12 research outputs found

    Chondrogenically Primed Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Persist and Undergo Early Stages of Endochondral Ossification in an Immunocompetent Xenogeneic Model

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    Tissue engineering approaches using progenitor cells such as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) represent a promising strategy to regenerate bone. Previous work has demonstrated the potential of chondrogenically primed human MSCs to recapitulate the process of endochondral ossification and form mature bone in vivo, using immunodeficient xenogeneic models. To further the translation of such MSC-based approaches, additional investigation is required to understand the impact of interactions between human MSC constructs and host immune cells upon the success of MSC-mediated bone formation. Although human MSCs are considered hypoimmunogenic, the potential of chondrogenically primed human MSCs to induce immunogenic responses in vivo, as well as the efficacy of MSC-mediated ectopic bone formation in the presence of fully competent immune system, requires further elucidation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the capacity of chondrogenically primed human MSC constructs to persist and undergo the process of endochondral ossification in an immune competent xenogeneic model. Chondrogenically differentiated human MSC pellets were subcutaneously implanted to wild-type BALB/c mice and retrieved at 2 and 12 weeks post-implantation. The percentages of CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, B cells, and classical/non-classical monocyte subsets were not altered in the peripheral blood of mice that received chondrogenic MSC constructs compared to sham-operated controls at 2 weeks post-surgery. However, MSC-implanted mice had significantly higher levels of serum total IgG compared to sham-operated mice at this timepoint. Flow cytometric analysis of retrieved MSC constructs identified the presence of T cells and macrophages at 2 and 12 weeks post-implantation, with low levels of immune cell infiltration to implanted MSC constructs detected by CD45 and CD3 immunohistochemical staining. Despite the presence of immune cells in the tissue, MSC constructs persisted in vivo and were not degraded/resorbed. Furthermore, constructs became mineralised, with longitudinal micro-computed tomography imaging revealing an increase in mineralised tissue volume from 4 weeks post-implantation until the experimental endpoint at 12 weeks. These findings indicate that chondrogenically differentiated human MSC pellets can persist and undergo early stages of endochondral ossification following subcutaneous implantation in an immunocompetent xenogeneic model. This scaffold-free model may be further extrapolated to provide mechanistic insight to osteoimmunological processes regulating bone regeneration and homeostasis

    Pediatric mesenchymal stem cells exhibit immunomodulatory properties toward allogeneic T and B cells under inflammatory conditions

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    Mesenchymal stem cells from pediatric patients (pMSCs) are an attractive cell source in regenerative medicine, due to their higher proliferation rates and better differentiation abilities compared to adult MSCs (aMSCs). We have previously characterized the immunomodulatory abilities of pMSCs on T cells under co-culture. It has also been reported that aMSCs can inhibit B cell proliferation and maturation under inflammatory conditions. In this study, we therefore aimed to clarify the immunomodulatory effect of pMSCs toward T and B cells in an inflammatory microenvironment. Bone marrow derived pMSCs were primed to simulate inflammatory conditions by exposure with 50 ng/mL of IFN-γ for 3 days. To analyze the interaction between pMSCs and T cells, CD3/CD28 stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were co-cultured with primed or unprimed pMSCs. To investigate B cell responses, quiescent B cells obtained from spleens by CD43 negative selection were stimulated with anti-IgM, anti-CD40, IL-2, and co-cultured with either IFN-γ primed or unprimed pMSC. pMSC phenotype, B and T cell proliferation, and B cell functionality were analyzed. Gene expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenease (IDO), as well as the expression of HLA-ABC, HLA-DR and the co-stimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 was upregulated on pMSCs upon IFN-γ priming. IFN-γ did not alter the immunomodulatory abilities of pMSCs upon CD4+ nor CD8+ stimulated T cells compared to unprimed pMSCs. IFN-γ primed pMSCs but not unprimed pMSCs strongly inhibited naïve (CD19+CD27-), memory (CD19+CD27+), and total B cell proliferation. Antibody-producing plasmablast (CD19+CD27highCD38high) formation and IgG production were also significantly inhibited by IFN-γ primed pMSCs compared to unprimed pMSCs. Collectively, these results show that pMSCs have immunomodulatory effects upon the adaptive immune response which can be potentiated by inflammatory stimuli. This knowledge is useful in regenerative medicine and allogeneic transplantation applications toward tailoring pMSCs function to best modulate the immune response for a successful implant engraftment and avoidance of a strong immune reaction

    Isolating Pediatric Mesenchymal Stem Cells with Enhanced Expansion and Differentiation Capabilities

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    Mesenchymal stem cells/marrow stromal cells (MSCs) are attractive for applications ranging from research and development to use in clinical therapeutics. However, the most commonly studied MSCs, adult bone marrow MSCs (A-MSCs), are limited by significant donor variation resulting in inconsistent expansion rates and multilineage differentiation capabilities. We have recently obtained permission to isolate pediatric MSCs (P-MSCs) from surplus iliac crest bone chips. Here, we developed a simple and easily replicable isolation protocol yielding P-MSCs, which adhere to MSC defining guidelines. After confirming immunophenotypic marker expression, we compared expansion rates, senescence, morphology, and trilineage differentiation of P-MSCs to A-MSCs for multiple donors. We found P-MSCs have faster in vitro replication, consistently show significantly lower senescence, and are capable of more reproducible multilineage differentiation than A-MSCs. We, therefore, believe P-MSCs are a promising candidate for use in research applications and potentially as part of an allogeneic therapeutic treatment

