207 research outputs found

    Radijaciono higijenska kontrola mineralnih dodataka i smeŔa za ishranu svinja

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    Radiometric control of products involved in the food chain is an important part of ongoing quality control of products related to food and feed. Content of primordial and anthropogenic radionuclides in some products directly determines their quality and further methods of usage. The most common way of intake of radionuclides in the human body is ingestion (80 %) through contaminated food and water. The foods of animal origin are largely represented in the human diet. Therefore radiation control of animal feeds and animal products will contribute to producing food for human nutrition without or with low risk for health. This paper presents the results obtained by gamma spectrometric analysis of mineral additives and mixtures for pig nutrition, from imported and domestic production. In most samples examined, activity levels of natural and radionuclides made during production were in accordance with the regulations. A certain number of tested mineral supplement samples had increased levels of activity of 238U (640- 2100 Bq/kg), which was not in accordance with applicable regulations.Radiometrijska kontrola proizvoda uključenih u lanac ishrane je važan segment stalne provere kvaliteta proizvoda vezanih za ishranu ljudi i životinja. Sadržaj primordijalnih i antropogenih radionuklida u nekim proizvodima direktno određuje njegov kvalitet i dalji način upotrebe. NajčeŔći put unoÅ”enja radionuklida u ljudski organizam je ingestija (80%), putem kontaminirane hrane i vode. Kako su namirnice životinjskog porekla zastupljene u velikoj količini u ishrani ljudi, kontrola hrane za životinje i proizvoda animalnog porekla omogućila bi ishranu ljudima bez rizika. U radu su prikazani rezultati dobijeni gamaspektrometrijskom analizom mineralnih dodataka, pred smeÅ”a i gotovih smeÅ”a za ishranu svinja iz uvoza i domaće proizvodnje. U većini ispitivanih uzoraka nivo aktivnosti prirodnih i proizvedenih radionuklida je bio u skladu sa propisima. Jedan broj ispitanih uzoraka mineralnih dodataka iz uvoza i domaće proizvodnje imao je povećan nivo aktivnost 238U (640 - 2100 Bq/kg), Å”to nije u skladu sa važećim propisima

    Efikasnost prirodnog sepiolita u smanjenju prelaska i deponovanja 137Cs u meso i jestive organe brojlerskih pilića

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    The objectives of the present study were to examine the level of radiocesium deposit in meat and edible organs of broiler chickens as well as to investigate efficiency of natural sepiolite in reducing 137Cs deposition in meat, liver and gizzard of alimentary contaminated broiler chickens. Broiler chickens (six weeks of age) were fed with the standard diet and each broiler was given a single oral dose of 137Cs, total activity of 3750 Bq. The broilers were divided into two groups (10 broilers per group). The group 1 was control (received only radiocesium). The broilers of the group 2, in addition to radiocesium received natural sepiolite solution (2 g sepiolite per bird). After 24 hours, all broilers, from each group, were stunned and killed. The samples of meat, (breast and legs), liver and gizzard were taken from each broiler, for gamma spectrometry determination of radiocesium activity. After 24 hours of contamination, 56 % of introduced 137Cs radioactivity was deposited in the meat (breast and legs muscles), 1 % in the liver and 2,4 % in the gizzard of broiler chickens 42 days of age. Natural sepiolite demonstrated insufficient protective action. Compared to the control group, percentage reduction (decreasing percentage) of 137Cs deposition in meat was 16%, in liver 5% and in gizzard 12%.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita stepen deponovanja radiocezijuma u mesu i jestivim organima brojlerskih pilića, kao i da se ispita efikasnost prirodnog sepiolita u smanjenju deponovanja 137Cs u mesu, jetri i bubcu, alimentarno kontaminiranih pilića. U radu su koriŔčeni brojlerski plići (Hubbard) uzrasta 42 dana, koji su dobili po jednu oralnu dozu 137Cs, ukupne aktivnosti 3750 Bq. Pilići su podeljeni u dve grupe (po 10 jedinki u grupi). Grupa 1 je bila kontrolna (dobijala je samo 137Cs). pilići grupe 2, pored radiocezijuma dobijali su, istovremeno, i rastvor sepiolita (2 g sepiolita po piletu). Posle 24 sata, izvrÅ”eno je žrtvovanje svih pilića. Uzorci celokupnog mesa (miÅ”ići grudi i nogu zajedno), jetre i bubca su uzimani od svakog pileta za gamaspektrometrijsko određivanje nivoa aktivnosti radiocezijuma. Ustanovljeno je da 24 sata posle kontaminacije, u odnosu na unetu aktivnost, u mesu se deponuje 56 % radiocezijuma, u jetri 1 % a u bubcu 2,4 %. Prirodni sepiolit ispoljio je nedovoljnu efikasnost zaÅ”tite. U odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, procenat smanjenja deponovanja 137Cs u mesu je bio 16%, u jetri 5% a u bubcu 12%

