7 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis of Results Obtained in the Hardening Surface of the Metal Powder Materials with Optical Radiation Impulses

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    The paper presents how is processed the data resulted from application of pulsed optical superficial treatments on surfaces of materials made of metal powders

    Study on Measuring the Performance of the Education System with the Help of Key Performance Indicators

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    The paper carries out a study based on the procedural approach of quality management in the educational system, with application on the military field, in order to measure organizational performance. Therefore, the evaluation methodology comprises a series of steps that can be found as subchapters in the paper. The procedural approach of performance evaluation allows the development of an integrated vision of the interdependencies and interactions between the specific processes, which favors an efficient analysis of the quality and quantity of the obtained results. The conclusions of the analysis are materialized in measures to improve the organizational processes, thus contributing to the achievement of an efficient quality management in the educational system

    Statistical Analysis of the Results of Surface Treatment with Optical Pulses Applied to Parts of Metallic Powders

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    Within a wide range of theoretical and experimental research, the possibility of realizing a new method of superficial treatment of materials made of metallic powders and the validation of the results obtained after the treatments were carried out with gas discharge lamps. The structural transformations carried out in the superficial layer of the pieces made of metal powders used in the experiments led to a statistical analysis of the results obtained in this article. Thus, with the TREND statistical function of Excel program, the evolution of the changes in roughness was determined, depending on the variable parameters of the treatment process. The verification was performed with the ZTEST function by making assumptions about the average values of selection reported against the critical value of the test. The results were interpreted on the basis of the phenomena and processes that occur at superficial level at the interaction of the radiation with the non-homogeneous layer specific to the pieces made by the aggregation of powders, consisting of granules and pores. The conclusions recommend the optimal treatment regimes in order to obtain the maximum efficiency of the action of the optical radiation pulses emitted by the gas discharge lamps on the surface of the metal powders

    Quantitative and qualitative differences worth considering in approaching critical infrastructures resilience

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    Through the implicit connections between risk, safety, protection and, last but not least, resiliency, that need to be managed, critical infrastructures have become a subject of increasing interest both for specialists and for academics. Based on this premise, this article analyzes in terms of operational performance several internationally used solutions for assessing resilience, having in view the desire to choose the best in order to be presented in some specialized disciplines of the postgraduate curricula that are annually presented in the educational offer of the Land Forces Academy. The authors also present their own vision on approaching the resilience of critical infrastructures so that it can harmoniously be integrated into the security plans of the holders or operators of such special assets

    Analysis of the Private Security Sector Trend in Romania

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    This paper aims to make an analysis of the private security sector evolution in Romania. The analysis is conducted for the period 2005‒2015 and it aims at a number of core indicators for this sector, such as the average gross monthly income, number of companies, number of employees and turnover. Other important indicators for the sector could have been analyzed, but due to the lack of official information about them, they were not considered. The objectives pursued by this study refer to the trend estimation for the mentioned indicators and building a more accurate picture of this sector in Romania and its future. The problem of determining the trend of a particular statistical indicator is not simple, certain functions available in Excel being used in this study

    Comparative approach to ICT practices in civilian and military environments for organizational management during the pandemic crisis

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    It is well known that change affects people and implicitly the organizations they belong to, as a place of manifestation and storage of their capabilities. Consequently, the changes also give rise to concerns for at least an acceptable solution to the management of the main changes that occurred in the situation prior to the occurrence of the disruptive events. In this context, the onset of the pandemic crisis puts organizations in front of a fragile reality (relative to the stability of the normal state of functionality of society), fully characterized by volatility, insecurity, complexity and ambiguity. In the search for ideas to improve resilience, there are no predetermined solutions, any method that has registered results in a certain organizational field becoming a candidate of good practice. In this framework, it is proposed the comparative investigation (civilian-military) of ICT practices, as a macro agent of change, used in the field of organizational management during the current pandemic crisis. The approach is based, for each of the two mentioned organizational categories, both on theoretical aspects with hypothetical value identified or derived from the specialized literature specific or complementary to the field in question, and on identified practices. We considered this approach useful because there are enough arguments that the military organization has been a model of organizational-managerial development, which finds wide applicability for business continuity management situations, applicable to civilian organizations. Final expectations are directed, based on data existing so far, towards the identification of flexible and adaptable solutions, with the value of good practice

    Relational Approaches Related to Digital Supply Chain Management Consolidation

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    This study provides a specific theoretical–applicative approach, of economic content, containing information and reference data in a logical and relational structure centered on aspects deemed suitable for enhancing the digital performance of the current supply chain management. The objective of the study is to correlate as closely as possible the theoretical scientific content with the practical side, with an emphasis on modernity. This objective led to the scientific interpretation, from a methodological perspective, of a relevant approach that proposes the analysis of several mathematical relationships and a case study that justifies the significance of the essential characteristics in ensuring the viability and resilience of the digitally consolidated Supply Chain Management. The work is particularly of interest and utility to entrepreneurs and managers involved in the construction and effective administration of (already digital) supply chain management, which is undergoing continual digital transformation and consolidation. In addition, this research will enhance the number of specialized sources that may be used for future research in this topic’s area of interest