    Interactions of the Immune System with Human Kidney Organoids

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    Kidney organoids are an innovative tool in transplantation research. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether kidney organoids are susceptible for allo-immune attack and whether they can be used as a model to study allo-immunity in kidney transplantation. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived kidney organoids were co-cultured with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), which resulted in invasion of allogeneic T-cells around nephron structures and macrophages in the stromal cell compartment of the organoids. This process was associated with the induction of fibrosis. Subcutaneous implantation of kidney organoids in immune-deficient mice followed by adoptive transfer of human PBMC led to the invasion of diverse T-cell subsets. Single cell transcriptomic analysis revealed that stromal cells in the organoids upregulated expression of immune response genes upon immune cell invasion. Moreover, immune regulatory PD-L1 protein was elevated in epithelial cells while genes related to nephron differentiation and function were downregulated. This study characterized the interaction between immune cells and kidney organoids, which will advance the use of kidney organoids for transplantation research

    Cabeza, Virginia Palomares

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    Bone formation by human paediatric marrow stromal cells in a functional allogeneic immune system

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    Allogeneic stem-cell based regenerative medicine is a promising approach for bone defect repair. The use of chondrogenically differentiated human marrow stromal cells (MSCs) has been shown to lead to bone formation by endochondral ossification in immunodeficient pre-clinical models. However, an insight into the interactions between the allogeneic immune system and the human MSC-derived bone grafts has not been fully achieved yet. The choice of a potent source of MSCs isolated from pediatric donors with consistent differentiation and high proliferation abilities, as well as low immunogenicity, could increase the chance of success for bone allografts. In this study, we employed an immunodeficient animal model humanised with allogeneic immune cells to study the immune responses towards chondrogenically differentiated human pediatric MSCs (ch-pMSCs). We show that ch-differentiated pMSCs remained non-immunogenic to allogeneic CD4 and CD8 T cells in an in vitro co-culture model. After subcutaneous implantation in mice, ch-pMSC-derived grafts were able to initiate bone mineralisation in the presence of an allogeneic immune system for 3 weeks without the onset of immune responses. Re-exposing the splenocytes of the humanised animals to pMSCs did not trigger further T cell proliferation, suggesting an absence of secondary immune responses. Moreover, ch-pMSCs generated mature bone after 8 weeks of implantation that persisted for up to 6 more weeks in the presence of an allogeneic immune system. These data collectively show that human allogeneic chondrogenically differentiated pediatric MSCs might be a safe and potent option for bone defect repair in the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine setting.</p

    Chondrogenically Primed Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Persist and Undergo Early Stages of Endochondral Ossification in an Immunocompetent Xenogeneic Model

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    Tissue engineering approaches using progenitor cells such as mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) represent a promising strategy to regenerate bone. Previous work has demonstrated the potential of chondrogenically primed human MSCs to recapitulate the process of endochondral ossification and form mature bone in vivo, using immunodeficient xenogeneic models. To further the translation of such MSC-based approaches, additional investigation is required to understand the impact of interactions between human MSC constructs and host immune cells upon the success of MSC-mediated bone formation. Although human MSCs are considered hypoimmunogenic, the potential of chondrogenically primed human MSCs to induce immunogenic responses in vivo, as well as the efficacy of MSC-mediated ectopic bone formation in the presence of fully competent immune system, requires further elucidation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the capacity of chondrogenically primed human MSC constructs to persist and undergo the process of endochondral ossification in an immune competent xenogeneic model. Chondrogenically differentiated human MSC pellets were subcutaneously implanted to wild-type BALB/c mice and retrieved at 2 and 12 weeks post-implantation. The percentages of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, B cells, and classical/non-classical monocyte subsets were not altered in the peripheral blood of mice that received chondrogenic MSC constructs compared to sham-operated controls at 2 weeks post-surgery. However, MSC-implanted mice had significantly higher levels of serum total IgG compared to sham-operated mice at this timepoint. Flow cytometric analysis of retrieved MSC constructs identified the presence of T cells and macrophages at 2 and 12 weeks post-implantation, with low levels of immune cell infiltration to implanted MSC constructs detected by CD45 and CD3 immunohistochemical staining. Despite the presence of immune cells in the tissue, MSC constructs persisted in vivo and were not degraded/resorbed. Furthermore, constructs became mineralised, with longitudinal micro-computed tomography imaging revealing an increase in mineralised tissue volume from 4 weeks post-implantation until the experimental endpoint at 12 weeks. These findings indicate that chondrogenically differentiated human MSC pellets can persist and undergo early stages of endochondral ossification following subcutaneous implantation in an immunocompetent xenogeneic model. This scaffold-free model may be further extrapolated to provide mechanistic insight to osteoimmunological processes regulating bone regeneration and homeostasis.</p