18 research outputs found

    Börsintroduktioner: post festum - Går det att förutspå hur börsintroduktioner kommer att prestera?

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    Title: IPO’s: a post festum - Can post-IPO stock performance be predicted? Seminar date: January 14th, 2016 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project in Corporate Finance, Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS Authors: Simon Bengtsson, Julia Colven, Jonathan Karlsson, Alexander Vitols Advisor: Göran Andersson Key words: Initial Public Offerings, Company age, Private equity, Founder, Insider ownership Purpose: The study attempts to investigate the long-term performance of post-IPO stocks on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange, relative to a total return index. Furthermore, the study will evaluate to which degree four non-financial factors can be used to predict long-term performance. The goal is to use the results of this study to guide and improve investors’ decision-making process regarding IPO-prospectuses. Methodology: The secondary data has been analyzed using a quantitative, deductive approach. Theoretical perspectives: The study draws from previous research on the predictability of the chosen factors in terms of relative performance, in addition to previous studies on post IPO stock performance in Sweden and Globally. Empirical foundation: The three-year total return of 55 IPO’s between the years 2000-2011 is compared to the OMXSBGI-index. The data is collected from the website of Nasdaq, Capital IQ and Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority). The IPO prospectus was used as the source of data on the non-financial factors for each observed company. Conclusions: The observed companies have underperformed the chosen index as a group, with a few individual exceptions. Of the chosen factors, only the age of the company at the time of the IPO has shown a statistically relevant correlation with long-term performance.Examensarbetets titel: Börsintroduktioner: post festum - Går det att förutspå hur börsintroduktioner kommer att prestera? Seminariedatum: 2016-01-14 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Simon Bengtsson, Julia Colven, Jonathan Karlsson, Alexander Vitols Handledare: Göran Andersson Nyckelord: Börsintroduktioner, Bolagets ålder, Private equity, Grundare, Insiderägande Syfte: Studien ämnar undersöka hur börsintroduktioner på Nasdaq Stockholm har presterat långsiktigt jämfört med relevant index. Därtill ska studien utröna vilken inverkan icke finansiella faktorer haft på börsintroduktionernas långsiktiga utveckling. Målsättningen är att utifrån information i prospekt ge investerare bättre förutsättningar vid investeringsbeslut beträffande börsnoteringar. Metod: Vid analys av sekundärdata har författarna använt sig av en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien tar avstamp i tidigare forskning kring de utvalda variablernas påverkan på aktieavkastning, samt tidigare undersökningar kring avkastning på nynoterade bolag i Sverige och globalt. Empiri: Treårsvkastningen för 55 börsnoteringar under tidsperioden 2000-2011 jämförs mot relevant index, OMXSBGI. Data är hämtad från Nasdaq’s hemsida, Capital IQ samt Finansinspektionen. Via bolagens noteringsprospekt har data kring variablerna inhämtats. Resultat: Bolagen i urvalet har generellt underpresterat valt jämförelseindex. Av de undersökta variablerna påvisas ett positivt signifikant samband mellan bolagets ålder och avkastning. Övriga variabler ger inget statistiskt signifikant resultat

    Financial Systems and Industrial Policy in Germany and Great Britain: The Limits of Convergence

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    How Many Varieties of Capitalism? Comparing the Comparative Institutional Analyses of Capitalist Diversity

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    German Industrial Policy: An Overview

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    The German political economy and its comparative advantage in the production of high quality, internationally competitive manufactured goods has long been an object of study. Yet a remarkable lack of consensus exists as to the key institutional features of the German model, particularly regarding the role of the national state in industrial policy. This paper argues, in the face of widespread calls for withdrawal of German state institutional frameworks governing the labour market in particular, that the German framework is not as rigid as claimed, and that the innovative capabilities of German industry would be best served by incremental changes rather than wholesale dismantling of existing structures.