523 research outputs found

    Novel mutations in BMPR2, ACVRL1 and KCNA5 genes and hemodynamic parameters in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.

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    Background: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare and progressive vascular disorder characterized by increased pulmonary vascular resistance and right heart failure. The aim of this study was to analyze the Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 2 (BMPR2), Activin A type II receptor like kinase 1 (ALK1/ACVRL1) and potassium voltage-gated channel, shakerrelated subfamily, member 5 (KCNA5) genes in patients with idiopathic and associated PAH. Correlation among pathogenic mutations and clinical and functional parameters was further analyzed. Methods and results: Forty one patients and fifty controls were included in this study. Analysis of BMPR2, ACVRL1 and KCNA5 genes was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing. Fifty one nucleotide changes were detected in these genes in 40 of the 41 patients; only 22 of these changes, which were classified as pathogenic, have been detected in 21 patients (51.2%). Ten patients (62.5%) with idiopathic PAH and 10 (40%) with associated PAH showed pathogenic mutations in some of the three genes. Several clinical and hemodynamics parameters showed significant differences between carriers and non-carriers of mutations, being more severe in carriers: mean pulmonary artery pressure (p = 0.043), pulmonary vascular resistence (p = 0.043), cardiac index (p = 0.04) and 6 minute walking test (p = 0.02). This differences remained unchanged after adjusting for PAH type (idiopathic vs non idiopathic). Conclusions: Pathogenic mutations in BMPR2 gene are frequent in patients with idiopathic and associated PAH group I. Mutations in ACVRL1 and KCNA5 are less frequent. The presence of these mutations seems to increase the severity of the disease

    The impact of irrigation on the quality of drainage water in a new irrigation district

