1 research outputs found

    Equatorial Atlantic Ocean dynamics in a coupled ocean–atmosphere model simulation

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    The ocean temperatures and zonal currents at the equatorial Atlantic simulated by an improved version of the Brazilian earth system model (BESM), with changes in the cloud cover scheme and optical properties of the atmospheric component, are analyzed and compared to those obtained from a previous version of BESM and also from other seven selected CMIP5 models. It is shown that this updated version of BESM, despite some persistent biases, more accurately represents the surface temperature variation at the Equator and the equatorial thermocline east–west slope. These improvements are associated to a more realistic seasonal cycle achieved for the Atlantic equatorial undercurrent, as well as sea surface temperatures and zonal wind stress. The better simulation of the equatorial undercurrent is, in its turn, credited to a more realistic representation of the surface wind position and strength at the tropical Atlantic by the coupled model. With many of the systematic errors noticed in the previous version of the model alleviated, this version of BESM can be considered as a useful tool for modelers involved in Atlantic variability studies