23 research outputs found

    Safety–Performance Management in Extreme Sports? A Situated Analysis in Spearfishing Activity

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    The aim of this research is to understand safety–performance articulation in spearfishing through the study of the global, specific, and temporal organization of an elite free diver’s activity. Three kinds of data were collected: diary reports, ten elicitation interviews on spearfishing, and two self-confrontation interviews on successful and failed apneas. The results indicated (1) the spearfisher’s global organization during the spearfishing set, (2) the alternation of intentions during apnea and periods of stabilization, (3) harmony with the environment, and (4) the strategy of keeping pace with the fish. The article will discuss the specific competence development needed to manage the safety–performance relationship in extreme sports. Drawing on its findings, the article proposes improvements to the safety– performance relationship in risky activity

    La fabrique de la crise : que se passe t-il Ă  l’intĂ©rieur du groupe sur le raid polaire ?

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    International audienceThis paper presents a case study of a polar traverse (logistical transport over the ice in Antarctica) during a crisis situation encountered. The aim of this research is to consider the understanding of the crisis situation through the Powley (2009) model of resilience activation. In February 2013, when the traverse returns from Concordia, the gasoil (used for heating and transportation) begins to freeze. Through a comprehensive approach, a reconstruction of the crisis situation was traced with the collaboration of the eight raid members involved in the situation. The results revealed a collective awareness that this was an unanticipated, unforeseen situation. Exotic solutions were provided by the most novices through the sharing of their diverse experiences. Questions of training, of contradictory debate, have fuelled the discussion around the frames of thought preventing.Cette communication prĂ©sente une Ă©tude de cas menĂ©e sur le raid polaire (transport logistique sur le glace en Antarctique) lors d’une situation de crise rencontrĂ©e. Le but de cette recherche est d’envisager la comprĂ©hension de la situation de crise Ă  travers le modĂšle de l’activation de la rĂ©silience de Powley (2009). En FĂ©vrier 2013, au retour de Concordia, le gasoil (permettant de se chauffer et de se dĂ©placer) commence Ă  figer. Par une approche comprĂ©hensive, une reconstitution de la situation de crise a Ă©tĂ© retracĂ©e avec la collaboration des huit membres du raid impliquĂ©s dans la situation. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prise de conscience collective qu’il s’agissait d’une situation imprĂ©vue impensĂ©e. Des solutions exotiques, sortant des sentiers battus ont Ă©tĂ© apportĂ©es par le plus novices Ă  travers le partage de leurs expĂ©riences diversifiĂ©es. Les questions de formation, de dĂ©bat contradictoire viennent alimenter la discussion autour des cadres de pensĂ©e empĂȘchant

    Collective activation of enacted resilience in managing unthought‐of situations: An examination of the reconstruction of a critical situation on the polar traverse

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    International audienceThe purpose of this article is to give a detailed description of how resilience is activated in the case of an unthought-of event through the study of a critical situation encountered on a polar traverse. The situation studied is that of diesel freezing during the return of the 56th polar traverse. Seven raiders participated in the study. Activity traces, such as traverse diary reports, and self-confrontation interviews were used to reconstruct the event. The results show the need to (a) study repeated failed attempts at solving problems and the need to discuss solutions based on (b) shared or (c) personal experience in finding creative solutions to problems. In this sense, the activation of resilience is a process enabling the transition from habitual adaptive actions to a transformative collective activity. The management of unthought-of situations is discussed in relation with the expansive learning and transformative actions. Implications are developed in a final section

    Design of risk mastery on a transport logistics convoy in extreme situation (antarctic traverse)

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    Cette recherche prĂ©sente une analyse des situations Ă  risque et des dispositifs d’actions prĂ©ventives au sein d’un convoi de transport logistique en Antarctique, le raid polaire. Suite Ă  une Ă©tude diachronique sur 57 convois (sur plus de 20 ans), les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que la sĂ©curitĂ© s’est construite par la mise en place de dispositifs curatifs et prĂ©ventifs, touchant Ă  la fois les versants techniques, humains et organisationnels ; par ailleurs, les dispositifs de sĂ©curitĂ© sont tous doublĂ©s et ont Ă©tĂ© en majoritĂ© revisitĂ©s depuis la conception du raid. Les rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s autour de la dynamique des situations Ă  risque et des dispositifs sĂ©curitaires.This paper is presenting an analysis of situations of risk and prevention measures in a transport logistic convoy in Antarctica, the polar traverse. Following a diachronic study of 57 convoys (over the more than 20 years), the results have shown that safety has been built by implementation of remedial and prevention measures, affecting togethers the technical, human and organizational aspects. Otherwise, the safety devices are all doubled, then have been mostly rechecked since the original design of the traverse. Results are discussed around the dynamic of both risky situations and safety devices and procedures

    Environnement capacitant et engagement des opĂ©rateurs : une mise en dĂ©bat Ă  partir de l’activitĂ© des techniciens de la base polaire Dumont D’Urville

