13 research outputs found
Cut or Burnt? – Categorizing morphological characteristics of heat-induced fractures and sharp force trauma
Distinguishing trauma from heat-induced fractures is a challenge faced by forensic anthropologists and pathologists during medicolegal investigations in which fire has been used by the perpetrators to destroy evidence. This paper aims to validate the provided identification features to distinguish between fire induced alterations and sharp force trauma.
A total of 80 cremated adult individuals were used in this paper: 3 recently deceased embalmed cadavers from Cementerio Sur de Madrid for the sharp force trauma experiment in which 55 pre-burning injuries were inflicted using a machete and a serrated knife in different anatomical regions. And 77 cremated individuals from the Forensic Anthropology and Odontology Laboratory osteological collection. Five cremated long bones from this collection were selected, and 10 cuts were manually inflicted using a serrated knife to analyse post-burning trauma. Heat-induced changes and trauma morphologic characteristics were thus documented and analysed. The examination and documentation of morphological traits enabled the production of a heat-induced changes visual guide and a flow-chart. Two intraclass correlation tests were performed to validate the capacity of the observer to distinguish between fire related alterations and toolmarks.
The results obtained in the statistical analysis indicate that, even if the toolmarks are visible and recognizable upon macroscopic observation by the observers, some features, such as the step and the transverse fractures can be mistaken with inflicted trauma. The use of the proposed features coupled with careful anthropological examination is recommended and has been found functional for participants with no prior knowledge in the analysis of cremated remains
Epigenetic traits of morphogenesis and development : Pattern of expression of sternal and vertebral column discrete traits in Spain and Portugal
Tesis inĂ©dita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, leĂda el 30-01-2024Los rasgos discretos presentes en el esternĂłn y la columna vertebral son herramientas valiosas para el estudio de las relaciones biolĂłgicas entre poblaciones y sus tendencias microevolutivas. Sin embargo, hay dificultad para identificarlos debido a la variedad de nombres y definiciones en la literatura. A pesar de las publicaciones que describen sus diferencias fenotĂpicas, no hay estudios que describan toda su variabilidad dentro de una misma poblaciĂłn..The discrete traits present in the sternum and spine are valuable tools for the study of biological relationships between populations and their microevolutionary trends. However, there is difficulty in identifying them due to the variety of names and definitions in the literature. Despite the publications that describe their phenotypic differences, there are no studies that describe all their variability within the same population...Fac. de MedicinaTRUEunpu
Dismemberment as a method of body disposal in Spanish forensic cases
This study provides an overview of victim and offender data, the cause and manner of death, the dismemberment type, the post-dismemberment alteration, and the forensic investigation, for 35 Spanish forensic cases. The main aim of this study was to perform a retrospective analysis of dismemberment and body part alteration in Spain since 1990, in particular relating to burning. The sample was selected from a Spanish national database on criminal records (CENDOJ). Official court records were examined for 96 variables, which were analysed through non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (nMDS). The results obtained revealed that the number of dismemberment cases between 1990 and 2016 totalled 35 (amounting to a total of 40 bodies) with an incidence of 0.29% of the total number of homicide cases in the database. Most of the aggressors were Spanish adult males, and the victims were adult females of foreign nationality. The most commonly employed tool used to kill and dismember was the knife. A total of 15.00% of the 40 bodies were further altered by fire. It was concluded that dismemberment and other postmortem actions contributed to complicating the forensic investigation and hindering the identification of the deceased
Ontogeny of morphological variations in the vertebral column: Prevalence and bony variability in young Spanish children
Pre- and postnatal development and variability in discrete vertebral traits have been poorly described in embryonic studies. Numerous authors have reported that these variations are observable only from adolescence; scientific publications on the vertebrae of fetuses and infants are scarce. Thus, the aims of this study were to (1) describe the ontogeny and variability of anatomical variations in the vertebral column of a Spanish infant population and (2) analyze the frequency and relationship between sex, age, and intertrait variables. A total of 4728 vertebrae from 197 skeletons were studied. The age at death ranged from 22 intrauterine weeks to 8 years. Twenty morphological traits related to vertebral column development were analyzed. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed, and the chi-square test was used to measure the relationship between sex, age, and intertrait variables. We observed that 88.32% of skeletons expressed discrete traits along the spine. In fetuses, the double transverse foramen and unclosed transverse process of the axis were the most prevalent traits. In infants older than one year, the appearance of the L5 cleft neural arch, unclosed transverse process of the atlas, and craniocaudal shifts were frequent. A significant result was found between sex and the unclosed transverse process in the axis. The intertrait relationship was significant for all traits that shared the same embryonic structure. Morphological variations became visible following the appearance of ossification centers during the pre- and postnatal periods, and their etiology was associated with embryonic development.Depto. de Medicina Legal, PsiquiatrĂa y PatologĂaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu
Sternal human variability and population affinity: Frequency of discrete traits and their relationship with sex and age
Sternal morphological variations differ among populations and are influenced
by the interaction between inheritance, development, and environment. There
are currently no studies that include all variability from a morphogenesis
approach following a homogeneous definition. The aims of this study were
(a) to develop a standardized method for the anatomical study of the sternum;
(b) to analyze the prevalence of the morphological variations and their relationship
between sex and age; (c) to compare the results with other
populations. The sterna of 155 skeletons from a Spanish population were studied.