    Radioactivity of phosphate mineral products

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    The phosphate industry is one of the biggest polluters of the environment with uranium. Different products are derived after processing phosphoric ore, such as mineral and phosphate fertilizers and phosphate mineral supplements (dicalcium-and monocalcium phosphate) for animal feeding. Phosphate mineral additives used in animal food may contain a high activity of uranium. Research in this study should provide an answer to the extent in which phosphate mineral products (phosphate fertilizer and phosphate mineral feed additives) contribute to the contamination of soil, plants and animals

    Zymogenic Bacillus sp. revealed in Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale

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    The dƩminƩralisation experiments are aimed at preparing native sedimentary organic matter concentrates, consisting mainly of insoluble kerogen. Initial desilicification experiments of three Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale samples were carried out with the help of Bacillus circulons J ordan. The process was followed by pH measurement and determination of the number of microorganisms. DƩminƩralisation efficiency was evaluated based on the ratio of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents in the substrates before and after the experiments. Surprisingly, in all experiments much better desilicification was observed in control tests compared to inoculated substrates. Discovery of a zymogenic culture in all three oil shale samples explained the apparent anomaly. Based on physiological, biochemical and taxonomic characteristics, the isolated zymogenic culture was identified as Bacillus sp

    Linguistica XVI-XXX

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    Linguistica XVI-XXXLinguistica XVI-XX

    Radioaktivnost fosfatnih mineralnih proizvoda

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    The phosphate industry is one of the biggest polluters of the environment with uranium. Different products are derived after processing phosphoric ore, such as mineral and phosphate fertilizers and phosphate mineral supplements (dicalcium-and monocalcium phosphate) for animal feeding. Phosphate mineral additives used in animal food may contain a high activity of uranium. Research in this study should provide an answer to the extent in which phosphate mineral products (phosphate fertilizer and phosphate mineral feed additives) contribute to the contamination of soil, plants and animals.Fosfatna industrija predstavlja jedan od najvećih zagađivača životne sredine uranijumom. Preradom fosforne rude dobija se veliki broj različitih proizvoda, od kojih su posebno značajni fosfatna mineralna đubriva i fosfatni mineralni dodaci (di- i monokalcijum fosfat). Fosfatni mineralni dodaci koji se koriste u smeÅ”ama za ishranu životinja mogu sadržati visoke aktivnosti uranijuma. Istraživanja u ovom radu treba da pruže odgovor u kojoj meri fosfatni mineralni proizvodi (fosfatna đubriva i fosfatni mineralni dodaci stočnoj hrani) doprinose kontaminaciji zemljiÅ”ta, biljaka i životinja

    Uticaj veličine čestica mermera u hrani nosilja i vremena ovipozicije na kvalitet ljuske jaja