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    Learning in the workplace is a serious issue in ergonomics. In this perspective, constructive ergonomics (Falzon, 2013) proposes the enabling environment concept to establish a model of work environment characteristics, leading to learning and to development in and through work. The purpose of the present study is to examine the learning and development of wintering operators within two specific models, in order to highlight learning conditions at work: the enabling environment and Workplace Learning (Billett, 2001) approaches. This article proposes a work study based on nine wintering technicians isolated for twelve months in the French Dumont D’Urville station in Antarctica. The main results show that polar constraints, specific work organisation involving autonomy, and the resources available to technicians enable them to acquire and develop new skills. In this perspective, the article discusses and proposes a definition of environment characteristics which enable learning in and through work

    La gestion en conditions opérationnelles des matériels utilisés en raid polaire

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    International audienceThis study presents an ergonomic analysis of the maintenance operations conducted during land transport convoys for the resupply of the scientific base Concordia. These convoys depart from the French base Dumont d’Urville, linking it to the French-Italian station located 1150 km inland on the Antarctic icecap. Maintenance, preventive or corrective, is after driving, the main activity on these traverses. Systematic participant observations and self analysis interviews conducted during a traverse, have highlighted (1) that preventative and corrective maintenance can be programmed or delayed by several hours or days; (2) preventative maintenance comprises routine maintenance and/or repair, refurbishment; (3) preventative maintenance undertaken in pairs allows a double check of the development of wear and tear; (4) Corrective maintenance is an area where expertise can be developed, including expertise tempered by the environmental constraints. The results are discussed in relation to maintenance as a process undertaken under different time constraints and in terms of repair and refurbishment activities.Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente une analyse ergonomique de l’activitĂ© de maintenance opĂ©rationnelle conduite au profit des convois d’alimentation de la station scientifique Concordia. Ces convois, au dĂ©part de la station française Dumont D’Urville, relient la station Franco-Italienne situĂ©e Ă  1150 km Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la calotte glaciaire Antarctique. La maintenance, prĂ©ventive ou corrective, est aprĂšs la conduite, l’activitĂ© principale sur ces raids. Des observations participatives systĂ©matiques, et des entretiens d’auto-confrontation effectuĂ©s pendant le raid ont mis en avant que (1) les maintenances, prĂ©ventives et correctives, peuvent ĂȘtre programmĂ©es / retardĂ©es de quelques heures Ă  plusieurs jours; (2) la maintenance prĂ©ventive se dĂ©cline en une activitĂ© de routine et/ou de rĂ©cupĂ©ration; (3) la maintenance prĂ©ventive en binĂŽme permet un double contrĂŽle de l’évolution des avaries; (4) la maintenance corrective est le lieu de dĂ©veloppement de savoir-faire et de savoir-faire contrariĂ©s par les contraintes de l’environnement. Les rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s autour de la maintenance, comme processus s’inscrivant dans des temporalitĂ©s diffĂ©rentes, et de l’activitĂ© de rĂ©cupĂ©ration

    Concevoir une activité à risque pour et par l'expérience

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    International audienceThis paper proposes to understand how the design and the implementation of a new risked activity in the polar environment were built: an activity on the ice pack imagined and led by a single designer. Elicitation and self-confrontation interviews were conducted with the designer based on traces of the activity and were analysed. The results show the role played by a variety of experiences and traces of activities in the design of the creative activity, as well as the development of a new experience, that of driving in thrust, thanks to the conception of this new activity. The place of the experiments, the construction of traces of the activity and the incorporation of the security in the design and the implementation are discussed, to finally open on the question of development and formation.Cette communication propose de comprendre comment se sont construits la conception et la mise en Ɠuvre d'une nouvelle activitĂ© Ă  risque en environnement polaire : une activitĂ© de transport sur la banquise conduite et imaginĂ©e et conduite par un seul auteur. Des entretiens d'explicitation et d'auto-confrontation ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s avec le concepteur Ă  partir de traces de l'activitĂ© et ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats montrent le rĂŽle jouĂ© par une diversitĂ© d'expĂ©riences et de traces d'activitĂ©s dans la conception de l'activitĂ© crĂ©ative, ainsi que le dĂ©veloppement d'une nouvelle expĂ©rience, celle de conduite en poussĂ©e, grĂące Ă  la conception de cette nouvelle activitĂ© Ă  risque. La place de l’expĂ©rience, de la reconstruction de traces de l’activitĂ© et de l’incorporation de la sĂ©curitĂ© dans la conception et la mise en Ɠuvre sont discutĂ©es, pour finalement ouvrir sur les questions de dĂ©veloppement et de formation

    RĂ©flexions mĂ©thodologiques et Ă©pistĂ©mologiques sur l’intervention en immersion : comparaison de deux terrains

