62 research outputs found

    Glycogenic hepatopathy associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus as a cause of recurrent liver damage

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    Aminotransferase elevation is a frequent cause of consultation for the Hepatologist, in both the outpatient and inpatient settings, but identifying the origin of these biochemical alterations may be challenging. Here we report a case where acute elevation of aminotransferases, associated with abdominal symptoms, was the cause of two hospitalizations in a short period of time. As the patient suffered from type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, and autoimmune thyroiditis, several potential causes of damage could be hypothesized, including celiac hepatitis, fatty liver, and autoimmune hepatitis. A liver biopsy performed in the occasion of the second hospitalization allowed to rule out autoimmune hepatitis and celiac hepatitis, showing mild signs of fatty infiltration. Staining with periodic acid-Schiff with or without diastase showed a marked accumulation of glycogen, indicating the presence of a glycogenic hepatopathy associated with poorly controlled type 1 diabetes. This condition may be a cause of liver damage in patients with type 1 and occasionally type 2 diabetes, but its occurrence is often overlooked. This case report illustrates the fact that glycogenic hepatopathy may relapse, and prompts the clinician to take into account this condition in the differential diagnosis of causes of liver injury

    The use of transient elastography in the management of chronic hepatitis B

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    There has been increasing interest in noninvasive methods of assessing liver fibrosis over the last decade. The use of transient elastography in measuring liver stiffness has become the forefront of a wide range of noninvasive tools. Most of the other methods are based on measurements of biomarkers associated with fibrosis. There are several reasons for its wide acceptance, including the ease of performing a scan, the short procedure time, the results being immediately available on completion of the examination, and its reproducibility. For chronic hepatitis B (CHB), the cut-off values for F3 and F4 fibrosis range between 7.5–12.0 and 11.0–13.4 kPa, respectively, although the cut-offs may be slightly lower in those with normal ALT. In addition to measuring liver fibrosis, recent studies have demonstrated several other roles for transient elastography, including selecting patients who will benefit from antiviral therapy, monitoring response to antiviral therapy, and predicting long-term outcomes. However, there are limitations associated with transient elastography, including the confounding effects of inflammatory activity, and to a lesser extent, steatosis, on liver stiffness. There is also reduced accuracy observed in lower fibrosis stages (F0–F2). Furthermore, the incidences of failed and unreliable scan have been reported to be ~ 3 and 16%, respectively. Although liver biopsy can be avoided in an estimated 50–60% using transient elastography, in situations where liver stiffness measurement is nondiagnostic or inconsistent with the clinical picture, a biopsy is still recommended. Further studies are needed to consolidate the role of transient elastography in the management of CHB, and for incorporation of this method into current treatment guidelines

    Protective mechanisms of medicinal plants targeting hepatic stellate cell activation and extracellular matrix deposition in liver fibrosis

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    Alcohol use disorder and liver transplant: new perspectives and critical issues

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    Alcoholic liver disease is a consolidated indication for liver transplantation, but many unsolved issues can be highlighted. Patients with alcohol use disorder develop peculiar comorbidities that can become contraindications for transplantation. Moreover, a number of social and psychological patterns should be evaluated to select candidates with a low risk of alcohol relapse and adequate post-transplant adherence. In this context, the 6-month rule is too rigid to be widely applied. A short period of abstinence (1 to 3 months) is useful to estimate recovery of liver function and, possibly to avoid transplant. Cardiovascular disorders and extra-hepatic malignancies represent the main clinical issues after transplant. Patients transplanted due to alcoholic disease are a major risk for other liver diseases. Severe corticosteroid-resistant alcoholic acute hepatitis is a debated indication for transplant. However, available data indicate that well-selected patients have excellent post-transplant outcomes. Behavioral therapy, continued psychological support and a multidisciplinary team are essential to achieve and maintain complete alcohol abstinence during the transplant process. Alcoholic liver disease is an excellent indication for a liver transplant but patients with alcohol use disorder deserve a personalized approach and dedicated resources. © 2020 The Korean Association of Internal Medicine
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