17 research outputs found

    Electron spin resonance study on the 4f honeycomb quantum magnet YbCl3

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    The local magnetic properties of Yb3+^{3+} in the layered honeycomb material YbCl3_{3} were investigated by electron spin resonance on single crystals. For in-plane and out-of-plane field orientations the gg-factor shows a clear anisotropy (g=2.97(8)g_\|=2.97(8) and g=1.53(4)g_\bot =1.53(4)), whereas the low temperature exchange coupling and the spin relaxation display a rather isotropic character. At elevated temperatures the contribution of the first excited crystal field level (21±221\pm2~meV) dominates the spin relaxation.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Regional Lymphotropic Therapy in Combination with Low Level Laser Therapy for Treating Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

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    With the growing incidence of Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in newly identified patients, novel multimodality treatment methods are needed, aimed at reducing the time to sputum conversion and cavity healing, which would be applicable in MDR cases. Our experimental treatment consisted of the following: 1) chemotherapy based on the drug sensitivity profile, 2) local laser irradiation therapy for 25 days, and lymphotropic administration of isoniazid (to subcutaneous tissue in alternating locations: underarm area; fifth intercostal space along the sterna border; subclavian area where the first rib meets the sternum) in a daily dose of 10mg/kg 5 times a week. This treatment was significantly more effective in newly detected destructive MDR-TB versus the standard Category IV regimen for MDR-TB in terms of reduced time for sputum culture conversion and cavity healing, estimated to be 6 months after initiation of treatment

    Interdisciplinary analysis of the influence of monolingualism and bilingualism on personality traits

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    In the age of globalization, computerization, digitalization, the problem of the presence of such qualities as soft skills, which include emotional intelligence, communication skills, the ability to solve problems, the ability to make decisions, the ability to work in a team, independence, introspection, selforganization, reflection and other qualities, is becoming urgent. These qualities should ensure the competitiveness of a young specialist in a constantly changing increasingly complex world in the age of widespread digital technologies, artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of things, etc. The article analyzes the results of a study carried out among students of primary school age and student age. It was necessary to find out what advantages the knowledge of two languages (native and non-native) gives students in the development of cognitive abilities and personality traits. To this end, an interdisciplinary analysis of the influence of bilingualism on the development of cognitive processes and personal qualities of two age categories was carried out. The analysis of the research results shows that bilingualism gives certain advantages in the development of the abilities of students of primary school and student age to adapt, communicative qualities, in the ability to pose and solve problems, in the ability to defend their beliefs and interests

    'Gordonibacillus kamchatkensis' gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of 'Paenibacillaceae' from frozen volcanic ash

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    A novel genus and species, Gordonibacillus kamchatkensis gen. nov., sp. nov., with the type strain V-9T (=VKM B-2647T) is proposed to accommodate endospore-forming, rod-shaped and nonmotile bacterium isolated from the frozen volcanic ash sample, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. The cell wall of strain V-9T contained a lysine-based peptidoglycan as well as mannose, glucose and glycerol. In addition, two teichoic acids were revealed in the cell wall. The polar lipids included phosphatidylglycerol, diphosphatidylglycerol, acylphosphatidylglycerol, and phosphatidylinositol as major components. The fatty acid profile comprised mainly saturated anteiso- and iso-branched acids, with anteiso-C15 predominating (about 50%). The major isoprenologue was MK-7. 50 The genome size of strain V-9T was of 6,957,55 bp., with an average G+C content of 55 mol%. The pairwise average nucleotide identity (ANI) [1] between V-9T and Paenibacillus strains with available genomes calculated using IMG/M (https://img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin/m/main. cgi?section=ANI&page=pairwise) ranged from 69.2 to 73.7%, with 69.7% determined between the target strain and Paenibacillus polymyxa ATCC 842T , the type strain of the type species of the genus. For comparison, the ANI values of 72.85–72.88% were found between V-9T and Thermobacillus composti, Fontibacillus phaseoli and Cohnella thermotolerans, where the latter is the type species of Cohnella. The 16S rRNA gene (1537 bp) pairwise similarity calculated using the EzBioCloud server (http://www.ezbiocloud.net/eztaxon; [2]) showed that strain V-9T had the highest similarity to P. chartarius [3] (96.5%) and P. aestuarii [4] (94.5%). The similarity values between V-9T and type strains of the remaining Paenibacillus species, including the type species of the genus, P. polymyxa [5], did not exceed 91.5% that is below 94.5–95%, a threshold indicative of distinct genera [6, 7]. Most species within the genus Paenibacillus also show low pairwise 16S rRNA gene similarity (<92%), which is evidence of the genus heterogeneity. The species currently included in Paenibacillus differ also in chemotaxonomic characters regarded as important markers in the differentiation of genera, including the cell wall diagnostic diamino acids, peptidoglycan composition, and polar lipid patterns[8]. The taxonomic dissection of heterogeneous genera with establishment of better definied novel genera, accompanied by more focused circumscription by genomic and epigenetic characteristics, could improve the taxonomy of this bacterial group (like that done previously in some other heterogeneous genera, including Bacillus and Paenibacillus). Kämpfer et al. [9] took previously the first step towards improving the taxonomy of the genus Paenibacillus when suggested the genus Cohnella within the Paenibacillus line of descent. Supporting the above views and based on clear genomic and chemotaxonomic differences of strain V-9T from the type species of the genus Paenibacillus, Paenibacillus polymyxa, and other Paenibacillus species that well nested within the genus, we suggest that strain V-9T should be described as a representative of novel genus within the Paenibacillus lineage