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    Eggshell quality was studied in three groups of Issa Brown hens, from 73 to 78 weeks of age. Group 1 (control) received a basal diet with 3,8 % Ca and 0,35 % available P, in which pulverized limestone (particle size 0,02 mm) was the main source of Ca. The other two groups of hens were fed diets of the same composition but differing in the supplemented limestone particle size. In group 2 and 3 60 % of the pulverized limestone was substituted with a granular form, of particle size 1,10-1,40 mm. and 1,42-2,80 mm respectively. Eggs for examination were collected at three periods of time: 7-9 hours, 11-13 hours and 15-17 hours. There were significant effects of particle size and oviposition time on eggshell quality. Egg mass and shell deformation decreased, while shell breaking force, shell thickness and shell mass increased with increasing oviposition time. At the afternoon period of laying, significantly higher (p (lt) 0,05) breaking force (5,0 kg) and lower shell deformation (21,9Ī¼) were obtained in eggs of hens fed on the diet incorporating the granular form of limestone (particle size 1,10-1,40 mm) than eggs of hens fed only pulverized limestone. It was shown that there are possibilities for improving eggshell quality, in older hens, by a combination of pulverized and granular limestone in the diet, as a source of calcium.Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 90 nosilja Issa Brown, u uzrastu od 73-78 nedelja, podeljenih u tri grupe. Sve grupe su za ishranu dobijale smeÅ”e istog sastava, u kojima je glavni izvor kalcijuma bio mleveni mermer. Razlike između grupa su bile u veličini čestica mermera dodatog u hranu. Grupa 1, (kontrola), je dobijala smeÅ”u sa praÅ”kasto mlevenim mermerom (kreda), veličine čestica 0,02 mm. U smeÅ”i za grupu 2 oko 60 % mermera je bilo sa krupnijim česticama (1,10-1,40 mm), a 40 % u obliku krede. U smeÅ”i za grupu 3 oko 60 % mermera je bilo sa joÅ” krupnijim česticama (1,42-2,80 mm), a 40 % u obliku krede. Za ispitivanje kvaliteta ljuske jaja su sakupljana svakodnevno u tri vremenska intervala (vreme ovipozicije): 7-9 sati, 11-13 sati i 15-17 sati. Ustanovljeno je da sa vremenom ovipozicije opada masa jaja i deformacija ljuske, dok se vrednosti sile loma, debljine i mase ljuske povećavaju. Veličina čestica mermera dodatog u hranu, ispoljila je značajan uticaj na kvalitet ljuske jaja, izražen kroz deformaciju i silu loma. Jaja nosilja iz 2. i 3. grupe (krupnije čestice mermera), snesena popodne, imala su značajno (p (lt) 0,05) manje vrednosti deformacije (21,9 Ī¼; 19,9 Ī¼) i veće vrednosti sile loma ljuske (5,0 kg; 4,6 kg) u odnosu na jaja nosilja iz 1. grupe. U toku prepodnevnog perioda noÅ”enja, jaja nosilja 1. i2. grupe su ispoljila veću silu loma u odnosu na jaja nosilja 3. grupe. Generalno, može se zaključiti da je 2. grupa nosilja (veličina čestica mermera 1,10-1,40 mm) pokazala najbolje rezultate i da je moguće poboljÅ”ati čvrstoću ljuske jaja, kod starijih nosilja, dodatkom u hranu izvesne količine mermera krupnijih čestica

    PoboljŔanje kvaliteta ljuske jaja zamenom sitno mlevenog krečnjaka sa mermerom krupnijih čestica u obrocima za nosilje

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    Eggshell quality was studied in a total of 108 Hissex hens from 58 to 62 weeks of age. All hens received a basal diet of the same composition. The differences between the three equal groups were in the replacement percent of fine pulverised limestone by granular limestone, of larger particle size. The first group (control) received the basal diet with only pulverised limestone as a calcium supplement. In the diet of the second group, 60 % of the pulverised limestone was replaced with granular limestone and in the third group percent 80 %. Significantly higher breaking force (3.6 kg) shell mass (8.2 g), shell thickness (36 x 0.01 mm) and lower deformation (20.4 m) were found for eggs from the third group of hens than for eggs from the first group (3.4 kg; 8.0 g; 35 x 0.01 mm; 21.4 m; respectively). Also these eggshell characteristics were more favourable in the second group than in the first group, but the difference was significant (p (lt) 0.05) only for breaking force (3.5 kg versus 3.4 kg). The results obtained in our investigation showed some possibilities of eggshell quality improvement using limestone of larger particle size as a Ca supplemente in the hen diet. Replacing 60-80 % of pulverised limestone by larger particle size limestone had positive effects on eggshell quality.Ispitivanja su obavljena na 108 Hissex nosilja u uzrastu od 58 do 62 nedelje, podeljenih u tri grupe. Sve grupe su za ishranu dobijale smeÅ”e istog sastava a razlike su bile samo u procentu zamene krede, u obroku, sa mermerom krupnijih čestica. Grupa 1. (kontrola) je dobijala smeÅ”u u koji je osnovni izvor kalcijuma bila stočna kreda. U obroku grupe 2, 60% krede je bilo zamenjeno sa mermerom krupnijih čestica, dok je u obroku grupe 3 taj procenat zamene iznosio 80 %. Jaja su sakupljana po nedeljnim intervalima u cilju određivanja osobina kvaliteta ljuske. Ustanovljeno je da je najbolje rezultate dala ishrana nosilja grupe 3. Zamena 80 % krede sa mermerom krupnijih čestica, doprinela je statistički značajnom poboljÅ”anju kvaliteta ljuske u odnosu na grupu 1. Na jajima nosilja grupe 3, ustanovljena je sila loma ljuske od 3,6 kg, deformacija ljuske 20,4 Āµm, masa ljuske od 8,2 g i debljina ljuske od 36 x 0,01 mm. Vrednosti ovih osobina na jajima nosilja gupe 1 su iznosile: 3,4 kg, 21,4 Āµ, 8,0 g i 35 x 0,01mm. Efekat poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta ljuske jaja ispoljen je i kod nosilja grupe 2, ali je statistička značajnost ustanovljena samo za vrednost sile loma ljuske (3,5 kg)