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    International audienceTwo immersion interventions at a specific, long-term site are set out and described : the first was ergonomic and was carried out in conjunction with the polar expedition to ensure the operation of the Concordia scientific station in the Antarctic ; the second, which involved providing psychological assistance, concerned the French sailing team during training and competitions spread over two Olympics, including the events at two Olympic sites. At a remove from these two interventions, their frameworks and intervention rationales were compared, as were their methodological models and the procedures used, and the modalities and constraints of the expertise brought in. A final discussion will try to contrast and compare these two paradigms and the ethical benchmarks of researchers.Se esbozan y describen dos intervenciones especĂ­ficas de inmersiĂłn en el campo a largo plazo: uno, de tipo ergonĂłmico, se realizĂł con el raid polar, implementado para asegurar el funcionamiento de la estaciĂłn cientĂ­fica Concordia, en el continente antĂĄrtico ; la otra, de apoyo psicolĂłgico, se hizo con el equipo olĂ­mpico francĂ©s de vela, durante los entrenamientos y competiciones repartidos en dos olimpiadas y que incluĂ­an pruebas en dos sedes olĂ­mpicas. A distancia de estas dos intervenciones, se comparan sus marcos y lĂłgicas de intervenciĂłn, los modelos metodolĂłgicos y los procedimientos utilizados, asĂ­ como las modalidades y las limitaciones de la pericia aportada. Un debate final pretende comparar y contrastar estos dos paradigmas y examinar los puntos de referencia deontolĂłgicos de los participantes.Deux interventions en immersion sur un terrain spĂ©cifique, de longue durĂ©e, sont exposĂ©es et dĂ©crites : l’une, de type ergonomique, a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e auprĂšs du raid polaire, mis en Ɠuvre pour assurer le fonctionnement de la station scientifique Concordia, sur le continent antarctique ; l’autre, de type accompagnement psychologique, concernait l’équipe de France de voile olympique, lors d’entraĂźnements et compĂ©titions Ă©talĂ©s sur deux olympiades et incluant les Ă©preuves sur deux sites olympiques. À distance de ces deux interventions, sont confrontĂ©s leurs cadres et logiques d’intervention, les modĂšles mĂ©thodologiques et les procĂ©dures utilisĂ©es, les modalitĂ©s et contraintes de l’expertise apportĂ©e. Une discussion finale vise Ă  confronter, rapprocher
 ces deux paradigmes et Ă  examiner les repĂšres dĂ©ontologiques des intervenants

    Relation entre le discours de l'entraßneur et les attributions spontanées de joueuses en situation de compétition

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    Villemain Aude, LévÚque Marc. Relation entre le discours de l'entraßneur et les attributions spontanées de joueuses en situation de compétition. In: Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, n°34, 2003. Expertise et sport de haut niveau. pp. 317-320

    La gestion en conditions opérationnelles des matériels utilisés en raid polaire

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    International audienceThis study presents an ergonomic analysis of the maintenance operations conducted during land transport convoys for the resupply of the scientific base Concordia. These convoys depart from the French base Dumont d’Urville, linking it to the French-Italian station located 1150 km inland on the Antarctic icecap. Maintenance, preventive or corrective, is after driving, the main activity on these traverses. Systematic participant observations and self analysis interviews conducted during a traverse, have highlighted (1) that preventative and corrective maintenance can be programmed or delayed by several hours or days; (2) preventative maintenance comprises routine maintenance and/or repair, refurbishment; (3) preventative maintenance undertaken in pairs allows a double check of the development of wear and tear; (4) Corrective maintenance is an area where expertise can be developed, including expertise tempered by the environmental constraints. The results are discussed in relation to maintenance as a process undertaken under different time constraints and in terms of repair and refurbishment activities.Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente une analyse ergonomique de l’activitĂ© de maintenance opĂ©rationnelle conduite au profit des convois d’alimentation de la station scientifique Concordia. Ces convois, au dĂ©part de la station française Dumont D’Urville, relient la station Franco-Italienne situĂ©e Ă  1150 km Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la calotte glaciaire Antarctique. La maintenance, prĂ©ventive ou corrective, est aprĂšs la conduite, l’activitĂ© principale sur ces raids. Des observations participatives systĂ©matiques, et des entretiens d’auto-confrontation effectuĂ©s pendant le raid ont mis en avant que (1) les maintenances, prĂ©ventives et correctives, peuvent ĂȘtre programmĂ©es / retardĂ©es de quelques heures Ă  plusieurs jours; (2) la maintenance prĂ©ventive se dĂ©cline en une activitĂ© de routine et/ou de rĂ©cupĂ©ration; (3) la maintenance prĂ©ventive en binĂŽme permet un double contrĂŽle de l’évolution des avaries; (4) la maintenance corrective est le lieu de dĂ©veloppement de savoir-faire et de savoir-faire contrariĂ©s par les contraintes de l’environnement. Les rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©s autour de la maintenance, comme processus s’inscrivant dans des temporalitĂ©s diffĂ©rentes, et de l’activitĂ© de rĂ©cupĂ©ration