1,950 research outputs found
Container ecosystem based PaaS solution for Telco Cloud Analysis and Proposal
Telco over Cloud, Network Function Virtualization andSoftware Defined Networking are changing thetelecommunications industry landscape, morespecifically in the Telco Service Providers networkinfrastructure and systems, by introducing cloudcomputing, virtualization paradigms and softwareapproaches which are already in use and mature intraditional IT environments.This paper introduces the current telco cloud landscapeand latest developments. It subsequently proposes acontainer based telco app orchestration mechanism.The shift of the telco cloud landscape towardscontainers is imperative as the traditional VM basedNFV and SDN solutions are running into scalabilityand performance problems and have an impact ondelivery speed and efficient resource utilization.In the solution we have derived in our lab uses a clustercontainer orchestration mechanism using ApacheMesos. A custom framework is developed to handle theTelco specific (NFV) capabilities on top of thetraditional containers. This novel approach will helptelcos to provision tons of containers in a span of shortduration adhering to the QoS Requirements of theindustry
Migracja stentu powlekanego w czasie naprawy perforacji tętnicy wieńcowej — przypadek podwójnego zagrożenia
Coronary perforation is rare, but dreaded complication of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), which may be type-I (extra luminal crater), II (myocardial or pericardial staining), and III (contrast streaming). Type-III perforations, most dreaded one, are managed with reversal of anticoagulation and prolonged balloon tamponade, covered stents, and rarely emergent surgical repair. Here, we report case of 74 year-old diabetic and hypertensive female who had suffered type-III perforation during PCI by predilatation with semicompliant balloon of mid left anterior descending artery (LAD) lesion as it was calcified. During deployment of covered stent, it got embolized into guiding catheter as we tried to forcefully push the stent, but could not do so as the bed was not fully prepared. It was successfully retrieved with semicompliant monorail balloon, and deployed to seal the perforation. LAD was finally stented with another drug eluting stent distally overlapping with covered stent proximally achieving optimal result.Perforacja tętnicy wieńcowej to rzadkie, lecz bardzo poważne powikłanie przezskórnej interwencji wieńcowej (PCI). Wyróżnia się trzy stopnie perforacji: typu I — krater pozanaczyniowy, typ II — zacienienie kontrastem miokardium lub nasierdzia oraz typ III — wynaczynienie kontrastu. W leczeniu perforacji typu III, które są najpoważniejsze, stosuje się odwrócenie antykoagulacji i długotrwałą tamponadę balonową, stenty powlekane i, rzadko, naprawczy zabieg chirurgiczny w trybie nagłym.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek 74-letniej kobiety z cukrzycą i nadciśnieniem tętniczym, u której w trakcie PCI doszło do perforacji III stopnia. Miało to miejsce w momencie wstępnego rozszerzania zwapniałej zmiany zlokalizowanej w środkowej części gałęzi przedniej zstępującej lewej tętnicy wieńcowej (LAD). Podczas umieszczania w naczyniu powlekanego stentu nastąpiło jego przemieszczenie, kiedy na siłę próbowano go przepchnąć przez zmianę, co było niemożliwe ze względu na to, że nie przygotowano odpowiednio miejsca implantacji. Stent udało się przechwycić półpodatnym balonem typu monorail, a następnie zaimplantować w zmianie w celu uszczelnienia miejsca perforacji. Stentowanie LAD przeprowadzono ostatecznie przy użyciu innego stentu uwalniającego lek, umieszczonego proksymalnie na zakładkę ze stentem powlekanym, co pozwoliło uzyskać optymalny wynik zabiegu
Application of Biosorption for Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater
Fresh water accounts for 3% of water resources on the Earth. Human and industrial activities produce and discharge wastes containing heavy metals into the water resources making them unavailable and threatening human health and the ecosystem. Conventional methods for the removal of metal ions such as chemical precipitation and membrane filtration are extremely expensive when treating large amounts of water, inefficient at low concentrations of metal (incomplete metal removal) and generate large quantities of sludge and other toxic products that require careful disposal. Biosorption and bioaccumulation are ecofriendly alternatives. These alternative methods have advantages over conventional methods. Abundant natural materials like microbial biomass, agro-wastes, and industrial byproducts have been suggested as potential biosorbents for heavy metal removal due to the presence of metal-binding functional groups. Biosorption is influenced by various process parameters such as pH, temperature, initial concentration of the metal ions, biosorbent dose, and speed of agitation. Also, the biomass can be modified by physical and chemical treatment before use. The process can be made economical by regenerating and reusing the biosorbent after removing the heavy metals. Various bioreactors can be used in biosorption for the removal of metal ions from large volumes of water or effluents. The recent developments and the future scope for biosorption as a wastewater treatment option are discussed
Breast Cancer Detection using Two Dimensional Principal Component Analysis and Back Propagation Neural Network
Breast cancer is the most common cancer which affects women around the world. It has been increasing over the years. Detection and diagnosis is the main factor for breast cancer control which increases the success rate of treatment, saves lives and reduce the cost. This paper proposes an efficient approach for breast cancer detection in mammogram breast images using two dimensional principal component analysis and back propagation neural network. The proposed approach consists of four step by step procedures namely preprocessing of breast images, image enhancement, feature extraction and classification. Two dimensional principal component analysis is used to obtain the features of the preprocessed and enhanced image. The reason for selecting two dimensional principal component analysis is it is easier to evaluate the covariance matrix accurately and less time is required to determine the corresponding features. Finally, Back propagation neural network is used to classify whether the given mammogram image is normal or abnormal. Simulation results are carried out using the proposed approach by considering MIAS data base. From the results, it is observed that proposed approach provide better accuracy