The age at the time of death was 17 to 97 years. We analyzed two metric
and 22 sternal morphological variations described in the literature and
designed an illustrated atlas. The atlas was validated using the intraclass correlation
coefficient (ICC). A descriptive statistical analysis was conducted to
measure the prevalence and relationship between sex and age. To analyze the
interpopulation variability, we compared our results with those from other
authors. The atlas with definitions and reference images improves the observation
and detection of all morphological variations of the sternum (ICC = 0.90).
The dependence between the morphological traits and sex was significant for
the variations in the sternal angle, the number of esternebra, and the development
of the xiphoid process. No significant differences were found between
age group and morphological traits. The expression of the sternal morphological
variation and sex are population-specific. The results will help standardize
future studies and provide valuable information on the variability of the sternal
morphological variation.Depto. de Medicina Legal, PsiquiatrĂa y PatologĂaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu
Through fire and flames: post-burning survival and detection of dismemberment-related toolmarks in cremated cadavers
During a homicide investigation in which fire has been used to reduce the size of the cadaver and conceal the evidence of injuries, the identification of perimortem trauma presents a challenge, in particular in cases when the perpetrator has dismembered the body followed by burning the remains. It is therefore important to understand the effects which heat causes on fresh bone. The aim of this paper is to perform a pilot study on the survival ratio of toolmarks in different anatomical regions associated with dismemberment, and a descriptive analysis of the variables that may potentially influence the post-burning survival and detection. To achieve this, three donated embalmed cadavers were used to simulate a case in which an attempted dismemberment and burning had occurred. Fifty-five pre-burning injuries were manually induced: 30 using a machete to inflict chopping trauma, and 25 with a serrated bread knife to inflict sharp force trauma, on the thigh, knee, ankle and wrist. The cadavers were cremated in a furnace at Madrid’s Cementerio Sur and the burnt remains were analysed at the Laboratorio de AntropologĂa y OdontologĂa Forense of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Not all pre-burning injuries inflicted were visible after the cremation process; only 13% were detected in this experiment. Toolmarks can be masked, modified, destroyed or overlooked from the outset of the procedure due to several factors which influence the post-burning survival and detection of toolmarks and contribute to conceal the evidence of trauma. Additional research should be done to study further variables which affect the post-burning visibility of sharp force trauma
Cut or Burnt? – Categorizing morphological characteristics of heat-induced fractures and sharp force trauma
Distinguishing trauma from heat-induced fractures is a challenge faced by forensic anthropologists and pathologists during medicolegal investigations in which fire has been used by the perpetrators to destroy evidence. This paper aims to validate the provided identification features to distinguish between fire induced alterations and sharp force trauma. A total of 80 cremated adult individuals were used in this paper: 3 recently deceased embalmed cadavers from Cementerio Sur de Madrid for the sharp force trauma experiment in which 55 pre-burning injuries were inflicted using a machete and a serrated knife in different anatomical regions. And 77 cremated individuals from the Forensic Anthropology and Odontology Laboratory osteological collection. Five cremated long bones from this collection were selected, and 10 cuts were manually inflicted using a serrated knife to analyse post-burning trauma. Heat-induced changes and trauma morphologic characteristics were thus documented and analysed. The examination and documentation of morphological traits enabled the production of a heat-induced changes visual guide and a flow-chart. Two intraclass correlation tests were performed to validate the capacity of the observer to distinguish between fire related alterations and toolmarks. The results obtained in the statistical analysis indicate that, even if the toolmarks are visible and recognizable upon macroscopic observation by the observers, some features, such as the step and the transverse fractures can be mistaken with inflicted trauma. The use of the proposed features coupled with careful anthropological examination is recommended and has been found functional for participants with no prior knowledge in the analysis of cremated remains.Depto. de Medicina Legal, PsiquiatrĂa y PatologĂaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu
