17 research outputs found

    Use of Nanostructured Photocatalysts for Dye Degradation: A Review

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    Among the technologies proposed for wastewater treatment, the Advanced Oxidation Processes are viable and technological strategies for dyes degradation. Different photocatalytic systems classified in metal oxides alone or combined through hybrid composites or immobilized onto supports have been designed in various nanostructured shapes for their application in the photodegradation of polluting dyes. This review aims to describe the dyes as an environmental threat, photocatalysis as an effective process to remove dyes from water and provide an overview of the recent studies using photocatalytic systems grouped according to their development. Furthermore, this review describes the main parameters of a photocatalytic system with an important role in dye photodegradation. Finally, we discuss the limitations of photocatalysis for real industrial applications and the challenges for this environmental nanotechnology

    Clostridium perfringens as Foodborne Pathogen in Broiler Production: Pathophysiology and Potential Strategies for Controlling Necrotic Enteritis

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    Clostridium perfringens (Cp.) is the cause of human foodborne desease. Meat and poultry products are identified as the main source of infection for humans. Cp. can be found in poultry litter, feces, soil, dust, and healthy birds’ intestinal contents. Cp. strains are known to secrete over 20 identified toxins and enzymes that could potentially be the principal virulence factors, capable of degrading mucin, affecting enterocytes, and the small intestine epithelium, involved in necrotic enteritis (NE) pathophysiology, also leading to immunological responses, microbiota modification and anatomical changes. Different environmental and dietary factors can determine the colonization of this microorganism. It has been observed that the incidence of Cp-associated to NE in broilers has increased in countries that have stopped using antibiotic growth promoters. Since the banning of such antibiotic growth promoters, several strategies for Cp. control have been proposed, including dietary modifications, probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, phytogenics, organic acids, and vaccines. However, there are aspects of the pathology that still need to be clarified to establish better actions to control and prevention. This paper reviews the current knowledge about Cp. as foodborne pathogen, the pathophysiology of NE, and recent findings on potential strategies for its control

    Skinfold Thickness as a Cardiometabolic Risk Predictor in Sedentary and Active Adult Populations

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    Studies report that increased body fat can lead to health risks for individuals. However, some methods used for analyzing adiposity did not identify its distribution in the human body because they are typically measured using bioimpedance scales. This study aims to associate the presence of cardiometabolic risk factors in sedentary and active adult populations through anthropometric methods based on skinfold thickness measurements. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 946 adults aged between 18 and 79 years with prior informed consent. Clinical, anthropometric, and biochemical parameters, as well as some cardiometabolic risk factors, were evaluated. Almost half of the population (45.1%; n = 427) is sedentary. A significant association was found between the sum of the skinfolds (bicipital, tricipital, subscapular, and suprailiac) and the cardiometabolic risk factors evaluated, highlighting the cardiovascular risk associated with abdominal obesity, risk of insulin resistance, as well as the development of hyperglycemia, and hypertriglyceridemia. The bicipital fold was thicker (19.67 mm) in the population with a sedentary lifestyle than in the physically active population (18.30 mm). Furthermore, the skinfolds that predict higher metabolic risks were suprailiac and subscapular in sedentary and active populations. Thus, these skinfold measurements could be considered in assessing the adult population for early cardiometabolic risk detection, even in healthy and physically active people

    Use of Autochthonous Lactic Acid Bacteria as Starter Culture of Pasteurized Milk Adobera Cheese

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    Adobera, a genuine, brick-shaped, lightly ripened, unstretched pasta filata-like cheese from Western México, is one of the most important market-share wise but is usually made with raw milk and prepared following artisanal procedures. A pasteurized milk cheese is needed to assess its safety and guarantee standardized quality features. However, no commercial Adobera cheese culture is available, as specific lactic acid bacteria relevant for its production have not been thoroughly identified. This study is aimed at comparing the technological and quality features of Adobera cheeses made with pasteurized milk inoculated with a mixture of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc strains) to those of traditional raw milk cheeses, hypothesizing that no significant differences would be found between them. Milk pasteurization promoted water retention into the cheese matrix, impacting its texture and color profiles. Raw milk cheeses were harder, more cohesive, and less elastic than pasteurized milk cheeses. Ripening markers were significantly higher in raw milk cheeses at all sampling times, although its evolution over time showed that the starter culture could exhibit similar proteolytic activity than that of native milk microbiota under favorable ripening conditions. The principal component analysis revealed apparent overall differences between raw Adobera cheeses and those made with pasteurized cheese milk

