2 research outputs found

    Seasoned Teachers’ Digital Skills Readiness in the Online learning of Selected

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the digital skills readiness of seasoned teachers in online learning. This study utilized descriptive quantitative research to determine the level of digital skills readiness of seasoned teachers. The study was conducted in selected elementary schools in Quezon province via a google form survey. The thirty (30) respondents were chosen using purposive sampling because, based on the criteria, the teachers should have more than 10 years of service. After the survey, the researchers record the gathered data and compute the weighted mean of each variable. Based on the findings, seasoned teachers from selected schools in Quezon province differ in their digital skills readiness. Some seasoned teachers may need assistance depending on the nature of the work that requires technology. This study also recommends that seasoned teachers may continuously attend professional development activities to enhance their digital skills. Additionally, a related research study uses a qualitative design to gather in-depth responses from the respondents

    Assessment Practices of Teachers Implementing the Philippines and Singapore Elementary Mathematics Curriculum

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    Abstract: Assessment Practices of Teachers Implementing the Philippines and Singapore Elementary Mathematics Curriculum. Objective: This study compared the assessment practices of purposively selected Filipino teachers in public schools implementing the national elementary mathematics curriculum with those in private schools implementing the Singapore mathematics curriculum in the Philippines. The researcher used document analysis, interviews, and classroom observations for 32 elementary mathematics teachers to determine their assessment practices. Triangulation was done to ensure data validity to fulfill the studys purpose. The results reveal that there are similarities and differences in the assessment practices of elementary teachers using Philippines and Singapore Elementary Mathematics curriclum. However, the study did not test if Filipino elementary learners differ in their performance in the national assessments given to all learners in public and private schools. Hence, the study recommended that future analysis be made on how Filipino elementary learners differ in their performance in mathematics, considering their differences in the curriculum they are exposed to.Keywords: assessment practices, elementary mathematics teachers, mathematics curriculum.Abstrak: Praktik Asesmen Guru yang Melaksanakan Kurikulum Matematika Dasar Filipina dan Singapura. Tujuan: Penelitian ini membandingkan praktik penilaian guru Filipina di sekolah negeri yang menerapkan kurikulum matematika dasar nasional dengan praktik penilaian di sekolah swasta yang menerapkan kurikulum matematika Singapura di Filipina, dan memberikan masukan terhadap kurikulum Matematika Dasar Filipina berdasarkan temuan tersebut. Metode: Peneliti menggunakan analisis dokumen, wawancara, dan observasi kelas untuk menentukan praktik penilaian peserta. Triangulasi dilakukan untuk menjamin keabsahan data untuk memenuhi tujuan penelitian. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat persamaan dan perbedaan dalam praktik penilaian guru SD yang menggunakan kurikulum Matematika SD Filipina dan Singapura. Namun, penelitian ini tidak menguji apakah kinerja siswa sekolah dasar di Filipina berbeda dalam penilaian nasional yang diberikan kepada semua siswa di sekolah negeri dan swasta. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar analisis di masa depan dilakukan mengenai perbedaan kinerja matematika siswa sekolah dasar di Filipina, dengan mempertimbangkan perbedaan kurikulum yang mereka terima.Kata kunci: praktik asesmen, guru matematika SD, kurikulum matematika.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v13.i3.20231