6 research outputs found

    Geographic information for the management of flood risk insurance

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    This paper describes a research project aimed at introducing geographic information in the management of flood insurance policies through GIS technologies. The main scope is the development of a toolbox to take geographic information into account in the calculation of flood insurance premiums. Several factors influence real estate flood vulnerability: building’s exposure depends on territorial aspects, like the presence of flood areas, the elevation profile, the position of the building compared to hazard zones, but it is also determined by the construction characteristics of the building itself. In a pilot project workflows were set up to manage the whole underwriting process, following a rational methodology and taking into account all variables influencing building flood vulnerability. The developed tools are all based on free and open source software, server-side as a WebGIS tool and API and clientside as an Android application. Through a more accurate evaluation of the risk, the insurer is allowed to better manage its risk exposure and this way guarantee solvency in the case of a flood event and on the other hand be more competitive on the market

    L'informazione geografica nella gestione dei rischi catastrofali

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    Nel presente lavoro si descrivono le operazioni eseguite ed i risultati raggiunti per introdurre l???informazione geografica nella gestione di un consistente portafoglio assicurativo di immobili, mediante uno specifico WebGis. Il posizionamento degli immobili permette di interfacciare il ???bene casa??? in primo luogo con le basi geografiche relative al rischio idrogeologico ed in prospettiva con tutte le mappe di rischio disponibili e/o in fase di realizzazione. Ciò permette l???avvio di rigorosi metodi per la stima dei rischi connessi a polizze assicurative contro i danni da fenomeni naturali (terremoti, alluvioni, valanghe, grandinate, ???) ed apre ad una rivoluzionaria gestione delle stesse. Conoscere la posizione dell???immobile e quindi l???interazione con tutte le fonti di rischio ambientale apre la strada per una innovazione culturale strategica nella gestione del bene (pubblico o privato), con importanti ricadute sul lato sociale legato alla gestione del rischio e alla prevenzione dei danni

    Il monitoraggio delle emissioni di CO2 e dei consumi energetici a livello comunale tramite WebGis

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    Il cambiamento climatico dovuto ai gas serra ed il progressivo esaurimento dei combustibili fossili hanno portatonegli ultimi anni ad un ripensamento delle politiche energetiche e ad una maggiore attenzione alle potenzialitàdi risparmio energetico e di abbattimento delle emissioni di CO2. Alla base di ogni strategia è fondamentale una base informativa dettagliata ed affidabile alla quale fare riferimento per studiare interventi e strategia. È in questo contesto che si colloca R3 EcoGIS, uno strumento WebGIS per il monitoraggio dei consumi e delle emissioni e per il supporto alle decisioni energetiche a livello comunale.   A WebGis for the monitoring of CO2 emissions and energy consumption at the municipal level Climate change from greenhouse gases and the progressiveexhaustion of fossil fuels in recent years have led to a rethinkingof energy policy and greater attention to the potential forsaving energy and reducing emissions of CO2. At the base ofeach strategy it is fundamental a detailed and reliable informationbase to which every study, interventions and strategies canbe referred. It is in this context that EcoGIS R3, a WebGIS toolfor monitoring fuel consumption and emissions and energysupport decisions at the municipal level

    Finding the Right Approach for a National Underground Infrastructure Register Object. GI_Forum 2013 – Creating the GISociety|

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain and describe the benefits achieved after a three year pilot project “Progettazione Partecipata dei Sottoservizi nei Territori dei Comuni di Milano, Rho, Pero e Arese” (Participated planning of the underground infrastructure in the area of the municipalities of Milano, Rho, Pero and Arese). The project has been financed by Regione Lombardia, and it has been carried out in partnership with the Italian Association for Trenchless Technology and ANCI Lombardia (National Association of the Local Authorities). The project is also under close observation by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and AGCOM (National Authority for Communication)

    Finding the Right Approach for a National Underground Infrastructure Register Object. GI_Forum 2013 – Creating the GISociety|

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain and describe the benefits achieved after a three year pilot project “Progettazione Partecipata dei Sottoservizi nei Territori dei Comuni di Milano, Rho, Pero e Arese” (Participated planning of the underground infrastructure in the area of the municipalities of Milano, Rho, Pero and Arese). The project has been financed by Regione Lombardia, and it has been carried out in partnership with the Italian Association for Trenchless Technology and ANCI Lombardia (National Association of the Local Authorities). The project is also under close observation by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and AGCOM (National Authority for Communication)

    PALMARI GPS INTEGRATI NELLA GESTIONE DEL VERDE DI MILANO Un sistema di controllo della qualità a supporto della pianificazione

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    Green public spaces within cities are precious resources that have to be safeguarded and enhanced as public assets with an important environmental and social role. The municipality of Milano has developed a GIS-based management system, which allows managing, monitoring and documenting all maintenance activities, while ensuring an agreed level of quality. The activities are carried out by external companies, in the framework of a Global Service. In order to monitor the quality of green areas, municipal controllers and operators in the field monitor quality standards and report non compliance cases using handheld GPS devices. The geo-referenced reports are then matched with the elements in the GIS and forwarded to the gardeners in charge of the area. This article analyses the result of one year of use of GPS devices in the field, the problems encountered, and the improvements made in the overall green area management in the City of Milano