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    [EN] The water quality of two agricultural drainage systems was monitored over two irrigation seasons in order to determine the sustainability of a new area of irrigated land (the Algerri-Balager irrigation district) located in the northeast of Spain. The average electrical conductivity of the drainage water was around 4dS·m-1, and the waters were enriched with boron, phosphorous and nitrate. Drainage represented 17% of total applied irrigation water (measured leached fraction) and is considered necessary to minimize the risk of soil salinization in semiarid environments. The most common ions in the drainage waters were magnesium, sulphate, and calcium and others related with dissolved soil minerals present in the area. The presence of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and pesticides was negligible. The information provided by this research was very useful for the irrigation district, and it’s transferable to other irrigation districts, as it could help to improve agricultural practices and be used to control the quality and quantity of irrigation drainage.[ES] La calidad del agua de dos sistemas de drenaje agrícola fue monitorizado en dos temporadas de riego para determinar la sostenibilidad de una zona recientemente transformada de secano a regadío y gestionada por la Comunidad de Regantes del Canal de Algerri-Balaguer, en el Noreste de España. La conductividad eléctrica media estuvo alrededor de los 4 dSm-1, y las aguas se enriquecieron con boro, fósforo y nitratos. El drenaje representó un 17% del total de agua de riego aplicada (fracción medida de lavado) y se considera necesario para minimizar el riesgo de salinización del suelo en ambientes semiáridos. Los iones más comunes presentes en las aguas de drenaje fueron el magnesio, el sulfato, y el calcio y otros relacionados con la disolución de minerales presentes en la zona de estudio. La presencia de Fe, Cu, Mg, Zn y fitosanitarios fue insignificante. La información que proporcionó el estudio fue muy interesante para la Comunidad de Regantes, y los aspectos metodológicos pueden ser aplicados en otras comunidades de regantes, ya que podría ayudar a mejorar las prácticas agrícolas y utilizarse para controlar la calidad y cantidad del agua de drenajeLos autores quieren agradecer al Sr. Antonio Enjuanes y al Sr. Joan Anglès (Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació), al Sr. Francesc Mirada, presidente de la comunidad de regantes (en el momento de realizarse el trabajo de campo), al Sr. Antoni Costa presidente del sindicato de regantes de la Comunidad de Regantes, al Sr. Ramón Codina, técnico de la Comunidad de Regantes, y también a los estudiantes de la Universidad de Lleida que contribuyeron al primer año del proyecto (Sr. Xavier Farré y Sr. Albert Casals). Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el convenio de colaboración entre el Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació de la Generalitat de Catalunya y la Universidad de Lleida (contratos C06027 y C08025)Villar Mir, J.; Pascual, M.; Rufat, J.; Villar, P. (2015). El impacto del riego en la calidad del agua de drenaje en una nueva zona regable. Ingeniería del Agua. 19(4):241-253. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2015.4113SWORD241253194Abrahao, R., Causapé, J., García-Garizábal, I., Merchán, D. (2011). Implementing irrigation: Salt and nitrate exported from the Lerma basin (Spain). Agricultural Water Management, 102(1), 105-112. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.10.011Agència Catalana de l'Aigua. (2008). Water in Catalonia: diagnosis and proposed actions. Catalan Water Agency, Generalitat de Catalunya.Ascaso, E., Boixadera, J., Olarieta, J.R. (1991). Detailed Soil Survey Map of Catalonia of the irrigated area by Algerri-Balaguer Canal (La Noguera) (1:25000). Departament d'Agricultura, Alimentació i Acció Rural. Generalitat de Catalunya.Ayers, R.S., Westcot, D.W. (1985). Water quality for agriculture. FAO Irrig. Drain. Pap. 29 rev. 1; Food and Agricultura Organization of the United Nations, Rome.Barros, R., Isidoro, D., Aragüés, R. (2011). Long-term water balances in La Violada Irrigation District (Spain): II. Analysis of irrigation performance. Agricultural Water Management, 98(10), 1569-1576.California Department of Transportation (2011). Highway design manual. Chapter 850 Physical Standards. Disponible en http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/oppd/hdm/pdf/english/chp0850.pdf (12 febrero 2014)Causapé, J. (2009a). Agro-environmental evaluation of irrigation land. I. Water use in Bardenas Irrigation District (Spain). Agricultural Water Management, 96(2), 179-187. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2008.08.004Causapé, J. (2009b). Agro-environmental evaluation of irrigation land. II. Pollution induced by Bardenas Irrigation District (Spain). Agricultural Water Management, 96(2), 188-194.Directive 2000/60/EC of the European parliament and of the council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. Official Journal of the European Communities L 327/1.Dougherty, T.C., Hall, A.W., Wallingford, H.R. (1995). Environmental impact assessment of irrigation and drainage projects. Irrigation and drainage paper 53, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.Durand, P., Neal, C., Lelong, F. (1992). Anthropogenic and natural contributions to the rainfall chemistry of a mountainous area in the Cevennes National Park (Mont-Lozere, southern France) Journal of Hydrology, 130, 71-85. doi:10.1016/0022-1694(92)90104-4EC Directive Relating to the Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption 1982, 80/778/EEC, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2 rue Mercier, L-2985 Luxembourg.Emmerich, W.E. (1990). Precipitation nutrient inputs in semiarid environments. Journal of Environmental Quality, 19(3), 621-624. doi:10.2134/jeq1990.00472425001900030044xEuropean Commission. (2005). Soil Atlas of Europe. European Soil Bureau Network. 