29 research outputs found

    Sobre la participación extranjera y los patrones de contratación después de la privatización

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    (Disponible en Inglés) Quienes critican la globalización afirman que la propiedad foránea de empresas privatizadas guarda relación con resultados laborales negativos posteriormente a la privatización, tales como un aumento de los despidos y una disminución de la contratación. En este trabajo se emplean nuevos datos a nivel de empresa de una muestra representativa de países para comprobar la validez de esta idea y se presentan pruebas de que los extranjeros que adquieren empresas propiedad del Estado tienden a adquirir empresas que ya habían sido mejor reestructuradas antes de su privatización. Además, en este trabajo no se halla prueba alguna de que la participación foránea en empresas privatizadas tenga alguna relación con los resultados laborales negativos.

    Streamlining and Privatization Prices in the Telecommunications Industry

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    This paper fills a void in the issue of determinants of privatization prices by concentrating in one industry across many countries. This has not been done before, as the literature has only focused on (i) many industries in one country, (ii) a single industry in one country, and (iii) many industries in many countries. We complement a recently released database with newly collected data, and we are able to cover 84 telecommunications privatizations, which account for nearly 80 percent of the sector in terms of value. Our findings are consistent with the little existing work on privatization prices, as our best policy prescription is primarily to concentrate on the transparency and cleanliness of the privatization process, as sale methods do matter. We show that government administration of labor downsizing may result in adverse selection, as the best workers are the first to leave when given the opportunity.

    Should State-Owned Firms Change CEOs Before Privatization? The Case of the Telecommunications Industry

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    Should state-owned enterprises change chief executive officer before privatizing? We test competing views on this question by complementing a recently released database with newly collected data. We are able to cover 77 telecommunications privatizations, which account for nearly 80 percent of the sector in terms of value. We find that CEO replacement will improve performance in the telecommunications industry before privatization as measured by penetration, operating efficiency, and profitability. CEO change before privatization does appear to have real consequences in firm performance before privatization. Moreover, findings are consistent with previous research that links CEO replacement and an increase in privatization prices

    ¿Cumple la privatización lo que promete? El acceso a los servicios telefónicos y el ingreso familiar en zonas rurales pobres empleando un experimento cuasinatural en Perú

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    (Disponible en idioma inglés únicamente) Este trabajo aprovecha un experimento cuasinatural realizado en Perú, en el que el gobierno ordenó a la compañía de telecomunicaciones privatizada que instalara aleatoriamente y operara teléfonos públicos en pequeños poblados en zonas rurales de todo el territorio nacional. Es posible, usando una encuesta de hogares preparada especialmente para una muestra representativa de poblaciones rurales, establecer una relación entre el acceso a los servicios telefónicos y el ingreso familiar. Se descubrió que, independientemente del nivel de ingresos, la mayoría de las características del uso del servicio telefónico público guardan una relación positiva con el ingreso. Resulta notable que se produzca un beneficio tanto a los niveles de ingreso correspondientes a las familias campesinas como a los de las familias no campesinas. Los hallazgos no sólo son válidos cuando se emplean variables instrumentales, sino que además se confirman cuando se emplean métodos de correspondencia de puntajes de propensión.


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    Aunque nacidas de un tronco común, pocas veces la Arqueología y la Historia suelen colaborar serenamente en el descubrimiento de una verdad científica. No pretendemos cubrir en algo el vacío, ya que el presente trabajo sólo aspira a señalar pautas de una labor que realizaba en forma organizada aligeraría empresas que por lo aisladas presentan imperfecciones en su ejecución

    Evaluating the Impact on Child Mortality of a Water Supply and Sewerage Expansion in Quito: Is Water Enough?

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    This paper explores the impact that a water supply and sewerage (W&S) expansion had on child mortality in Quito, Ecuador. Studies have typically estimated the effects of this type of interventions comparing outcome indicators - at the aggregate level - of areas with the facilities and areas that lack them, quite often neglecting systematic differences between treated and nontreated areas. Moreover, at aggregate levels, on the one hand, less comprehensive information may imply greater unobserved and uncontrolled heterogeneity; on the other, heterogeneity within areas may jeopardize identification of impacts. To account for these key observations, the authors used a propensity score matching (PSM) analysis at the individual level. Using indirect methods based on census data they constructed a mortality index at the motherhood level, and calculated five different impact estimators based on the propensity scores

    Streamlining and Privatization Prices in the Telecommunications Industry

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    This paper fills a void in the issue of determinants of privatization prices by concentrating in one industry across many countries. This has not been done before, as the literature has only focused on (i) many industries in one country, (ii) a single industry in one country, and (iii) many industries in many countries. We complement a recently released database with newly collected data, and we are able to cover 84 telecommunications privatizations, which account for nearly 80 percent of the sector in terms of value. Our findings are consistent with the little existing work on privatization prices, as our best policy prescription is primarily to concentrate on the transparency and cleanliness of the privatization process, as sale methods do matter. We show that government administration of labor downsizing may result in adverse selection, as the best workers are the first to leave when given the opportunity

    On Foreign Participation and Hiring Patterns After Privatization

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    Critics of globalization claim that foreign ownership of privatized firms is linked to negative post-privatization labor outcomes, such as more firing and less hiring. This paper uses new firm-level data for a cross section of countries to test this idea and provides evidence that foreign purchasers of state-owned enterprises tend to acquire firms that were already better restructured before privatization. Additionally, this paper does not find evidence that foreign participation in privatized firms is linked to negative labor outcomes