7 research outputs found

    Pojava bruceloze na farmi mliječnih krava i mogućnost njenog prijenosa na ljude u Himachal Pradesh, Indija.

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    Brucellosis is an important disease of livestock species and wild animals, as well as a significant health hazard in contact human beings, causing a variety of reproductive disorders in cattle under intensive farming. This report is about an outbreak of brucellosis in an organized dairy farm, leading to abortions, retained placenta and stillbirths in cows. The Brucella abortus biotype-I was isolated from placentas, uterine discharges, vaginal swabs and foetal stomach contents collected from infected animals. The serological study, employing rose bengal plate test (RBPT) and serum agglutination test (SAT), revealed involvement of both B. abortus and B. melitensis in all affected cows. Seropositive cases for B. melitensis were also found among 10% of contact animal handlers, having a history of human brucellosis-like symptoms. The isolates were found sensitive to streptomycin, chlortetracycline, ciprofloxacin, ampicillin, tetracycline and gentamicin. The haematological study revealed severe monocytosis averaging 33% and lymphocytosis averaging 32.8% in all infected animals.Bruceloza je važna bolest domaćih i divljih životinja, koja predstavlja prijetnju za zdravlje ljudi u dodiru s inficiranim životinjama. Očituje se različitim reprodukcijskim poremećajima. Opisana je pojava bruceloze na farmi mliječnih krava, gdje je uzrokovala pobačaje, zaostajanje posteljice i mrtvorođenja. Brucella abortus biotip I bila je izdvojena iz posteljica, materničnih iscjedaka i vaginalnih obrisaka te sadržaja sirišta pobačenih plodova. Serološkim pretragama pomoću aglutinacijskog i serum aglutinacijskog testa u zaraženih životinja bile su dokazane vrste B. abortus i B. melitensis. Serološki pozitivni nalazi za B. melitensis dokazani su u 10% osoba koje su bile u dodiru sa životinjama, a u anamnezi je bilo ustanovljeno da su imale kliničke znakove slične brucelozi. Izdvojene brucele bile su osjetljive na streptomicin, klortetraciklin, ciprofloksacin, ampicilin, tetraciklin i gentamicin. Hematološkom pretragom dokazana je monocitoza u 33% te limfocitozu u 32,8% svih inficiranih životinja

    Functional divergence of Heat Shock Factors (Hsfs) during heat stress and recovery at the tissue and developmental scales in C4 grain amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus)

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    Two major future challenges are an increase in global earth temperature and a growing world population, which threaten agricultural productivity and nutritional food security. Underutilized crops have the potential to become future climate crops due to their high climate-resilience and nutritional quality. In this context, C4 pseudocereals such as grain amaranths are very important as C4 crops are more heat tolerant than C3 crops. However, the thermal sensitivity of grain amaranths remains unexplored. Here, Amaranthus hypochondriacus was exposed to heat stress at the vegetative and reproductive stages to capture heat stress and recovery responses. Heat Shock Factors (Hsfs) form the central module to impart heat tolerance, thus we sought to identify and characterize Hsf genes. Chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence (Fv/Fm) reduced significantly during heat stress, while malondialdehyde (MDA) content increased, suggesting that heat exposure caused stress in the plants. The genome-wide analysis led to the identification of thirteen AhHsfs, which were classified into A, B and C classes. Gene expression profiling at the tissue and developmental scales resolution under heat stress revealed the transient upregulation of most of the Hsfs in the leaf and inflorescence tissues, which reverted back to control levels at the recovery time point. However, a few Hsfs somewhat sustained their upregulation during recovery phase. The study reported the identification, physical location, gene/motif structure, promoter analysis and phylogenetic relationships of Hsfs in Amaranthus hypochondriacus. Also, the genes identified may be crucial for future gene functional studies and develop thermotolerant cultivars

    Microgreen: A tiny plant with superfood potential

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    The design of novel and functional foods is a major driver of innovation in the food industry, which strives to meet consumer's rising demand and expectations for healthy foods. In recent years, microgreens have received popularity as functional foods due to their high-density nutrients and bioactive or secondary metabolite content. The morphology of microgreens is comprised of well-developed cotyledonalary leaves, immature true leaves, and a central stem. The scientific literature has documented numerous studies on microgreens such as nutritional content assessment, metabolite accumulation, nutraceutical potential, and shelf life enhancement. Physical, chemical, biological, and cultivation factors significantly increased the microgreen’s photosynthetic efficiency, growth, nutrient profile, antioxidant activity, and metabolite content. Using omics data, scientists have investigated the underlying molecular mechanism and potential gene(s) associated with nutrients, specialized metabolites, stress resistance, shelf-life enhancement, and disease resistance in nutraceutical plants

    Unveiling the redox control of plant reproductive development during abiotic stress

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    Plants being sessile in nature are often challenged to various abiotic stresses including temperature fluctuations, water supply, salinity, and nutrient availability. Exposure of plants to such environmental perturbations result in the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells. To scavenge ROS, enzymatic and molecular antioxidants are produced at a cellular level. ROS act as a signaling entity at lower concentrations maintaining normal growth and development, but if their levels increase beyond certain threshold, they produce toxic effects in plants. Some developmental stages, such as development of reproductive organs are more sensitive to abiotic stress than other stages of growth. As success of plant reproductive development is directly correlated with grain yield, stresses coinciding with reproductive phase results in the higher yield losses. In this article, we summarize the redox control of plant reproductive development, and elaborate how redox homeostasis is compromised during abiotic stress exposure. We highlight why more emphasis should be given to understand redox control of plant reproductive organ development during abiotic stress exposure96to engineer crops with better crop yield. We specifically discuss the role of ROS as a signaling molecule and its cross-talk with other signaling molecules such as hormones and sugars

    Proceedings of International Conference on Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing

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    This proceeding contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the international conference, “Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing” (WREC’2021). WREC'21 was organized in online mode by Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar (Punjab), INDIA during 22 – 24 April 2021. This conference was conceptualized with an objective to encourage and motivate women engineers and scientists to excel in science and technology and to be the role models for young girls to follow in their footsteps. With a view to inspire women engineers, pioneer and successful women achievers in the domains of VLSI design, wireless sensor networks, communication, image/ signal processing, machine learning, and emerging technologies were identified from across the globe and invited to present their work and address the participants in this women oriented conference. Conference Title: International Conference on Women Researchers in Electronics and ComputingConference Acronym: WREC'21Conference Date: 22–24 April 2021Conference Location: Online (Virtual Mode)Conference Organizers: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, INDI