70 research outputs found

    NJ Watson and A Parker (eds), Sports and Christianity: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Routledge: Abingdon, 2013 (Book Review)

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    The volume of academic literature concerning the interaction between sport and faith has been steadily increasing over the last 30 years. This is the first text, however, that seeks specifically to consider the interaction between Christianity and sport. The editors of this text have made significant contributions to the body of knowledge concerning psychological (Watson) and sociological (Parker) elements of this interaction; this text represents both the coming together of their respective fields of study and a staging post from which future scholarship in this area of study can be launched. The purpose of this book is to reflect on the ways in which the underpinning principles of the Christian faith might allow consideration of the challenges, values and practices of modern-day sport. Additionally, this text seeks to consider how these challenges, values and practices might enhance the way in which we see the future of sport in terms of both its participatory and its structural formation. Watson and Parker believe that such reflections will develop our understanding of the relationship between sport and Christianity, whilst also hoping that the text will further the desire for ongoing empirical scholarship. In order to do so, Watson and Parker have put together a stellar cast of scholars featuring the leading writers in this area. This review seeks to comment on the relative value of the various contributions within Watson and Parker’s text and critique how they sit within the broader literature in their respective fields

    Seeking consensus regarding the characteristics of expertise and development requirements across five domains of netball coaching in the United Kingdom

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    The aim of this study was to develop consensus of opinion from expert netball coaches by exploring prime defining characteristics of, and prime development requirements for, coaching expertise. Forty-eight expert female netball coaches representing five domains were recruited. A four-round Delphi Poll technique was utilised to generate consensus of prime characteristics of expertise and prime development requirements. Distinct characteristics of expertise were identified in each domain. The domain-specific characteristics of expertise dispute the appropriateness of a one-size-fits-all coach development approach such as coaching courses which are not bespoke. Concerning development requirements, the findings demonstrated support for individualised, predominantly informal approaches

    Christian sports coaches and servant leadership

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    The world of competitive sport can present a challenging environment for Christian athletes and coaches. The culture of competitive sport, and particularly the attitude to winning, can cause athletes and coaches to question how their Christian faith should shape participation and/or whether they should participate at all. Few empirical studies have explored how Christian coaches frame their practice to align with their faith and reconcile the potential contradictions and challenges of coaching within competitive sporting environments. That said, there has been a recent increase in the number of studies exploring the potential relationship between sports coaching and the concept of servant leadership – a framework which is commensurate with a Christian world view. The aim of this paper is to contribute to these debates by presenting empirical evidence to explore the philosophies, intended practices and sociocultural factors influencing how Christian coaches sought to lead in competitive sporting environments. One hundred and ten coaches (female = 24, male = 86) completed an online qualitative questionnaire which explored their beliefs about leadership and coaching practice. This paper considers the ways in which Christian coaches’ might seek to frame their leadership behaviours within the context of competitive sport and how their approaches might align, or otherwise, with the theoretical tenets of servant leadership

    Vygotsky and Sports Coaching: Non-linear Practice in Youth and Adult Settings

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    Over the past 20 years, a significant amount of research has located sports coaching principally as an educational endeavour. In particular, non-linear educative approaches have attracted much attention yet few studies have explored in any real depth the theoretical underpinnings of such practices. Where conceptual analyses have been conducted, the work of Vygotsky has emerged as a useful framework. The aim of the present study was to investigate the extent to which Vygotskian principles of learning and development might be evident within non-linear sports coaching practices and to examine whether embracing these principles might enhance coaching practice both in youth and adult settings. Drawing on qualitative empirical data, this paper explores how six coaches perceived their everyday practice as non-linear. Resultant findings uncover the nuances of both coach and athlete experience in line with three of Vygotsky’s key theoretical assertions, namely: Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), scaffolding and mediation. The paper concludes by suggesting that the application of theoretical ideas has the potential to inform and enhance non-linear pedagogical approaches, yet coaches must remain cognisant of the bespoke nature of the coaching context

    Looking Beyond 2012 - Ethical Conflicts for Coaching: A Review of Key UK Sport-based Policy

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    Value Creation Across the Coach Developer Landscape

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    Explain how we are using the Value Creation Framework (VCF), Landscapes of Practice (LoP) and boundary interactions to better understand coach and Coach Developer learning. Report the findings from the exploration into two non-formal professional learning programmes. Make recommendations for curriculum/programme designers charged with helping coaches and/or Coach Developers to learn
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