treatments with casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP). Despite the positive results from in vitro investigations, in vivo studies are required to demonstrate the true degree and extent of clinical effectiveness. It is only in such a setting that the therapy is placed in context of all of the biological, social and behavioural processes which may affect its outcome. Furthermore, no in vivo study has investigated the potential of combined use of these therapies in reducing root surface erosion-induced hypersensitivity or stabilising incipient root surface caries. This is of great clinical importance and relevance, if progress and advancement are to be achieved in clinical practice. For these reasons, this research study includes a randomised controlled clinical pilot study that investigates the therapeutic effect of combined CPP-ACP, LAF and PAD therapies in alleviating root surface erosion-induced hypersensitivity and stabilising root surface caries. The findings of the in vivo study clearly illustrate the great success and effectiveness of these combined therapies in alleviating hypersensitivity and stabilising root surface caries. This is further substantiated with SEM images clearly showing occlusion of the dentine tubules. The second part of the thesis investigates the potential of Laser Activated Fluoride (LAF) therapy as a protective therapy. Much of the previous literature on LAF therapy has explored its preventive effect on enamel against cariogenic acids, however with an increase in the incidence of erosive lesions, the potential of LAF therapy for use against a strong erosive challenge is a critical point. Consequently, this study includes an in vitro investigation of the protective potential of LAF therapy against a strong erosive challenge (hydrochloric acid). The results show that LAF therapy can be successfully utilised to provide protection to tooth structure against a strong erosive challenge. Moreover, while LAF therapy has been successful when undertaken with the Argon Ion laser wavelengths of laser light, the dependency of its success on a specific wavelength of laser light has not hitherto been investigated. It is essential to determine the influence of the wavelength parameter on the effectiveness of this therapy, and in particular the possible utility of this therapy when used with a broader (visible and near infrared) spectrum of light. Furthermore, this exploration should also extend to the application of a non-coherent source of light, such as light emitting diodes (LEDs). For these reasons, this research work includes in vitro studies investigating the importance of the wavelength and coherency parameters on the effectiveness, and success, of LAF therapy. These studies clearly show that LAF therapy can be successfully carried out with a wide spectrum of wavelength of laser light, with the coherency parameter crucial to its effectiveness. Finally, the exact mechanism by which the LAF protective effect is attained in dentine needs to be elucidated. An XPS analysis of dentine treated with LAF, under in vitro conditions, is also presented in the thesis. The results of this study clearly show phase transformation of hydroxyapatite to fluorapatite following treatment of dentine with LAF therapy. The first two chapters of the thesis presents an overview of the existing literature on root surface erosion, root surface caries, LAF, PAD and CPP-ACP therapies. Chapter 3 identifies the aims, objective and hypothesis, while Chapters 4 through to 9 present the findings of the in vivo and in vitro studies. Each chapter provides a discussion on the presented findings, while concluding remarks are provided in the final chapter, Chapter 10

    Photonic conversion of hydroxyapapite to fluorapatite: A possible mechanism for laser-activated fluoride therapy

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    Purpose: This laboratory study aimed to determine whether laser activated fluoride (LAF) therapy of sensitive dentine causes conversion of apatite mineral to fluorapatite ("photonic conversion") and thereby reduces the risk of dental erosion. Materials and Methods: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to quantify changes in the atomic concentration of the elements fluorine, calcium, oxygen, phosphorus, carbon, nitrogen, and silicon, at five depths up to 52 nm in human dentine slabs with patent dentine tubules, which were either treated with neutral sodium fluoride gel (12,300 ppm) only, untreated, or subjected to laser-activated fluorid therapy (LAF) over a 12-week period. Results: Fluorine to calcium ratios were increased from zero (control) to 0.27 and 0.28 after fluoride gel and LAF, respectively. However, the chemical composition of dentine was affected by LAF, with the altered fluorine binding energy of 684.6 eV corresponding to formation of fluorapatite. No conversion to fluorapatite occurred when fluoride gel was applied under identical conditions but without lasing. Conclusion: Partial conversion of apatite minerals with LAF would contribute to the documented protective effects of LAF against dental erosion, and explains the benefits gained clinically when this treatment is applied to sensitive cervical root surfaces

    Expression of FGFR1–4 in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Tissue and Corresponding Cell Lines and its Relationship to Patient Survival and FGFR Inhibitor Sensitivity

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a devastating malignancy with limited therapeutic options. Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) and their ligands were shown to contribute to MPM aggressiveness and it was suggested that subgroups of MPM patients could benefit from FGFR-targeted inhibitors. In the current investigation, we determined the expression of all four FGFRs (FGFR1–FGFR4) by immunohistochemistry in tissue samples from 94 MPM patients. From 13 of these patients, we were able to establish stable cell lines, which were subjected to FGFR1–4 staining, transcript analysis by quantitative RT-PCR, and treatment with the FGFR inhibitor infigratinib. While FGFR1 and FGFR2 were widely expressed in MPM tissue and cell lines, FGFR3 and FGFR4 showed more restricted expression. FGFR1 and FGFR2 showed no correlation with clinicopathologic data or patient survival, but presence of FGFR3 in 42% and of FGFR4 in 7% of patients correlated with shorter overall survival. Immunostaining in cell lines was more homogenous than in the corresponding tissue samples. Neither transcript nor protein expression of FGFR1–4 correlated with response to infigratinib treatment in MPM cell lines. We conclude that FGFR3 and FGFR4, but not FGFR1 or FGFR2, have prognostic significance in MPM and that FGFR expression is not sufficient to predict FGFR inhibitor response in MPM cell lines