23,188 research outputs found

    On Measuring Influence in Non-Binary Voting Games

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    In this note, we demonstrate using two simple examples that generalization of the Banzhaf measure of voter influence to non-binary voting games that requires as starting position a voter’s membership in a winning coalition is likely to incompletely reflect the influence a voter has on the outcome of a game. Generalization of the Banzhaf measure that takes into consideration all possible pivot moves of a voter including those moves originating from a losing coalition will, on the other hand, result in a measure that is proportional to the Penrose measure only in the ternary case.Penrose measure, Banzhaf index, ternary games, multicandidate weighted voting games

    A Bit of Secrecy for Gaussian Source Compression

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    In this paper, the compression of an independent and identically distributed Gaussian source sequence is studied in an unsecure network. Within a game theoretic setting for a three-party noiseless communication network (sender Alice, legitimate receiver Bob, and eavesdropper Eve), the problem of how to efficiently compress a Gaussian source with limited secret key in order to guarantee that Bob can reconstruct with high fidelity while preventing Eve from estimating an accurate reconstruction is investigated. It is assumed that Alice and Bob share a secret key with limited rate. Three scenarios are studied, in which the eavesdropper ranges from weak to strong in terms of the causal side information she has. It is shown that one bit of secret key per source symbol is enough to achieve perfect secrecy performance in the Gaussian squared error setting, and the information theoretic region is not optimized by joint Gaussian random variables

    Domain Adaptive Neural Networks for Object Recognition

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    We propose a simple neural network model to deal with the domain adaptation problem in object recognition. Our model incorporates the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) measure as a regularization in the supervised learning to reduce the distribution mismatch between the source and target domains in the latent space. From experiments, we demonstrate that the MMD regularization is an effective tool to provide good domain adaptation models on both SURF features and raw image pixels of a particular image data set. We also show that our proposed model, preceded by the denoising auto-encoder pretraining, achieves better performance than recent benchmark models on the same data sets. This work represents the first study of MMD measure in the context of neural networks

    The Likelihood Encoder for Lossy Source Compression

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    In this work, a likelihood encoder is studied in the context of lossy source compression. The analysis of the likelihood encoder is based on a soft-covering lemma. It is demonstrated that the use of a likelihood encoder together with the soft-covering lemma gives alternative achievability proofs for classical source coding problems. The case of the rate-distortion function with side information at the decoder (i.e. the Wyner-Ziv problem) is carefully examined and an application of the likelihood encoder to the multi-terminal source coding inner bound (i.e. the Berger-Tung region) is outlined.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, ISIT 201

    A Non-Cooperative Power Control Game in Delay-Constrained Multiple-Access Networks

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    A game-theoretic approach for studying power control in multiple-access networks with transmission delay constraints is proposed. A non-cooperative power control game is considered in which each user seeks to choose a transmit power that maximizes its own utility while satisfying the user's delay requirements. The utility function measures the number of reliable bits transmitted per joule of energy and the user's delay constraint is modeled as an upper bound on the delay outage probability. The Nash equilibrium for the proposed game is derived, and its existence and uniqueness are proved. Using a large-system analysis, explicit expressions for the utilities achieved at equilibrium are obtained for the matched filter, decorrelating and minimum mean square error multiuser detectors. The effects of delay constraints on the users' utilities (in bits/Joule) and network capacity (i.e., the maximum number of users that can be supported) are quantified.Comment: To apprear in the proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Adelaide, Australia, September 4-9, 200

    A Rate-Distortion Based Secrecy System with Side Information at the Decoders

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    A secrecy system with side information at the decoders is studied in the context of lossy source compression over a noiseless broadcast channel. The decoders have access to different side information sequences that are correlated with the source. The fidelity of the communication to the legitimate receiver is measured by a distortion metric, as is traditionally done in the Wyner-Ziv problem. The secrecy performance of the system is also evaluated under a distortion metric. An achievable rate-distortion region is derived for the general case of arbitrarily correlated side information. Exact bounds are obtained for several special cases in which the side information satisfies certain constraints. An example is considered in which the side information sequences come from a binary erasure channel and a binary symmetric channel.Comment: 8 pages. Allerton 201

    Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks: An Overview of Game-Theoretic Approaches

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    An overview of game-theoretic approaches to energy-efficient resource allocation in wireless networks is presented. Focusing on multiple-access networks, it is demonstrated that game theory can be used as an effective tool to study resource allocation in wireless networks with quality-of-service (QoS) constraints. A family of non-cooperative (distributed) games is presented in which each user seeks to choose a strategy that maximizes its own utility while satisfying its QoS requirements. The utility function considered here measures the number of reliable bits that are transmitted per joule of energy consumed and, hence, is particulary suitable for energy-constrained networks. The actions available to each user in trying to maximize its own utility are at least the choice of the transmit power and, depending on the situation, the user may also be able to choose its transmission rate, modulation, packet size, multiuser receiver, multi-antenna processing algorithm, or carrier allocation strategy. The best-response strategy and Nash equilibrium for each game is presented. Using this game-theoretic framework, the effects of power control, rate control, modulation, temporal and spatial signal processing, carrier allocation strategy and delay QoS constraints on energy efficiency and network capacity are quantified.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine: Special Issue on Resource-Constrained Signal Processing, Communications and Networking, May 200

    Joint Source-Channel Secrecy Using Hybrid Coding

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    The secrecy performance of a source-channel model is studied in the context of lossy source compression over a noisy broadcast channel. The source is causally revealed to the eavesdropper during decoding. The fidelity of the transmission to the legitimate receiver and the secrecy performance at the eavesdropper are both measured by a distortion metric. Two achievability schemes using the technique of hybrid coding are analyzed and compared with an operationally separate source-channel coding scheme. A numerical example is provided and the comparison results show that the hybrid coding schemes outperform the operationally separate scheme.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, ISIT 201

    The Likelihood Encoder for Lossy Compression

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    A likelihood encoder is studied in the context of lossy source compression. The analysis of the likelihood encoder is based on the soft-covering lemma. It is demonstrated that the use of a likelihood encoder together with the soft-covering lemma yields simple achievability proofs for classical source coding problems. The cases of the point-to-point rate-distortion function, the rate-distortion function with side information at the decoder (i.e. the Wyner-Ziv problem), and the multi-terminal source coding inner bound (i.e. the Berger-Tung problem) are examined in this paper. Furthermore, a non-asymptotic analysis is used for the point-to-point case to examine the upper bound on the excess distortion provided by this method. The likelihood encoder is also related to a recent alternative technique using properties of random binning
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