116 research outputs found

    DentEd visitation of the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb

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    Među europskim zemljama postoje veće ili manje razlike u razini i u načinu provedbe visokoškolske naobrazbe. Te su razlike ponegdje vrlo očite, pa se pokazalo potrebnim poduzeti nešto kako bi se one smanjile. U tu je svrhu Europska zajednica osnovala mrežu organizacija i projekata koji djeluju u raznim granama visokoškolske naobrazbe: lingvistici, tehničkim strukama, biomedicini i dr. Tako je prije nešto više od 4 godine počeo i projekt pod nazivom DentEd (dental education), jedan od četrdesetak projekata na polju djelovanja Uprave za prosvjetu i kulturu Europske zajednice, tj. ureda Erasmus/Socrates. DentEd je ubrzo postao jedan od nekoliko najaktivnijih i najboljih u tome sklopu.Among the countries of Europe greater or smaller differences exist with regard to teaching methods and the level of higher education. Such differences are in some areas very obvious, and indicate the need to take steps with a view to their reduction. To this end the European Union established a network of organisations and projects which operate in various branches of higher education: linguistics, technical professions, biomedicine, etc. Thus, some four years ago a project entitled DentEd (dental education) commenced, one of forty projects in the field of activity of the Administration for Education and Culture in the European Union, i.e. Erasmus/Socrates Office. Dent/Ed soon became one of the most active and best in this framework

    Temporomandibularne ozljede i poremećaji u sportu

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    Orofacial injuries are common in sporting activities, depending on type of sport and many other factors. Temporomandibular injuries and disorders have been found in 2 – 6 % of all orofacial injuries cases, and they are the result of macrotraumas and microtraumas of the mandible, the temporomandibular joint and adjacent anatomic structures. The results of such traumas are of different symptomatology and can lead to a temporary or permanent cessation of sporting activity. Most injuries in sports, including orofacial and temporomandibular disorders, are predictable and therefore preventable. Measures for preventing orofacial injuries and temporomandibular disorders in sporting activities include various types of protection appliances: extraoral, interdental (intraoral) and combined mouth and teeth protectors. Interdental sports guards (mouthguards) can be stock or ready-made, mouth-formed or custom-made mouthguards. These mouthguards, mutually different in quality, play a very important role in prevention of orofacial and temporomandibular tissue injuries. Use of mouthguards significantly reduces the number of orofacial tissue injuries, and also reduces the severity of sustained injuries. Sports injuries, including those to orofacial and temporomandibular area, regardless of whether they are incurred in recreational or competitive sport, require multidisciplinary approach, both in diagnostics and treatment and in implementation of prevention measures. Sports physicians, coaches, sports officials, parents and athletes themselves, should also be permanently educated on the exceptional importance of prevention measures, thus making the role of dentist in sport unavoidable.Ozljede orofacijalnog sustava u sportu su učestale, ovisno o vrsti sportske discipline te drugim okolnostima. Temporomandibularne ozljede i poremećaji čine oko 2 do 6% svih orofacijalnih ozljeda, a rezultat su makrotrauma i mikrotrauma donje čeljusti, čeljusnog zgloba i okolnih anatomskih struktura. Posljedice takvih trauma raznovrsne su simptomatologije, koje mogu biti uzrokom privremenog ili trajnog prekida bavljenja sportom. Većina ozljeda u sportu, pa tako i onih orofacijalnih te temporomandibularnih poremećaja, nastaje iz predvidivih razloga i na njih se može preventivno utjecati. U preventivne mjere spada korištenje različitih oblika zaštitnih sredstava: ekstraoralnih, interdentalnih (intraoralnih) i kombiniranih štitnika za usta i zube. Najširu uporabu imaju interdentalni štitnici, a oni mogu biti gotovi, polugotovi ili individualno izrađeni. Imaju raznovrsne uloge u sprječavanju ozljeda orofacijalnih tkiva u sportu, a korištenjem takvih štitnika učestalost se i težina orofacijalnih, odnosno temporomandibularnih, ozljeda znatno smanjuje. Sportske ozljede, pa tako i one orofacijalnog sustava, bez obzira na to nastaju li u rekreativnom ili natjecateljskom sportu, zahtijevaju multidisciplinarni pristup, kako pri dijagnostici i liječenju, tako i u provođenju preventivnih mjera. Sportski liječnici, treneri, sportski djelatnici, roditelji i sami sportaši trebali bi se trajno educirati i upućivati u iznimnu važnost preventivnih mjera, pri čemu je uloga stomatologa u sportu nezaobilazna

    Regenerative medicine

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    Prof. Tomislav Ivaniš, D.D.S., Ph.D.: 1937 - 2001

