13 research outputs found

    Teaching analytics using SAS on Demand for Academics

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    Faculty teaching courses in business analytics/predictive analytics have a variety of software options to deliver the content of their syllabi. SAS Institute made available to academia a special platform known as SAS on Demand for Academics that allows students and professors to benefit from state of the art analytics software. This teaching note aims at smoothing the learning curve for professors willing to use the SAS on Demand for Academics platform in business analytics classes

    Social Couponing Sales: The Influence of “Likes”

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    Social media and social commerce continue to transform the way individuals interact with each other, but even more so how they interact with businesses and organizations. The power and influence of the social group has made social couponing sites such as Groupon or LivingSocial big players in the e-commerce marketplace. In this research we explore whether the inclusion of social media “Likes” in advertisements for discount vouchers on social couponing sites is correlated with the level of sales. Specifically, we examine how the final level of sales are affected by the practice of displaying the “soft” variables of: the sold vouchers, the number of followers or number of likes, the amount of the price discount, and both the initial and final price

    The Influence of Shopping Website Design on Consumer’s Intention to Buy Online: The Case of 3D vs. 2D Online Book Stores

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    As increasing number of consumers take their business on-line, retailers try to gain competitive advantage through innovativedesign of their electronic storefronts. In the last few years, more and more three dimensional online stores (3D) have becomean alternative to the more traditional two dimensional ones (2D). The goal of this study is to examine the influence ofshopping website design (3D vs. 2D websites) on consumer’s intention to buy online. We draw from research in electroniccommerce, web-site design, technology acceptance and psychology, and propose a model that seeks to explain the influenceof online store front design on shopping outcomes through of such mediators as user perceptions and cognitive absorption.The proposed model offers useful insights to researchers and practitioners alike

    Coherence, Richness and Cognitive Absorption in Website Design

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    Kaplan’s theory on environmental preferences can offer a holistic perspective on cognitive absorption in e-commerce website design. Drawing on Kaplan’s theory, this paper proposes that coherence and richness of a website can enhance cognitive absorption of users. The findings from our study not only support the hypotheses, but also suggest that coherence and richness can reach an optimal proportion in website design, after which they are inversely correlated

    Disclose Intimately, Honesty, Heavily, Positively and Intentionally: An Exploration of Self-Disclosure in Social Networking Sites

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    The present paper applies the relationship perspective of IT to propose a theoretical framework that explains the five dimensions of self-disclosure, namely intimacy, honesty, amount, valence, and intentionality


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    As the popularity of social networking sites (SNSs) continues to grow, the research on what affects user intentions is also experiencing increased attention. This study investigates the effect of privacy and trust in other SNS users on trust in the SNS and the relationship between trust in the SNS, social norms and the intention to use an SNS. Data collected from online surveys were analyzed using linear regression analysis. The findings indicate that perceived privacy and trust in other SNS users has a positive relationship with trust in the SNS. However, the data showed no significant relationship between trust in the SNS and intention to use the SNS, unless mediated by social norms. This finding contributes to the literature on SNS intention to use, by confirming that social norms play a significant role in the way SNS users evaluate their intention to use

    Valuation of Personal Data in the Age of Data Ownership

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    In order to tackle uncertainties about data ownership and data misuse, more accessible and competitive data markets are proposed, especially concerning the use and access rights of data generated by the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Legal proposals suggest that companies and individuals become owners of their self-generated data, enabling new ways of data monetization. Still, individuals are often uncertain about the value and price of their own generated data. This research builds on construal level theory to propose influencing factors fostering an understanding of intraindividual data value. The results of a pilot study survey (n = 104), conducted during the ICIS 2022, show that data proximity and data sensitivity factors significantly influence intraindividual data value. Our research extends the knowledge on data value from individual perspectives and builds the foundation for future work on data valuation and pricing in intraindividual data trading

    Valuation of Personal Data in the Age of Data Ownership (Paper-a-thon)

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    In order to tackle uncertainties about data ownership and data misuse, more accessible and competitive data markets are proposed, especially concerning the use and access rights of data generated by the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Legal proposals suggest that companies and individuals become owners of their self-generated data, enabling new ways of data monetization. Still, individuals are often uncertain about the value and price of their own generated data. This research builds on construal level theory to propose influencing factors fostering an understanding of intraindividual data value. The results of a pilot study survey (n = 104), conducted during the ICIS 2022, show that data proximity and data sensitivity factors significantly influence intraindividual data value. Our research extends the knowledge on data value from individual perspectives and builds the foundation for future work on data valuation and pricing in intraindividual data trading