    Typing of terrigenous reservoir rocks using the cumulated correlation method and individual probabilistic models on the example of field named after Sukharev

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    Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью совершенствования методов типизации пород-коллекторов при интерпретации петрофизических данных, полученных в лабораторных условиях. Типизация пород-коллекторов по структуре порового пространства является важным этапом в интерпретации петрофизических данных, полученных в лабораторных условиях, но по сложившейся практике осуществляется лишь экспертным методом, основываясь на литологическом описании образцов керна, и по зависимостям газопроницаемости от пористости. Цель: апробация метода накопленной корреляции и индивидуальных вероятностных моделей в комплексе с данными фациального анализа для типизации терригенных пород-коллекторов по структуре порового пространства. Объект: образцы керна из пяти скважин месторождения им. Сухарева, представленные отложениями тульского горизонта визейского яруса нижнего карбона. При проведении исследований использовалось 165 образцов керна диаметром и длиной 30 мм. Методы: современные методы изучения фильтрационно-емкостных и литолого-петрографических свойств, методы математической статистики для анализа экспериментальных исследований. Результаты. Показано, что при помощи индивидуальных вероятностных моделей, построенных как функции от коэффициента открытой пористости и учитывающих информацию о типе поровой структуры, литологии и фации, можно охарактеризовать изменения углов наклона и другие эффекты, выявленные на графиках накопленной корреляции во всем диапазоне расчетов. Также впервые установлено, что применение метода накопленной корреляции в комплексе с индивидуальными вероятностными моделями и данными фациального анализа позволяет с достаточно высокой степенью достоверности типизировать терригенные породы-коллекторы по структуре порового пространства. На основе проведенного линейного дискриминантного анализа была решена практическая задача разделения по типам коллектора для объекта С1tlтер месторождения им. Сухарева. Полученные результаты показывают, что использование принципа зональности при выделении коллекторов позволяет с высокой степенью точности подобрать коллекцию образцов для фильтрационных исследований, которые будут наиболее корректно отражать физико-гидродинамическую картину пласта.The relevance of the study is caused by the need to improve the methods of typing reservoir rocks in interpretation of petrophysical data obtained in the laboratory. Typing of the reservoir rocks according to the structure of the pore space is an important step in the interpret ation of petrophysical data obtained in the laboratory, but according to established practice, it is carried out only by an expert method, based on the lithological description of core samples and on the dependences of gas permeability on porosity. Purpose: approbation of the accumulated correlation method and individual probabilistic models in combination with facies analysis dat a for typing terrigenous reservoir rocks according to the structure of the pore space. Object: core samples from five wells of the field named after Sukharev, represented by deposits of the Tula horizon of the Visean stage of the Lower Carboniferous. When conducting research, 165 core samples were used, with a diameter and length of 30 mm. Methods: modern methods for studying porosity-permeability and lithological-petrographic properties, methods of mathematical statistics for the analysis of experimental studies. Results. It is shown that with the help of individual probabilistic models built as a function of the open porosity coefficient and taking into account information about the type of pore structure, lithology and facies, it is possible to characterize changes in dip angles and other effects identified on the graphs of the accumulated correlation in the entire range of calculations. It was established as well that the use of the accumulated correlation method in combination with individual probabilistic models and facies analysis data makes it poss ible to typing terrigenous reservoir rocks according to the structure of the pore space with a sufficiently high degree of reliability. On the basis of the lin ear discriminant analysis carried out, the practical problem of separation by reservoir type was solved for the C1t lter object of the field named after Sukharev. The obtained results show that the use of the principle of zoning when identifying reservoirs allows, with a high degre e of accuracy, selecting a collection of samples for filtration studies that will most correctly reflect the physical and hydrodyn amic picture of the reservoir

    Effect of Biomaterials of Medical Purpose on the Structural and Functional Features of Monocytes

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    Изучены морфофункциональные особенности моноцитов в условиях кратковременного культивирования in vitro на носителях из биополимера полигидроксиалканоата (ПГА) в присутствии наноалмазов (НА) и фуллеренов (Ф). Показано, что НА и Ф в исследованных концентрациях не влияли на жизнеспособность моноцитов в кратковременной культуре. Соотношение морфологических классов моноцитов в присутствии НА и Ф существенно отличалось от контрольного варианта культивирования. Влияние НА и Ф характеризовалось дозовой зависимостью. Воздействие наночастиц на культуру моноцитов значительно изменялось при формировании белковой короны на поверхности НА и Ф, что приводило к возникновению новых количественных соотношений между морфологическими классами моноцитов в культуре in vitro. Полученные результаты позволяют рассматривать кратковременную культуру моноцитов in vitro как адекватную модельную систему для оценки влияния новых материалов на процессы дифференцировки субпопуляций моноцитов33-4