128 pp.Fernández-Cirelli, A., Arumí, J.L., Rivera, D., Boochs, P.W. (2009). Environmental effects of irrigation in arid and semi-arid regions. Review. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 69(supl. 1), 27-40.Gali, R.K., Soupi, M.L., Helmers, M.J. (2012). Electrical conductivity as a tool to estimate chemical properties of drainage water quality in the Des Moines Lobe, Iowa. Paper number 12-1338083. ASABAE conference Presentation. ASABAE Annual Int. Meeting, Dallas, Texas.Grattan, S.R. (2002). Irrigation water salinity and crop production. Water quality fact sheet. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pub. 8066. University of California.Grismer, M.E. (1993). Subsurface drainage system design and drain water quality. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 119(3), 537-545. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(1993)119:3(537)Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEE). (2000). The environmental impacts of irrigation in the European Union. A report to the Environment Directorate of the European Commission. Disponible en http://ec.europa.eu/environment/agriculture/pdf/irrigation.pdf (15 febrero2012)Instituto Nacional de Estadística. (2008). Water Statistics and Indicators. Boletín informativo del INE, Madrid.Isidoro, D., Quílez, D., Aragüés, R. (2004). Water balance and irrigation performance analysis: La Violada irrigation district (Spain) as a case study. Agricultural Water Management, 64(2), 123-142. doi:10.1016/S0378-3774(03)00196-3Isla, R., Aragüés, R., Royo, A. (2003). Spatial variability of salt-affected soils in the middle Ebro Valley (Spain) and implications in plant breeding for increase productivity. Euphytica, 134(3), 325-334. doi:10.1023/B:EUPH.0000004988.25257.91Kubáň, P., Reinhardt, M., Müller, B., Hauser. P. (2004). On-site simultaneous determination of anions and cations in drainage water using a flow injection-capillary electrophoresis system with contactless conductivity detection. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 6, 169-174. doi:10.1039/b316422eLecina, S., Playán, E., Isidoro, D., Dechmim, F., Cuasapé, J., Faci, J.M. (2005). Irrigation evaluation and simulation at the irrigation district V of Bardenas (Spain). Agricultural Water Management, 73(3), 223-245. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2004.10.007Leeden, van der F., Troise, F.L., Todd, D.K. (1990). The water encyclopaedia. Second Ed. Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, MI. Letey, J., Hoffman, G.F., Hopmans, J.W., Grattan, S.R., Suarez, D., Corwin, D.L., Oster, J.D., Wu, L., Amrhein, C. (2011). Evaluation of soil leaching requirement guidelines. Review. Agricultural Water Management, 98(4), 502-506. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2010.08.009Litskas, V., Aschonitis, V.G., Antonopoulos, V.Z. (2010). Water quality in irrigation and drainage networks of Thessalonoki plain in Greece related to land use, water management, and agroecosystem production. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 163(1), 347-359. doi:10.1007/s10661-009-0839-3Lucha, P., Gutiérrez, F., Galve, J.P., Guerrero, J. (2012). Geomorphic and stratigraphic evidence of incision-induced halokinetic uplift and dissolution subsidence in transverse drainages crossing the evaporite-cored Barbastro-Balaguer Anticline (Ebro Basin, NE Spain). Geomorphology, 171-172, 154-172. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.05.015Organization for Economic and Co-operative Development (OECD). (1982). Eutrophication of Waters: Monitoring, assessment and control. Paris, France.Parris, K. (2011). Impact of agriculture on water pollution in OECD countries: recent trends and futures prospects. International Journal of Water Resources Development 27(1), 33-52. doi:10.1080/07900627.2010.531898Polo, M.J., Ordoñez, R., Giráldez, J.V., González, P. (1997). Aporte de nitrógeno efectuado por el agua de lluvia en el área de Córdoba. XV Congreso Nacional de Riegos. Lleida, Spain, Ed. Generalitat de Catalunya, 94-101.Rice, Ch.W., Havlin, J.L., Schepers, J.S. (1995). Rational nitrogen fertilization in intensive cropping systems. Fertilizer Research,42(1-3): 89-97. doi:10.1007/BF00750502Rodríguez-Ochoa, R., Olarieta, J.R., Castañeda, C. (2012). Micromorphology of salt accumulations in soils of north Monegros, Spain: Optical microscopy and SEM. R.M. Poch, M. Casamitjana, M.L. Francis (Eds). Proceedings of the 14th Int. Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain, 31-35.Rowe, D., Abdel-Magid, I. (1995). Handbook of wastewater reclamation and reuse. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.Stockle, C.O. (2001). Environmental impact of irrigation: a review. Disponible en http://www.swwrc.wsu.edu/newsletter/fall2001/irrimpact2.pdf (12 de enero de 2012).Verwey, P.M.J., Vermeulen, P.D. (2011). Influence of irrigation on the level, salinity and flow of groundwater at Vaalharts Irrigation scheme. Water SA, 37(2), 155-164. doi:10.4314/wsa.v37i2.65861Wriedt, G., Van der Velde, M., Aloe, A., Bouraoui, F. (2009). Estimating irrigation water requirements in Europe. Journal of Hydrology, 373(3-4), 527-544. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.05.01

