2 research outputs found

    Age and Growth of the Popeye Shiner (Notropis ariommus) in the Rockcastle River

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    The Popeye Shiner (Notropis ariommus), occupies clear, gravel runs and flowing pools of creeks and small rivers throughout the Ohio River basin, but has declined in many areas. This species is a small silvery minnow with an unusually large eye. Despite being a candidate for the endangered species list (Department of the Interior, 2011), little life-history data have been published, which are needed to make conservation management decisions.https://scholarworks.moreheadstate.edu/celebration_posters_2023/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Age and Growth of the Highland Shiner (Notropis micropteryx) in Rockcastle County, Kentucky

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    Notropis micropteryx, the Highland Shiner, is common in small to large streams of the Cumberland, Tennessee, and upper Green River drainages. It usually inhabits rocky riffles (Eisenhour and Eisenhour 2004)). While their population size was assessed as stable by the IUCN in 2012, little is known about the age and growth of this minnow species. Despite being a small fish, attention must be given to the health of its population as it serves an ecological niche and impact on the surrounding ecosystem.https://scholarworks.moreheadstate.edu/celebration_posters_2023/1002/thumbnail.jp