    Manifestations of Different El Niño Types in the Dynamics of the Extratropical Stratosphere

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    The behavior of planetary waves and their influence on the global circulation of the Northern Hemisphere during different El Niño types is studied. Three sets of five boreal winters were chosen for each El Niño type: Modoki I and II and canonical El Niño. Based on data of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis and the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, the spatio-temporal structure of planetary waves and the residual mean circulation were analyzed. The results show that the canonical El Niño type is characterized by the weakest wave activity in March. It is also demonstrated that warming of the polar stratosphere, accompanied by maximizing wave activity and weakening of the zonal wind, may lead to earlier stratospheric polar vortex collapse and the early spring transition under Modoki I conditions. This study is the next step in understanding of the so-called long-range teleconnections, consisting of the propagation of a signal from the tropical El Niño Southern Oscillation source into the polar stratosphere

    Manifestations of Different El Ni&ntilde;o Types in the Dynamics of the Extratropical Stratosphere

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    The behavior of planetary waves and their influence on the global circulation of the Northern Hemisphere during different El Ni&ntilde;o types is studied. Three sets of five boreal winters were chosen for each El Ni&ntilde;o type: Modoki I and II and canonical El Ni&ntilde;o. Based on data of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis and the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, the spatio-temporal structure of planetary waves and the residual mean circulation were analyzed. The results show that the canonical El Ni&ntilde;o type is characterized by the weakest wave activity in March. It is also demonstrated that warming of the polar stratosphere, accompanied by maximizing wave activity and weakening of the zonal wind, may lead to earlier stratospheric polar vortex collapse and the early spring transition under Modoki I conditions. This study is the next step in understanding of the so-called long-range teleconnections, consisting of the propagation of a signal from the tropical El Ni&ntilde;o Southern Oscillation source into the polar stratosphere

    Hydrogel Droplet Microarray for Genotyping Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in <i>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</i> Isolates

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    A multiplex assay based on a low-density hydrogel microarray was developed to identify genomic substitutions in N. gonorrhoeae that determine resistance to the currently recommended treatment agents ceftriaxone and azithromycin and the previously used drugs penicillin, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin. The microarray identifies 74 drug resistance determinants in the N. gonorrhoeae penA, ponA, porB, gyrA, parC, rpsJ, mtrR, blaTEM, tetM, and 23S rRNA genes. The hydrogel elements were formed by automated dispensing of nanoliter-volume droplets followed by UV-induced copolymerization of NH2-containing oligonucleotides with gel-forming monomers. Polybutylene terephthalate plates without special modifications were used as microarray substrates. Sequences and concentrations of immobilized oligonucleotides, gel composition, and hybridization conditions were carefully selected, and the median discrimination ratio ranged from 2.8 to 29.4, allowing unambiguous identification of single-nucleotide substitutions. The mutation identification results in a control sample of 180 N. gonorrhoeae isolates were completely consistent with the Sanger sequencing results. In total, 648 clinical N. gonorrhoeae isolates obtained in Russia during the last 5 years were analyzed and genotyped using these microarrays. The results allowed us to draw conclusions about the present situation with antimicrobial susceptibility of N. gonorrhoeae in Russia and demonstrated the possibility of using hydrogel microarrays to control the spread of antibiotic resistance

    Azithromycin Susceptibility Testing and Molecular Investigation of <i>Neisseria gonorrhoeae</i> Isolates Collected in Russia, 2020–2021

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    The aim of this work was to study the resistance to macrolides (azithromycin) in the modern Russian population of N. gonorrhoeae with the analysis of genetic resistance determinants. Azithromycin is not used to treat gonococcal infection in Russia. However, among 162 isolates collected in 2020–2021, 22 isolates (13.6%) were phenotypically resistant to azithromycin. Mutations in 23S rRNA genes were found only in two isolates; erm and mefA genes were absent. Azithromycin resistance was shown to be predominantly associated with mutations in the mtrR and mtrD genes of the MtrCDE efflux pump and their mosaic alleles which may have formed due to a horizontal transfer from N. meningitidis. A total of 30 types of mtrR alleles and 10 types of mtrD alleles were identified including mosaic variants. Matching between the mtrR and mtrD alleles was revealed to indicate the cooperative molecular evolution of these genes. A link between the mtrR and mtrD alleles and NG-MAST types was found only for NG-MAST 228 and 807, typical of N. gonorrhoeae in Russia. The high level of resistance to azithromycin in Russia may be related to the spread of multiple transferable resistance to antimicrobials regardless of their use in the treatment of gonococcal infection