    Use of Autochthonous Lactic Acid Bacteria as Starter Culture of Pasteurized Milk Adobera Cheese

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    Adobera, a genuine, brick-shaped, lightly ripened, unstretched pasta filata-like cheese from Western México, is one of the most important market-share wise but is usually made with raw milk and prepared following artisanal procedures. A pasteurized milk cheese is needed to assess its safety and guarantee standardized quality features. However, no commercial Adobera cheese culture is available, as specific lactic acid bacteria relevant for its production have not been thoroughly identified. This study is aimed at comparing the technological and quality features of Adobera cheeses made with pasteurized milk inoculated with a mixture of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc strains) to those of traditional raw milk cheeses, hypothesizing that no significant differences would be found between them. Milk pasteurization promoted water retention into the cheese matrix, impacting its texture and color profiles. Raw milk cheeses were harder, more cohesive, and less elastic than pasteurized milk cheeses. Ripening markers were significantly higher in raw milk cheeses at all sampling times, although its evolution over time showed that the starter culture could exhibit similar proteolytic activity than that of native milk microbiota under favorable ripening conditions. The principal component analysis revealed apparent overall differences between raw Adobera cheeses and those made with pasteurized cheese milk

    Food Consumption and Metabolic Risks in Young University Students

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the association between components of the diet, metabolic risks, and the serum concentrations of adiponectin and interleukin-6 (IL-6). With prior informed consent, an analytical cross-sectional study was carried out with 72 students in their first year of university. The subjects had a mean age of 19.2 ± 1.0 years and body mass index of 23.38 ± 4.2, and they were mainly women (80.6%). Sociodemographic, anthropometric, and dietary data and metabolic risk factors were evaluated, and biochemical parameters and adipocytokines were also considered. The data were analyzed using means, ranges, and correlations, as well as principal components. In general, the protein, fat, and sodium intake were higher than the international dietary recommendations, and deficiencies in vitamins B5 and E, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc were observed. The most frequently observed metabolic risks were insulin resistance and hypoalphalipoproteinemia. IL-6 was positively correlated with lipid and protein intake. Adiponectin showed a positive correlation with high-density lipoprotein and a negative correlation with insulin, weight, and waist, while the adiponectin pattern was similar to that of vitamins E and A, which decreased with increasing intake of calories, macronutrients, and sodium. In general, a hypercaloric diet that was high in protein, fat, and sodium and deficient in vitamins, mainly fat-soluble, was associated with a lower concentration of adiponectin and a higher concentration of IL-6, which favor the presence of metabolic risks, including insulin resistance. Intervention studies are required to evaluate the dietary intake of metabolic markers in young people without comorbidities, which will lay the foundation for implementing prevention strategies

    Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Psidium cattleianum Leaves: Optimization Using the Response Surface Methodology

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    In this study, conditions for the ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of soluble polyphenols from Psidium cattleianum (PC) leaves were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) by assessing the effect of extraction time (XET = 2, 4, and 6 min), sonication amplitude (XSA = 60, 80, and 100%), and pulse cycle (XPC = 0.4, 0.7, and 1 s). Furthermore, the optimized UAE conditions were compared with a conventional aqueous–organic extraction (AOE) method for extracting total phenolics; moreover, a phenolic profile using HPLC and antioxidant activity (DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP) were also compared. According to the RSM, the best conditions for UAE to extract the highest soluble polyphenol content and yield (158.18 mg/g dry matter [DM] and 15.81%) include a 100% sonication amplitude for 4 min at 0.6 s of pulse cycle. The optimal UAE conditions exhibited an effectiveness of 1.71 times in comparison to the AOE method for extracting total phenolics, in 96.66% less time; moreover, PC leaf extracts by UAE showed higher antioxidant values than AOE. Additionally, gallic, protocateic, chlorogenic, caffeic, coumaric, trans-cinnamic, 4-hydroxybenzoic, and syringic acids, as well as kaempferol were identified in PC leaves under UAE. PC leaf extracts are widely used for therapeutic and other industrial purposes; thus, the UAE proves to be a useful technology with which to improve the yield extraction of PC leaf phytochemicals