    Uticaj nivoa proteina, pola i uzrasta na karakteristike golenjače kod dva hibrida brojlerskih pilića

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    Cobb 500 and Hubbard Classic broiler chicks were reared on the floor during seven weeks of fattening. Chicks, of each strain, were divided in two groups (160 chicks in group) and feed with two isocaloric diets differed in protein levels. The contents of crude protein in the diets 1, were 23 % (1-2 weeks of age), 22 % (3. week), 21 % (4 - 6 weeks), 18 % (7. week) and in the diets 2 were 22 % (1 - 2 weeks), 21 % (3. week), 20 % (4 - 6 weeks) and 17 % (7. week of age). At days 35, 42 and 49, 10 male and 10 female chicks were sacrificed from both strain and both group. The right tibiae were removed and prepared for analysis. Bone breaking force were determined by three-point-bending test at the midlength. Geometrical properties were obtained by measuring of outside and inside antero-posterior and lateromedial diameters, at the middiaphyseal transverse section of each tibia. These data were used to calculated of bones cross sectional cortical area and cross sectional medullar area. The obtained results showed that cross sectional cortical area and cross sectional medullar area increased with age and were influenced by strain and sex but not by dietary protein levels. Hubbard Classic chicks had higher cortical and lower medullar area than Cobb 500 chicks. The breaking force and ratio cortical/medullar area were significantly (p (lt) 0.05) greater in male than in female chicks of each strain. The male chicks of both strain, fed the diets 2, during six weeks of fattening, had the largest tibiae breaking force (47.0-50.0 kg) but the differences were not significant. Geometrical and mechanical characteristics of broilers tibiae were notsignificantly influenced by dietary protein levels.U ogledu su koriŔćeni brojlerski pilići hibrida Cobb 500 i Hubbard Classic gajenih u tovu tokom sedam nedelja. Pilići, oba hibrida su bili podeljeni u dve grupe (160 pilića po grupi) i hranjeni sa dve smeÅ”e istog sastava, koje su se razlikovale u nivou sirovih proteina. Sadržaj sirovih proteina u smeÅ”ama 1, je iznosio 23 % (u uzrastu 1.2 nedelje), 22 % (3. nedelje), 21 % (4-6 nedelje), 18 % (7. nedelje). Sadržaj sirovih proteina u smeÅ”ama 2 je iznossio 22 % (1-2 nedelje), 21 % (3. nedelje), 20 % (4-6 nedelje), 17 % (7. nedelje). Žrtvovanje po 10 jedinki muÅ”kog i 10 jedinki ženskog pola je izvrÅ”eno u uzrastu od 35, 42 i 49 dana, u okviru svake grupe i hibrida. Desna golenjača je odvajana od trupa I koriŔćena za anlizu. Sila loma je određivana u testu sa tri tačke oslonca, na sredini dijafize. Geometrijske karakteristike su određivane merenjem spoljaÅ”njih i unutraÅ”njih prečnika na sredini poprečnog preseka golenjače. Ove vrednosti su koriŔćene za izračunavanje poprečnog preseka korteksa dijafize golenjače i povrÅ”ine poprečnog preseka medularne Å”upljine. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali dasu uzrast, pol i nasledna osnova faktori od većeg uticaja na geometrijske i mehaničke osobine golenjače brojlerskih pilića od nivoa sirovih priteina u oborku..Golenjače muÅ”kih pilića imale su veću povrÅ”inu poprečnog preseka korteksa i silu loma a manju povrÅ”inu poprečnog preseka medularne Å”upljine u odnosu na golenjače ženskih pilića. Pilići hibrida Hubbard Classic, su imali veće vrednosti poprečnog preseka korteksa i sile loma a manje vrednosti poprečnog preseka
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