8 research outputs found

    Development Strategy of Railway Traffic Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia

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    Considering the strategy of the railway traffic infrastructuredevelopment of the Republic of Croatia, the authors have alsoconsidered the restructuring of the railways in EU and Croatiawith the aim of insuring the very complex process being carriedout in everyday lives, full ofinterdependencies. First, the paralleldevelopment of the three networks that form the EU railwayssystem is given, together with their characteristics and futureroles. These are: the network of the Trans-European conventionalrailway line system, the high-speed railway line network(HS Net) and the network of railway lines intended prevailinglyfor the cargo transport (RTEFF, TEFFN). This is followed by apresentation of the basic aims of the strategic development ofrailways in Croatia and the overview of the conditions and thenecessary activities on the Corridor railway lines so as to preparethem for the integration into theE U traffic system. In elaboratingthe development strategy of the railway traffic infrastructurein Croatia, a summarised overview of the objectivesand the necessary activities is given, in order to renew the railwaynetwork, and to reconstruct it so that it could meet the requirementsset by the AGC andAGTC standards which are thecondition for the Pan-European railway lines

    Proposal for Software Solution for Optimising the Staff of Train Rostering

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    The paper deals with all the resources and factors that determineor influence to any extent the technological process ofstaff of train rostering. The Timetable, Train Traction andTraction Vehicle Maintenance Sector and the legal regulationsstipulate the basic parameters for rostering and these are explained.The paper also analyses the contents and the methodof producing the rostering plan which shows all the practicaldrawbacks and the limiting factors that influence significantlythe possibility of corrections in order to improve the utilisationlevel of the staff of train. A model has been developed with thepresentation of the factors that influence the staff of train rostering.The paper also shows the project of a software solutionfor the staff of train rostering with the defined and explainedClipper program

    Coefficient of Railway Station Accessibility

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    In order to provide highest quality se1vices to its users, railwaysneed to pay alien/ion not only to the standard qualitativeand quantitative indicators, but also to othe1; seemingly less relevantones. One of these may be the accessibility coefficient of acertain railway station. The paper analyses the formal mathematicalmodel of its definition, and proposes a possible classificationof accessibility. The considerations also expand brieflyto the accessibility regarding gravitational zone of the respectiverailway station, mentioning also some problems related to theaccessibility and the guidelines of their solutions

    Validation of Combined Transport Quality Criteria

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    With the globalization of market the production processand the life-cycle of the products have shortened by increasingthe expectations of industry for ''iust-in-time" logistic solutions.At the same time the competition on the global markets has increasedthe number of "players" and the objectives of purchaseand distribution chains. The objective is to develop the framefor optimal integration of different transport modes thus facilitatingmaximally efficient and cost-effective usage of the transportsystem through user-oriented "door-to-door" transportand to stimulate by this service the competition among transportoperators

    Information System on Road Conditions in Croatia- Plans of Development

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    The quality of information about road conditions in theRepublic of Croatia do nor meet the needs of their users- roadvehicle mororists, regarding their content, updating criteria andtimely announcement and warning of potential risks for thedrivers. Neither do they meet the criteria of monitoring and supportduring poor traffic and weather conditions. The paper considerscritically the cwTent situation in the information systemabout the road conditions in the Republic of Croatia, and studiesthe reasons for such a condition. It also gives guidelines forimproving the level of quality of this service and the plans for itsdevelopment. It mentions the activities that should be carriedout in order to improve the whole information system regardingupgrading oft he current system in the segments of receiving anddistributing information, application of new technical andtechnological solutions (CPS, RDS, TMC), development andimprovement of the information and communication infrastructure,data exchange network, introduction of navigationsystems, etc

    Instruments Of Selling Services In Railway Cargo Transport

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    Tariffs are considered the basic instrument of selling servicesin railway cargo transport.The work identifies prices of transport services from the aspectof interactive elements by redesigning the tariff system or byintervention into the tariff system through certain conditions fortariff implementation in the cargo transport in local and internationaltransport through various existing models by: determiningthe starting (tariff) price, determining the expenses anddetermining the selling price.Then the tariff system is modified according to the conditionswhich are present in the environment and accordingly regardingstimulation of rational usage of the capacities and correctionof the horizontal and vertical digression in tariff tables.Since international federal tariffs feature no adequate functionality,their phaseout would eliminate substantial expenses,and the orientation is turning increasingly towards instrumentsof selling transport services in international transport

    Organisation of Suburban and Urban Railway Traffic in the Krapina-Zagorje County and the City of Zagreb

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    Numerous inhabitants of the Krapina-Zag01je county fulfiltheir needs (work, education, trade) in the City of Zagreb. Themain passenger streams are related to railway transportationwhich, due to insufficient investments in the infrastructure andtransportation means, shows decrease in the service quality. Amodel is proposed for organising suburban and urban railwaytransp011ation in the Krapina-Zag01je county and the City ofZagreb, which would offer better quality in transportation services,increase economic efficiency of railway transp01tation,and thus eliminate the 1isk of having to close down cerlain railroadsin the county

    The role of railway stations in increasing transport demand

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    The monopoly of the railway companies and rigid railway regulations and carrier tariffs at the majority of the European railways have significantly affected the drastic reduction in the share of railway traffic in the surface transport of the entire Europe. Many years of stagnation and absence of investments into railway transport, particularly regarding railway stations as well as other useful surfaces along the railway lines of a similar or same function, have led to neglect and uselessness of these facilities in the railway system. High maintenance prices affect additional neglect, even destruction of railway stations and other buildings on the railway grounds, and construction of functional roofed platforms for passenger handling. Regardless of the fact that in their past, the construction of railway lines was the stimulator of the development of various regions and towns, today railway stations have become non-attractive places where people stay just for a short time and only in transit, which is much the case in the Republic of Croatia, but it should be pointed out that even the developed countries have similar problems. The approaching and opening of railway companies to the passengers, as well as the local government, is the priority for a serious market competition with the competitive road transport. In order to achieve this a cross-section of the current condition of the basic function of railway companies in the transport of passengers should be made. The introduction and development of integrated transport of passengers is the next step in the creation of competitive supply of the railway companies. The separation of railway carriers from railway infrastructure means also recognition of the important role of infrastructure manager in transforming the railway stations from the neglected and unattractive places to places with multifunctional facilities. In the first step it is necessary to make a cross-section of the current additional facilities at railway stations, and then to design and supply new facilities motivating the existing passengers to stay longer at the station, and also attracting new users towards stations, i.e. passenger trains. In the future, apart from the traffic function, the railway stations, as gates to the cities, need to take over also a part of the economic, commercial, cultural, sport and other social functions of the city