Development and application of a high throughput cell based assay to identify novel modulators of ERK1/2 activation and,Functional characterisation of the candidate Radial spokehead like (Rshl1)
The aim of my project was to identify and functionally characterise novel human proteins that influence cancer relevant cellular processes like cell proliferation, signalling, and apoptosis upon over-expression. The focus of my work was 1) The establishment of a high throughput cell based assay to screen for proteins involved in the modulation of cell signalling pathways, specifically the activation of the ERK1/2 pathway, 2) to apply this assay in a screen of previously uncharacterised proteins, and 3) to characterise one candidate protein from this assay and to validate its association with the ERK1/2 pathway. The principle of the assay is based on the detection of phosphorylated ERK1/2 in cells over-expressing N- and C-terminal YFP tagged proteins. Data acquisition was done using a flow cytometer with an integrated 96-well plate reader. A total of 200 proteins were screened, out of which eleven novel cancer relevant modulators of ERK1/2 activation were identified. One of the candidates, the Radial spoke head like -1 (Rshl1), which was identified as an inhibitor of ERK1/2 activation was followed up, and shown to be down regulated in kidney cancer. The protein was identified as an inhibitor of proliferation in another cell based assay. The corresponding gene is located on chromosome 19q13.3 at the primary ciliary dyskinesia locus, and the encoded protein contains a radial spoke domain. However, the biological role of this protein was not described. I found that Rshl1 indeed localizes to primary cilia but also to the cytoplasm and nucleus of human kidney cells. Further, I found that its localisation is cell cycle phase dependent. Rshl1 co-localised with MEK1, ERK1/2 and CDK2 and interacts with MEK1, CDK2 and ERK3. Its role as an inhibitor of proliferation was elucidated by the finding that over-expression of Rshl1 caused a G0/G1 phase arrest in human kidney cells via an up-regulation of p57KIP2 expression and stabilization of ERK3. Rshl1 thus regulates the cell cycle by inhibiting the ERK1/2 kinase. It interacts with critical signalling proteins in the cell and maintains homeostasis by arresting cells in the G0/G1 phase. In conclusion, I screened 200 novel proteins for their influence on ERK1/2 activation and identified eleven novel modulators of ERK1/2 pathway. Detailed functional analysis of Rshl1, which was an inhibitor of ERK1/2 activation, identifies this protein as a novel player in the MAPK pathway, and shed light on its role in homeostasis and tumorigenesis
Dual Left Anterior Descending Artery with abberrent left circumflex artery: dual abberrency- a multi-modality imaging based identification.
Dual left anterior descending (LAD) artery with separate origin of the long LAD with left main coronary artery (LMCA) continuing as short LAD is very rare. A 67-year-old diabetic, and hypertensive male was admitted with history of exertional dyspnoea. He underwent coronary angiography, which showed LMCA continuing as short LAD with early termination while single trunk from right coronary sinus was giving rise to long LAD, right coronary artery, and left circumflex artery (LCx). The long LAD, running on the right side of the anterior interventricular groove, entered the groove distally while anomalous LCx which was dominant, was following a retro-aortic course. These were subsequently confirmed on Multidetector computed tomography angiography (MDCT). Therefore, dual LAD with long LAD, dominant anomalous circumflex artery, and right coronary artery sharing a single, and common origin is very rare and to the best of our knowledge, is being reported for the first time
Study on Self Compacting Concrete using Industrial Waste Material (Steel Slag)
This work aims to study the possibility of recycling floor steel slag as fine aggregate in the manufacturing of self-compacting concrete (SCC). For this; the sand is substituted with floor steel slag at different percentages (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25). The slump flow diameter and T50, as well as compressive and split tensile strength in hardened state of the different SCC mixes, are determined, analyzed and compared with control concrete. The obtained results show that some physical and mechanical characteristics of SCC mixes with floor steel slag are better than those of conventional Self-compacting concrete. This study, as well, insures that reusing floor steel slag in SCC gives a positive approach to reduce the cost of materials and solve some environmental problems
Imaging mechanisms analysis of compact digital holographic microscope for microparticles measurement
AbstractConventional optical microscopy suffers from small depth of focus due to its high numerical aperture and magnification of the microscope objective. In comparison, digital in-line holographic microscopy (DIHM) provides information about the entire 3D volume through numerical reconstruction of the single hologram at several depths. This advantage makes DIHM an effective tool for the measurement of microparticles in suspension. Recently, our group has demonstrated the potential of DIHM for accurate measurement of particles with sizes ranging from 40 microns to a few millimetres. In this paper, the applicability of DIHM is extended for measurement of near-micron sized particles. A compact digital holographic microscope with a single microscope objective is presented. The system imaging mechanisms of the microscope is analyzed first and the recording distance of digital hologram is calculated using spatial frequency analysis. Then the system magnification, lateral resolution and depth resolution are analyzed in terms of the hologram recording distance. Finally, the characterization of microparticles with a diameter of 1 micron and 10 microns is demonstrated with the compact setup. The experimental results show the efficiency and accuracy of this method with a measured error less than 1.55% in the diameter of certified particles
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