3 research outputs found

    Prevenci贸n de la infecci贸n neonatal precoz por estreptococo del grupo B

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    El estreptococo del grupo B (EGB) constituye la principal causa de morbimortalidad neonatal y de morbilidad materna durante el embarazo y el posparto. Coloniza el aparato digestivo y el genitourinario en un 10-30% de las gestantes, con una tasa de transmisi贸n vertical del 50%. De entre los reci茅n nacidos colonizados, un 1-2% desarrollar谩 una sepsis grave precoz. Se ha realizado una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica con el objetivo de conocer las estrategias de prevenci贸n de la infecci贸n neonatal por EGB. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que las recomendaciones para su prevenci贸n consisten en el cribado universal prenatal de colonizaci贸n por EGB mediante cultivo vaginorrectal a las 35-37 semanas, y la administraci贸n de profilaxis antibi贸tica intraparto a todas las embarazadas portadoras

    Risk factors associated with the colonization of group b streptococcus during pregnancy: preliminary results

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    In Spain, the rate of colonization with GBS in pregnant women is 11%-18.2% and in Catalonia between 13-16%. The vertical transmission rate is 50%, and in the absence of avoidance manoeuvres, between 1-2% of new-borns develop GBS infection, which is the main bacterial agent in neonatal sepsis precocious

    Risk factors associated with the colonization of group b streptococcus during pregnancy: preliminary results

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    In Spain, the rate of colonization with GBS in pregnant women is 11%-18.2% and in Catalonia between 13-16%. The vertical transmission rate is 50%, and in the absence of avoidance manoeuvres, between 1-2% of new-borns develop GBS infection, which is the main bacterial agent in neonatal sepsis precocious