    Effect of N dose, fertilisation duration and application of a nitrification inhibitor on GHG emissions from a peach orchard

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    Despite only occupying 5% of the worldwide arable area, fruit tree crops are of vital economic importance in many regions. Intensive cropping practices can lead to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to reduce these emissions, numerous studies have been made on lowering N inputs or applying nitrification inhibitors (NIs) which tend to maintain or even increase yield while reducing N leaching and nitrogenous emissions to the atmosphere. However, very few studies have been conducted on potential GHG emissions from the peach crop. In this work, a three-year study was carried out in a commercial peach orchard with a split-plot design with three replicates, in which the main factor was N dose (25, 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 year−1, and 50 kg N ha−1 year−1 applied during a shorter period of time in 2015 and 2016; and only 70 kg N ha−1 year−1 in 2017). Subplots in the study were used to analyse the effect of the application of a NI (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate; DMPP). The aim was to qualitatively compare the effect of these factors on N2O, N2O + N2, CH4 and CO2 emissions from a peach orchard soil in order to recommend agricultural practices that minimise emissions without concurrent yield reductions. We show that N2O and N2O + N2 emissions were linked to fertilisation and increased with N dose. The N2O emissions were mitigated (up to 49%) by DMPP up to the 50 kg N ha−1 dose (not significantly). It seems that between 70 and 100 kg N ha−1 the application of DMPP loses effectiveness. Methane oxidation increased with N dose and decreased with DMPP application; CO2 emissions increased with DMPP and were unaffected by N dose. The intermediate N dose (50 kg N ha−1) applied during a shorter period of time increased yield (not significantly) and NUE without increasing GHG emissions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    TEM study of defects versus growth orientations in heavily boron-doped diamond

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    International audienceHeavy boron-doping layer in diamond can be responsible for the generation of extended defects during the growth processes (Blank et al., Diam. Relat. Mater. 17, 1840 (2008) [1]). As claimed recently (Alegre et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 173103 (2014) [2]), boron pair interactions rather than strain-related misfit seems to be responsible for such dislocation generation. In the present work, electron microscopy observations are used to study the defects induced by heavy boron doping in different growth plane orientations. Facets of pyramidal Hillocks (PHs) and pits provide access to non-conventional growth orientations where boron atoms incorporation is different during growth. TEM analysis on FIB prepared lamellas confirm that also for those growth orientations, the generation of dislocations occurs within the heavily boron-doped diamond layers. Stacking faults (SFs) have been also observed by high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HREM). From the invisibility criteria, using weak beam (WB) observation, ½ [1-10] and 1/6 [11-2], Burger vectors have been identified. Their generation behavior confirms the mechanism reported by Alegre et al. where local in-plane strain effects induced at the growing surface of the diamond lattice by the neighboring of several boron atoms cause the generation of such extended defects

    La Pizarra Digital Interactiva como recurso didáctico accesible para alumnos con discapacidad visual

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    Se describe la planificación y el desarrollo de una experiencia de evaluación de la Pizarra Digital Interactiva como herramienta de accesibilidad para alumnos de Secundaria y Bachillerato con discapacidad visual. La experiencia tuvo lugar en Alicante durante el curso 2007-2008 con cinco alumnos afiliados a la ONCE. Se creó un grupo de trabajo formado por profesores de Secundaria y del Centro de Recursos Educativos de la ONCE, y se establecieron los objetivos, las actividades (tales como formación de profesores y alumnos en el uso de la Pizarra, o la elaboración de recursos didácticos de Biología, Dibujo Técnico, Química y Matemáticas) y los elementos de registro y evaluación (cuestionarios para alumnos y profesores). Las conclusiones de alumnos y profesores confirman la valoración positiva de la Pizarra Digital como instrumento didáctico que estimula y favorece el aprendizaje de los alumnos con discapacidad visual

    Monitorización de la presión tisular de oxígeno (ptio2) en la UVI del Hospital de la Ribera y hoja de registro de Enfermería

