493 research outputs found

    A relational quantum computer using only two-qubit total spin measurement and an initial supply of highly mixed single qubit states

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    We prove that universal quantum computation is possible using only (i) the physically natural measurement on two qubits which distinguishes the singlet from the triplet subspace, and (ii) qubits prepared in almost any three different (potentially highly mixed) states. In some sense this measurement is a `more universal' dynamical element than a universal 2-qubit unitary gate, since the latter must be supplemented by measurement. Because of the rotational invariance of the measurement used, our scheme is robust to collective decoherence in a manner very different to previous proposals - in effect it is only ever sensitive to the relational properties of the qubits.Comment: TR apologises for yet again finding a coauthor with a ridiculous middle name [12

    SRF is required for maintenance of astrocytes in non-reactive state in the mammalian brain

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    Astrocytes play several critical roles in the normal functioning of the mammalian brain, including ion homeostasis, synapse formation, and synaptic plasticity. Following injury and infection or in the setting of neurodegeneration, astrocytes become hypertrophic and reactive, a process termed astrogliosis. Although acute reactive gliosis is beneficial in limiting further tissue damage, chronic gliosis becomes detrimental for neuronal recovery and regeneration. Several extracellular factors have been identified that generate reactive astrocytes; however, very little is known about the cell-autonomous transcriptional mechanisms that regulate the maintenance of astrocytes in the normal non-reactive state. Here, we show that conditional deletion of the stimulus-dependent transcription factor, serum response factor (SRF) in astrocytes

    High resolution NMR spectra of some tri-substituted benzenes

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    This paper presents the analysis of the proton magnetic resonance spectra of 2:4 dinitro phenol, 1-chloro 2:4 dinitro benzene, 1-nitro, 2-methyl, 3-chloro benzene (2-chloro, 6-nitro toluene) and 5-sulpho, 3-nitro benzoic acid based on the exact solution obtained by Jha for the splitting of NMR lines of a three nuclei system of the ABC type

    A framework for bounding nonlocality of state discrimination

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    We consider the class of protocols that can be implemented by local quantum operations and classical communication (LOCC) between two parties. In particular, we focus on the task of discriminating a known set of quantum states by LOCC. Building on the work in the paper "Quantum nonlocality without entanglement" [BDF+99], we provide a framework for bounding the amount of nonlocality in a given set of bipartite quantum states in terms of a lower bound on the probability of error in any LOCC discrimination protocol. We apply our framework to an orthonormal product basis known as the domino states and obtain an alternative and simplified proof that quantifies its nonlocality. We generalize this result for similar bases in larger dimensions, as well as the "rotated" domino states, resolving a long-standing open question [BDF+99].Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    G2 Dualities in D=5 Supergravity and Black Strings

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    Five dimensional minimal supergravity dimensionally reduced on two commuting Killing directions gives rise to a G2 coset model. The symmetry group of the coset model can be used to generate new solutions by applying group transformations on a seed solution. We show that on a general solution the generators belonging to the Cartan and nilpotent subalgebras of G2 act as scaling and gauge transformations, respectively. The remaining generators of G2 form a sl(2,R)+sl(2,R) subalgebra that can be used to generate non-trivial charges. We use these generators to generalize the five dimensional Kerr string in a number of ways. In particular, we construct the spinning electric and spinning magnetic black strings of five dimensional minimal supergravity. We analyze physical properties of these black strings and study their thermodynamics. We also explore their relation to black rings.Comment: typos corrected (26 pages + appendices, 2 figures

    Distinguishability of the Bell states

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    More than two multipartite orthogonal states cannot always be discriminated (with certainty) if only local operations and classical communication (LOCC) are allowed. Using an existing inequality among the measures of entanglement, we show that any three Bell states cannot be discriminated by LOCC. Exploiting the inequality, we calculate the distillable entanglement of a certain class of (4\otimes 4) mixed states.Comment: 3 Pages Latex, references added, minor change

    The clustering of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and their sources

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    The sky distribution of cosmic rays with energies above the 'GZK cutoff' holds important clues to their origin. The AGASA data, although consistent with isotropy, shows evidence for small-angle clustering, and it has been argued that such clusters are aligned with BL Lacertae objects, implicating these as sources. It has also been suggested that clusters can arise if the cosmic rays come from the decays of very massive relic particles in the Galactic halo, due to the expected clumping of cold dark matter. We examine these claims and show that both are in fact not justified.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, version in press at Phys. Rev.

    Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Fluxes and Their Constraints

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    Applying our recently developed propagation code we review extragalactic neutrino fluxes above 10^{14} eV in various scenarios and how they are constrained by current data. We specifically identify scenarios in which the cosmogenic neutrino flux, produced by pion production of ultra high energy cosmic rays outside their sources, is considerably higher than the "Waxman-Bahcall bound". This is easy to achieve for sources with hard injection spectra and luminosities that were higher in the past. Such fluxes would significantly increase the chances to detect ultra-high energy neutrinos with experiments currently under construction or in the proposal stage.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, version published in Phys.Rev.