43 research outputs found

    An Innovative Workspace for The Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is an initiative to build the next generation, ground-based gamma-ray observatories. We present a prototype workspace developed at INAF that aims at providing innovative solutions for the CTA community. The workspace leverages open source technologies providing web access to a set of tools widely used by the CTA community. Two different user interaction models, connected to an authentication and authorization infrastructure, have been implemented in this workspace. The first one is a workflow management system accessed via a science gateway (based on the Liferay platform) and the second one is an interactive virtual desktop environment. The integrated workflow system allows to run applications used in astronomy and physics researches into distributed computing infrastructures (ranging from clusters to grids and clouds). The interactive desktop environment allows to use many software packages without any installation on local desktops exploiting their native graphical user interfaces. The science gateway and the interactive desktop environment are connected to the authentication and authorization infrastructure composed by a Shibboleth identity provider and a Grouper authorization solution. The Grouper released attributes are consumed by the science gateway to authorize the access to specific web resources and the role management mechanism in Liferay provides the attribute-role mapping

    WebSocket Integration in Django

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    Nowadays Web technologies have become more common as they improve the work of astronomers by easing, for example, the monitoring and analysing of data. The Django Python framework is one of the most widely used libraries for developing Web applications as it offers several advantages. However, the necessity of continuously deal with data in real time, such as tracking atmospheric parameters, analysing the evolution of the light curve during a transient event, displaying inline vector graphics for interactive plots and representation, has constantly grown in Astronomy and Astrophysics, and this has naturally involved in new challenges. Nevertheless the WebSocket protocol represents the best option to manage real-time data, but it is not supported by Django natively. This report provides an overview of the WebSocket protocol and advances the integration of a WebSocket server as a loosely coupled service within a Django application by illustrating a simple and non-invasive methodology, within a proof-of-concept using open source software, which avoid switching to new deployment architectures, with all its consequences. Such proposed technique can be applied to any generic scenarios, such as done for the TMSS project included in the report as use case example

    Integrating virtual reality and GIS tools for geological mapping, data collection and analysis: an example from Metaxa Mine, Santorini (Greece)

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    In the present work we highlight the effectiveness of integrating different techniques and tools for better surveying, mapping and collecting data in volcanic areas. We use an Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) approach for data collection, integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis in a well-known volcanological site in Santorini (Metaxa mine), a site where volcanic processes influenced the island’s industrial development, especially with regard to pumice mining. Specifically, we have focused on: (i) three-dimensional (3D) high-resolution IVR scenario building, based on Structure from Motion photogrammetry (SfM) modeling; (ii) subsequent geological survey, mapping and data collection using IVR; (iii) data analysis, e.g., calculation of extracted volumes, as well as production of new maps in a GIS environment using input data directly from the IVR survey; and finally, (iv) presentation of new outcomes that highlight the importance of the Metaxa Mine as a key geological and volcanological geosite

    Improving natural risk management by means of virtual surveys through hazardous volcanic contexts by using Augmented and Virtual Reality

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    To ensure an efficient natural risk management, we need an in-depth understanding and assessment of risk as well as the adoption of effective prevention measures. Modern techniques such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) offer the opportunity to explore our environment for professional as well as educational purposes, conveying useful information not only to scientists, but also to at-risk populations. “Virtual navigation on volcanoes by Augmented Reality and 3D-headset” was a geoevent we organized in the framework of the 6th edition of the Italian “Settimana del Pianeta Terra” (Week of Planet Earth) in October 2018. The geoevent featured AR and Virtual Reality exhibits, highlighting the benefits of these tools in applications for Earth monitoring, also with positive contributions in mitigation actions to reduce the impact of natural hazards. We proposed virtual 3D models of volcanic regions in Iceland and Italy (at Etna volcano), which guided the visitors in a virtual survey through hazardous contexts like landslide prone areas and fault zones. The event was supported as part of the 3DTeLC project funded through the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education scheme (Project Reference: 2017-1-UK01-KA203-036719).3DTeLC project funded through the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education scheme (Project Reference: 2017-1-UK01-KA203-036719)PublishedVienna, Austria1TM. Formazion

    Toward porting Astrophysics Visual Analytics Services to the European Open Science Cloud

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    The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) aims to create a federated environment for hosting and processing research data to support science in all disciplines without geographical boundaries, such that data, software, methods and publications can be shared as part of an Open Science community of practice. This work presents the ongoing activities related to the implementation of visual analytics services, integrated into EOSC, towards addressing the diverse astrophysics user communities needs. These services rely on visualisation to manage the data life cycle process under FAIR principles, integrating data processing for imaging and multidimensional map creation and mosaicing, and applying machine learning techniques for detection of structures in large scale multidimensional maps

    Mobile application development exploiting science gateway technologies

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    Nowadays, collaborative applications are valuable tools for scientists to share their studies and experiences, for example, by interacting simultaneously with their data and outcomes giving feedback to other colleagues on how the data are processed. This paper presents a mobile application connected to a workflow-enabled framework to perform visualization and data analysis of large-scale, multi-dimensional datasets on distributed computing infrastructures. In particular, the usage of workflow-driven applications, through science gateway technologies, allows the scientist to share heavy data exploration tasks as workflows and the relative results in a transparent and user-friendly way

    Workflows and Science Gateways for Astronomical Experiments

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    Workflow and science gateway technologies have been adopted by scientific communities as a valuable tool to carry out complex experiments. They offer the possibility to perform computations for data analysis and simulations, whereas hiding details of the complex infrastructures underneath. In this paper we describe our experiences in creating workflows oriented science gateways based on gUSE/WS-PGRADE technology that allow to build user-friendly science gateways for Astronomers