Through fire and flames: post-burning survival and detection of dismemberment-related toolmarks in cremated cadavers
During a homicide investigation in which fire has been used to reduce the size of the cadaver and conceal the evidence of injuries, the identification of perimortem trauma presents a challenge, in particular in cases when the perpetrator has dismembered the body followed by burning the remains. It is therefore important to understand the effects which heat causes on fresh bone. The aim of this paper is to perform a pilot study on the survival ratio of toolmarks in different anatomical regions associated with dismemberment, and a descriptive analysis of the variables that may potentially influence the post-burning survival and detection. To achieve this, three donated embalmed cadavers were used to simulate a case in which an attempted dismemberment and burning had occurred. Fifty-five pre-burning injuries were manually induced: 30 using a machete to inflict chopping trauma, and 25 with a serrated bread knife to inflict sharp force trauma, on the thigh, knee, ankle and wrist. The cadavers were cremated in a furnace at Madrid's Cementerio Sur and the burnt remains were analysed at the Laboratorio de AntropologĂa y OdontologĂa Forense of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Not all pre-burning injuries inflicted were visible after the cremation process; only 13% were detected in this experiment. Toolmarks can be masked, modified, destroyed or overlooked from the outset of the procedure due to several factors which influence the post-burning survival and detection of toolmarks and contribute to conceal the evidence of trauma. Additional research should be done to study further variables which affect the post-burning visibility of sharp force trauma.Depto. de Medicina Legal, PsiquiatrĂa y PatologĂaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu
Measuring dimensional and morphological heat alterations of dismemberment-related toolmarks with an Optical Roughness-meter
This experimental study provides a further understanding of the post-burning nature of sharp force trauma. The main objective is to analyse the distortion that fire may inflict on the length, width, roughness, and floor shape morphology of toolmarks induced by four different implements. To this end, four fresh juvenile pig long bones were cut with a bread knife, a serrated knife, a butcher machete, and a saw. A total of 120 toolmarks were induced and the bone samples were thus burnt in a chamber furnace. The lesions were analysed with a 3D optical surface roughness metre before and after the burning process. Afterwards, descriptive statistics and correlation tests (Student’s t-test and analysis of variance) were performed. The results show that fire exposure can distort the signatures of sharp force trauma, but they remain recognisable and identifiable. The length decreased in size and the roughness increased in a consistent manner. The width did not vary for the saw, serrated knife, or machete toolmarks, while the bread knife lesions slightly shrunk. The floor shape morphology varied after burning, and this change became more noticeable for the three knives. It was also observed that the metrics of the serrated knife and machete cut marks showed no significant variations. Our results demonstrate that there is a variation in the toolmark characteristics after burning. This distortion is dependent on multiple factors that influence their dimensional and morphological changes, and the preservation of class features is directly reliant upon the weapon employed, the trauma caused, and the burning process conditions
The Identified Skeletal Collection of the School of Legal Medicine: a contemporary osteological collection housed in Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Osteological collections are an important resource for the development of methods to assist in the study of skeletal remains in archeological and/or forensic contexts. The aim is to describe the current characteristics of the Identified Skeletal Collection of the School of Legal Medicine and its historical context. The Identified Skeletal Collection of the School of Legal Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid consists of 138 male and 95 female individuals, born between 1880 and 1980 and deceased between 1970 and 2009. The minimum age of the sample is perinatal and the maximum age is 97 years. The collection is an essential tool for forensic research, given that its population characteristics can be extrapolated to those of present-day Spain. Access to this collection offers unique teaching opportunities as well as provides the information necessary to develop various lines of research.Depto. de Medicina Legal, PsiquiatrĂa y PatologĂaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpubAPC financiada por la UC