1,110 research outputs found

    Il nuovo Decreto Ministeriale sul calcolo della prestazione energetica e sui requisiti minimi

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    Mercoledì 15 luglio 2015 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana sono stati pubblicati tre importanti decreti del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, tra cui il D.M. 26 giugno 2015 "Applicazione delle metodologie di calcolo delle prestazioni energetiche e definizione delle prescrizioni e dei requisiti minimi degli edifici", anche denominato "decreto Requisiti Minimi". Il decreto ministeriale rappresenta un pilastro importante per l’attuazione del decreto legislativo 19 agosto 2005, n. 192, recante recepimento della direttiva 2010/31/UE, il cui obiettivo principale è promuovere il miglioramento della prestazione energetica degli edifici tenendo conto delle condizioni locali e climatiche esterne, nonché delle prescrizioni relative al clima degli ambienti interni e all’efficacia sotto il profilo dei costi. La pubblicazione presenta l’analisi del decreto Requisiti Minimi, approfondendo in particolare le implicazioni per l’involucro opaco

    La determinazione dei parametri termici di progetto dei materiali da costruzione

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    Ai fini della caratterizzazione termo-igrometrica dei materiali e dei prodotti per l'edilizia, la recente normativa tecnica internazionale specifica metodi e procedimenti per l'effettuazione delle misure e delle analisi statistiche sui dati misurati, il passaggio da un valore frattile ad un altro, la conversione dei valori per tenere conto delle condizioni di temperatura e umidità. Considerando la persistenza di alcuni dubbi nell'interpreta - zione della normativa, soprattutto riguardo alle condizioni al contorno da adottare nei calcoli energetici sugli edifici, l'articolo propone un'analisi critica della normativa tecnica con l'obiettivo di chiarirne i vari aspetti applicativ

    National scientific report on the TABULA activities in Italy

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    The Italian contribution to the TABULA research project is decribed. Ii was addressed to: - the development of the harmonised structure for the Italian typology and the supply of input data on buildings, constructions and systems (heating and DHW), which constitute the main data for the webtool; - the application of the typology concept for the assessment of the energy performance of residential buildings and for the evaluation of the impact of energy conservation measures, through the calculation of the energy performance of the building-types; - the use of the typology concept to create a model for the estimation of the national energy balance of the residential building stock by the support of national statistical dat

    The influence of coatings on the environmental hygric inertia of plastered rooms

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    In Italian buildings, especially dwellings, walls are very often plastered with gypsum plaster for levelling purposes. The gypsum plaster is generally covered with waterborne wall paint for decoration which represents a barrier for the water absorption or desorption. To know the hygric performance of a room in such real conditions, the water transfer properties of the Painted gypsum must be known. Wall paints can be roughly divided into waterborne and solvent borne paints. Waterborne wall paints are increasingly being used for their low odour and fast environmental friendly drying. The newer waterborne paints are based on aqueous dispersions of synthetic vinyl-type binders, such as polyvinylacetate or polyvinylpropionate (co-)polymers, and acrylic polymers. Moreover, paints containing volatile organic components have recently been prohibited by the European Commission for professional indoor use. The pressure to reduce volatile organic components and the industrial trend towards friendlier products with low toxicity of the product formulation led to the current expansion of waterborne types of coating. In building physics literature, knowledge is lacking about the moisture transfer properties of waterborne wall paints. Also the behavior of painted substrates has not been examined sufficiently. The role of the paint constituents in the moisture transfer properties is unclear. This lack of knowledge is partly caused by the lack of simple measuring techniques. Also the moisture behavior of the gypsum plays an important role in controlling the relative humidity, as the experimental activity in the paper for measuring its hygroscopic properties (Moisture Buffer Value) highlights. Painting gypsum is not done to prevent deterioration of the substrate as usually done for wood; gypsum is mainly painted for decorative reasons: this can also be a means to control the moisture transfer properties of the gypsum. Anyway, aim of the present study is not the numerical modelling or measuring of waterborne paints, but their influence once applied to the gypsum substrate, of which the hygroscopic properties where calculated when coated and uncoated. The numerical simulation using an whole building HAM-transfer model is then used to simulate the hygroscopic performance of a room in different condition

    Application of the comparative methodology for the definition of individual building elements energy requirements in Italy

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    Directive 2010/31/EU establishes that Member States must ensure that minimum energy performance requirements for buildings as well as for individual building elements are set with a view to achieve cost-optimal levels. The comparative methodology is here applied to two reference buildings; different energy efficiency measures are considered one at a time in order to find the optimality in terms of costs/benefits; results are then discussed. The definition of the individual building elements refurbishment cost/benefits effectiveness wants to address building administrations to define suitable energy requirements as well as economic incentives, as to promote the energy consumption reduction according to EU requirements

    Editorial to the proceedings of the 6th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2015)

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    The 6th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2015) - the official conference of the International Association of Building Physics (IABP) – took place in the city of Torino, hosted by Politecnico di Torino and co-organized by ATI Piemonte and the Department of Energy - Politecnico di Torino. IBPC 2015 was focused on the theme “Building Physics for a Sustainable Built Environment”

    Measuring the hygroscopic properties of porous media in transient regime. From the material level to the whole building HAM simulation of a coated room.

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    Moisture level inside buildings is a key factor influencing the durability of construction, indoor air quality, thermal comfort and energy performance. Numerical simulation can be used to predict the hygric inertia of a room, but reliable material data are needed as inputs for the model. Although the advancement of numerical models for whole building HAM (Heat Air and Moisture) transfer, a general need for more experimental data able to quantify the hygroscopic performance of porous building material remains. Recent benchmark data for validating 1-D HAM simulation models proposed in international projects are based on numerical and analytical data, while well-documented and accurate data are scarce. In IEA Annex 41 new numerical models have been implemented and used to simulate the HAM interaction between indoor air and hygroscopic materials during transient changes in indoor humidity due to internal moisture gains. Some experimental data obtained in dynamic humidity regime are presented in this study. The goal is to validate models that represent the moisture buffering of hygroscopic materials in contact with indoor air. In order to fit the experimental data with numerical simulation and to determine the most influencing hygroscopic material properties in HAM modeling, a sensitivity analysis on the numerical fitting of measured properties relevant for indoor moisture buffering, such as the water vapour permeability and the sorption isotherm was carried out. Material data have been monitored using a climate chamber device especially designed for this purpose. In Italian buildings, especially dwellings, walls are very often plastered with gypsum plaster for levelling purposes. The gypsum plaster is generally covered with waterborne wall paint for decoration which represents a barrier for the water absorption or desorption. In order to assess the hygric performance of a room in real conditions, the influence of the water transfer properties of the painted gypsum on the whole building HAM dynamic simulation is assessed considering both an uncoated and a coated room using a waterborne paint