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    [email protected] monitorización de la presión tisular de oxigeno (PtiO2) permite el conocimiento de las repercusiones de las lesiones tisulares y el diagnóstico de lesiones secundarias en el paciente con traumatismo craneoencefálico grave (TCEG). Este método de monitorización detecta cambios fisiopatológicos que conllevan las lesiones neurotraumáticas. El objetivo de nuestro artículo es describir y analizar este tipo de monitorización, así como los cuidados de enfermería con relación a los casos que hemos atendido en nuestra unidad y según nuestra experiencia. Se ha confeccionado una hoja de “registro de enfermería” que contiene los datos del paciente, diagnóstico, tipo de catéter, constantes horarias, etc. Con estos controles, pretendemos recoger las posibles complicaciones derivadas del catéter y del propio proceso del paciente, mejorando de esta manera la calidad asistencial.Tissue pressure of oxygen (PtiO2) monitoring allows knowing the tissue injuries implications, and the diagnosis of secondary lesions in the patient with craneoencephalic traumatism. This monitoring method detects physiopathologic changes brought about by neurotraumatic injuries. The objective of our contribution is to describe and analyze this specific type of monitoring and the nurse cares with relationship to the cases taken care of in our unit, according to our experience. A Nurse’s Record Card has been developed, containing the patient's name, diagnosis, medical history number, catheter type, schedules, etc. In this way, the possible complications derived from the catheter and from the patient's own development will be avoided, and nursing quality care will be [email protected]

    Status and preliminary results of the ANAIS experiment at Canfranc

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    ANAIS (Annual Modulation with NaI's) is an experiment planned to investigate seasonal modulation effects in the signal of galactic WIMPs using up to 107 kg of NaI(Tl) in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (Spain). A prototype using one single crystal (10.7 kg) is being developed before the installation of the complete experiment; the first results presented here show an average background level of 1.2 counts/(keV kg day) from threshold (Ethr~4 keV) up to 10 keV.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk delivered at the 7th International Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2001), September 2001, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy (to appear in the Conference Proceedings, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.)

    Influence of irrigation and fertilization on the sterol and triterpene dialcohol compositions of virgin olive oil

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of irrigation and fertilization with nitrogen and potassium on the sterol and triterpene dialcohol contents in two trials of cv. Arbequina in super-intensive orchards in Madrid and Lleida (Spain), using a completely randomized block design. No significant differences in total sterols between deficit and full irrigation treatments were observed. Under very dry conditions, the sterol levels from fully irrigated trees were higher than from rain-fed treatments and the triterpene dialcohol erythrodiol+ uvaol content was lower in the irrigated treatments in Lleida. In the fertilizer trial with full irrigation, total sterols were higher in the two N treatments compared to the unfertilized one; while erythrodiol + uvaol decreased. The application of K fertilizer had no effect on total sterol or triterpene dialcohol contents. A proper fertilization and irrigation are vital to obtain high quality EVOOs that meet the regulatory range in sterol and erythrodiol + uvaol contents.Influencia del riego y la fertilización en los esteroles y dialcoholes triterpénicos del aceite de oliva. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la influencia del riego y del abonado nitrogenado y potásico en los esteroles y los dialcoholes tritepénicos, en sendos ensayos de arbequina en superintensivo, con un diseño en bloques al azar, en Madrid y Lleida. No se observaron diferencias significativas de esteroles totales entre el riego deficitario y el riego completo. En condiciones de sequía extrema, los esteroles del riego completo fueron superiores al secano y los dialcoholes tritepénicos eritrodiol y uvaol fueron inferiores en los tratamientos de riego en Lleida. En el ensayo de abonado con riego completo, los esteroles totales fueron superiores en las dos aplicaciones de nitrógeno respecto al testigo no tratado y también disminuyeron el eritrodiol + uvaol. El abonado potásico no afectó a los esteroles totales ni a los dihalcoholes triterpénicos. Una fertilización y riego adecuados son de vital importancia para obtener AOVEs de alta calidad que cumplan con los límites legales del contenido en esteroles y eritrodiol + uvaol.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optical analysis of textured plastic substrates to be used in thin silicon solar cells

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    Light confinement strategies in thin-film silicon solar cells play a crucial role in the performance of the devices. In this work, the possible use of Ag-coated stamped polymers as reflectors to be used in n-i-p solar cells is studied. Different random roughnesses (nanometer and micrometer size) have been transferred on poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) by hot embossing. Morphological and optical analyses of masters, stamped polymers and reflectors have been carried out evidencing a positive surface transference on the polymer and the viability of a further application in solar cells