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    O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar os efeitos de um programa preventivo sobre a capacidade funcional de membros inferiores em atletas jovens de handebol feminino. Este estudo experimental incluiu uma amostra por conveniência de 17 atletas com idade de 12 a 16 anos, integrantes de um time de handebol feminino amador. As jovens foram divididas em dois grupos, sendo, o grupo intervenção (GI), integrando as atletas que praticaram o programa preventivo associado ao treino regular do handebol (n=9), e o grupo controle (GC), cujas jovens praticaram apenas o treinamento esportivo na equipe (n=8). Foi aplicado um questionário inicial, mensurado os dados antropométricos e a capacidade funcional dos membros inferiores foi avaliada através do Single Leg Hop Test, Timed Hop Test e Side Hop Test. O programa consistiu de aproximadamente 20 minutos de exercícios de aquecimento, força, agilidade e pliometria e equilíbrio, antes do treino regular do esporte, duas vezes por semana, durante oito semanas, totalizando 16 sessões. O GI apresentou melhorias significativas pós-intervenção em todos os testes realizados (p<0,05), em ambos os membros inferiores, diferentes do GC, no qual os resultados foram mais limitados. Oito semanas de treinamento de um programa preventivo melhorou significativamente a capacidade funcional de jovens atletas de handebol feminino, indicando que este tipo de intervenção é capaz de modificar positivamente os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de lesões de membros inferiores destas atletas

    Effect of FIFA 11+ in addition to conventional handball training on balance and isokinetic strength

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    Considering that handball is a sport that requires physical contact, jumps, and fast movements, it is relevant to create prevention strategies to avoid injuries. It is known that better proprioceptive conditions and muscular balance are associated with reductions in sport injuries. The aim of this study was to analyse the cumulative effect of a twelve-week FIFA11+ training program in addition to conventional handball training on postural balance and isokinetic strength of the knee joint in female handball athletes. Twenty-one athletes (aged 11-14 years) were assessed and divided into two groups: intervention group (IG), composed of girls who practiced FIFA11+ associated with regular handball training, and control group (CG) composed of girls who participated only in team training. Both groups were assessed at pre- and post-intervention including knee muscular power using isokinetic dynamometer. Postural balance was assessed through computerized dynamic posturography, with sensory organization test (SOT), analysis of sensorial systems, and unilateral test. IG performed the FIFA11+ program exercises, twice a week, with sessions lasting 40 minutes on average, during 12 weeks. The results demonstrate an improvement in postural balance in IG group at condition 5 of SOT, and in the use of vestibular system at post-intervention, which did not occur in CG. As far as knee isokinetic muscular power is concerned, both groups showed improvements. In conclusion, the practice of FIFA11+ in addition to conventional handball training demonstrated important contributions on the postural balance of young players