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    Dana 11. travnja ove godine klonulo je shrvano tijelo profesora Tomislava Ivaniša, profesora Stomatološkog fakulteta i pročelnika Odjela za fiksnu protetiku Klinike za stomatologiju KBC-a Zagreb. Nestao je i zadnji tračak nade za našega kolegu i prijatelja koji je, nevjerojatno hrabro podnoseći dugotrajne muke, bio pri svijesti i spreman za šalu do posljednjeg časa. Profesor Ivaniš rođen je u Zagrebu 21. rujna 1937. godine. U njemu je završio osmogodišnju školu i gimnaziju, te osnovnu i srednju glazbenu školu. Osim njemu najdražega glazbala glasovira, sklonost je imao za svaku umjetnost. Ujedno bio nam je svima dobro znan kao velik obožavatelj NK “Dinamo”. Pošto je diplomirao na Stomatološkom fakultetu u Zagrebu, svoj profesionalni put počeo je 1963 kao asistent na tadašnjem Zavodu za dentalnu protetiku istoga fakulteta.On 11 April 2001 Prof. Tomislav Ivaniš, Professor at the School of Dental Medicine, and Head of the Department for Fixed Prosthetics of the Clinic of Dental Medicine, Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb gave up his fight against illness. Lost was the last trace of hope for our colleague and friend, who incredibly bravely bore his suffering for so long, conscious and ready to share a joke until the very end. Professor Ivaniš was born in Zagreb on 21 September 1937 where he finished primary and high school, and also primary and middle music school. Apart from his great love of the piano he also had a marked inclination for art. He was also known to all of us as a great supporter of the “Dinamo” Football Club. His professional career started in 1963, after graduating at the School of Dental Medicine in Zagreb, as Assistant at the then Department of Dental Prosthetics at the same School

    Temporomandibularni poremećaji i orofacijalna bol

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    Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) is a collective term for a number of pathologic conditions of the masticatory system. Their symptomatology is diverse, with orofacial pain being one of the most common symptoms which causes a particular discomfort to the patients. Often, TMDs have a very clear etiology, but sometimes it is completely unknown. They are related to different etiologic factors and comorbid conditions, which aggravates precise diagnostics. This pathology requires team work and a multidisciplinary approach, timely detection of causes and a meticulous selection of treatment procedures, particularly for management of orofacial pain, which can be very demanding in terms of differential diagnostics. There are certain facts which are still unclear; hence notable improvements in approaching this issue are expected. The existing diagnostic classification should be changed and primarily based on etiology instead of symptomatology, which is the current tendency. Also, uniform diagnostic guidelines as well as treatment protocols should be established and that would enhance a multidisciplinary collaboration, which is essential while dealing with this kind of pathology. Special attention should be paid to the development of preventive measures based on scientific evidence that is still neglected.Temporomandibularni poremećaji (TMP) skupni je naziv za niz patoloških stanja žvačnog sustava. Šarolike su simptomatologije, a orofacijalna bol jedan je od najčešćih simptoma, te bolesnicima svakako najneugodniji. TMP su često vrlo jasne etiologije, no ponekad posve nepoznate. Povezani su s raznovrsnim etiološkim čimbenicima i komorbidnim stanjima, što otežava preciznu dijagnostiku. Ova patologija zahtijeva timski rad i multidisciplinarni pristup, pravodobno prepoznavanje uzroka i pažljiv odabir terapijskih postupaka, pogotovo pri obradi orofacijalne boli, koja diferencijalno-dijagnostički može biti vrlo zahtjevna. Još uvijek ima nepoznanica, stoga i prostora za znatna poboljšanja u pristupu ovoj problematici. Postojeću dijagnostičku klasifikaciju treba izmijeniti i prvenstveno temeljiti na etiologiji, a ne na simptomatologiji, što je danas slučaj. Također treba izraditi jedinstvene dijagnostičke smjernice i terapijske protokole, što bi unaprijedilo multidisciplinarnu suradnju, neophodnu u obradi ove vrste patologije. Posebnu brigu valja posvetiti razvoju preventivnih mjera, zasnovanih na znanstvenim dokazima, a one su još uvijek zapostavljene

    [Incidence of inflammatory alterations of underlying tissue of upper complete denture]

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    U istraživanjima smo obuhvatili 356 odraslih osoba, 235 (66%) žena i 121 (34%) muškaraca, pacijenata Zavoda za mobilnu protetiku Stomatološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Svi ispitanici su nosili gornju i donju totalnu protezu, što su bile izrađene u razdoblju između 1977. i 1982. godine. Sve proteze bile su izrađene od umjetne smole Galacryl (»Galenika«), polimerizirane uobičajenim postupkom za toplu polimerizaciju. Istraživali smo zdravstveno stanje sluznice i!spod ležišta gornje totailne proteze s kliničkim pregledom, a upalne promjene na sluznici svrstali na osnovi kriterija po Newtonu (1962.). Dobivene rezultate smo statistički obradili pomoću univarijantnog postupka, za čitav uzorak i s obzirom na spol. Rezultati ukazuju da je učestalost upalnih promjena pod bazom proteze u gornjoj čeljusti, u istraživanoj populaciji, pronađena u oko 18% slučajeva. U žena su takve upalne promjene učestalije negoli u muškaraca. U žena je eritem sluznice čitave površine ležišta baze proteze najčešći oblik upale (2. oblik), dok je u muškaraca pronađen uglavnom hiperplastični oblik (3. oblik).This investigation was conducted on 356 adults, 235 (66%) women and 121 (34%) men, who were patients at the Department of Removable Prosthodontics of the Faculty of Stomatology, University of Zagreb. All examinees had been wearing upper and lower complete dentures since 1977— 1982. The dentures were made from artificial resin (Galacryl — »Galenika«) polymerized with the routine procedure for wairm polymerization. We investigated clinical status of underlying tissue of upper complete denture. Mucosal inflammatory alterations were categorized according to the criteria of Newton (1962). The results obtained were statistically evaluated with univariant procedure for the whole cample and according to the sex. The \u27results indicate that the rate of inflammatory alterations in underlying tissue of the prosthesis in the upper jaw occour in about 18% population investigated. In women incidence of denture stomatitis is higher. Erythema of denture underlying tissue (Type II) was found most often in women and in men mostly hyperplasia was detected (Type HI)