    <i>Allium</i>-Based Phytobiotic for Laying Hens’ Supplementation: Effects on Productivity, Egg Quality, and Fecal Microbiota

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    The poultry industry is constantly demanding novel strategies to improve the productivity and health status of hens, prioritizing those based on the holistic use of natural resources. This study aimed to assess the effects of an Allium-based phytobiotic on productivity, egg quality, and fecal microbiota of laying hens. One hundred and ninety-two 14-week-old Lohmann Lite LSL hens were allocated into an experimental farm, fed with a commercial concentrate with and without the Allium-based phytobiotic, and challenged against Salmonella. Productivity, egg quality, and fecal microbiota were monitored for 20 weeks. Results showed that the phytobiotic caused an increase on the number of eggs laid (p p p > 0.05), although yolk color was decreased. Fecal microbiota structure was also modified, indicating a modulation of the gut microbiota by increasing the presence of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes but reducing Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria phyla. Predicted changes in the functional profiles of fecal microbiota suggest alterations in metabolic activities that could be responsible for the improvement and maintenance of productivity and egg quality when the phytobiotic was supplemented; thus, Allium-based phytobiotic has a major impact on the performance of laying hens associated with a possible gut microbiota modulation

    Physiological Effects and Human Health Benefits of Hibiscus sabdariffa: A Review of Clinical Trials

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    Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. Malvaceae (HS) is characterized by its edible calyxes. The HS calyxes are widely used for cosmetic, food, and medicinal applications. According to ethnobotanical evidence, decoction, infusion, or maceration extracts from HS calyxes have been used in folk medicine to treat many ailments. Moreover, several in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated the pharmacological properties and potential human health benefits of HS consumption. On the other hand, the evaluation of the physiological effects and health benefits of HS in clinical studies is most challenging. Therefore, this narrative review summarizes and discusses the physiological effects and health benefits of HS calyxes reported in clinical trials. Preparations obtained from HS calyxes (extracts, infusions, decoction, teas, beverages, capsules, and pills) are used as non-pharmacological therapies to prevent/control diverse chronic non-communicable diseases. The most-reported HS health benefits are its antihypertensive, antidyslipidemic, hypoglycemic, body fat mass reduction, nephroprotective, antianemic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-xerostomic activities; these effects are associated with the phytochemicals found in HS. Moreover, no adverse effects were reported during the clinical trials. However, clinical studies exhibited some limitations; thus, further studies are required to validate the clinical efficacy of HS in large-scale studies with higher doses and a good experimental desig

    Direct and Indirect Effects of COVID-19 in Frail Elderly: Interventions and Recommendations

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    Frailty is a state of vulnerability to stressors because of a decreased physiological reserve, resulting in poor health outcomes. This state is related to chronic conditions, many of which are risk factors for outcomes in elderly patients having SARS-COV-2. This review aims to describe frailty as a physiological vulnerability agent during the COVID-19 pandemic in elderly patients, summarizing the direct and indirect effects caused by the SARS-COV-2 infection and its prognosis in frail individuals, as well as the interventions and recommendations to reduce their effects. Cohort studies have shown that patients with a Clinical Frailty Scale higher than five have a higher risk of mortality and use of mechanical ventilation after COVID-19; nonetheless, other scales have also associated frailty with longer hospital stays and more severe forms of the disease. Additionally, the indirect effects caused by the pandemic have a negative impact on the health status of older people. Due to the above, a holistic intervention is proposed based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment for frail patients (preventive or post-infection) with emphasis on physical activity and nutritional recommendations, which could be a potential preventive intervention in viral infections by COVID-19