4 research outputs found

    Type-IIA flux compactifications and N=4 gauged supergravities

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    We establish the precise correspondence between Type-IIA flux compactifications preserving an exact or spontaneously broken N=4 supersymmetry in four dimensions, and gaugings of their effective N=4 supergravities. We exhibit the explicit map between fluxes and Bianchi identities in the higher-dimensional theory and generalized structure constants and Jacobi identities in the reduced theory, also detailing the origin of gauge groups embedded at angles in the duality group. We present AdS4 solutions of the massive Type-IIA theory with spontaneous breaking to N=1, at small string coupling and large volume, and discuss their dual CFT3.Comment: 43 pages, 1 figure. v2: refs added, v3: minor additions. Final version to appear on JHE

    On general flux backgrounds with localized sources

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    We derive new consistency conditions for string compactifications with generic fluxes (RR, NSNS, geometrical) and localized sources (D-branes, NS-branes, KK-monopoles). The constraints are all related by string dualities and share a common origin in M-theory. We also find new sources of instabilities. We discuss the importance of these conditions for the consistency of the effective action and for the study of interpolating solutions between vacua.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures, v2: published versio

    Non-universal minimal Z' models: present bounds and early LHC reach

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    We consider non-universal 'minimal' Z' models, whose additional U(1) charge is a non-anomalous linear combination of the weak hypercharge Y, the baryon number B and the partial lepton numbers (L_e, L_mu, L_tau), with no exotic fermions beyond three standard families with right-handed neutrinos. We show that the observed pattern of neutrino masses and mixing can be fully reproduced by a gauge-invariant renormalizable Lagrangian, and flavor-changing neutral currents in the charged lepton sector are suppressed by a GIM mechanism. We then discuss the phenomenology of some benchmark models. The electrophilic B-3L_e model is significantly constrained by electroweak precision tests, but still allows to fit the hint of an excess observed by CDF in dielectrons but not in dimuons. The muonphilic B-3L_mu model is very mildly constrained by electroweak precision tests, so that even the very early phase of the LHC can explore significant areas of parameter space. We also discuss the hadrophobic L_mu-L_tau model, which has recently attracted interest in connection with some puzzling features of cosmic ray spectra.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figure

    Lectures on Nongeometric Flux Compactifications

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    These notes present a pedagogical review of nongeometric flux compactifications. We begin by reviewing well-known geometric flux compactifications in Type II string theory, and argue that one must include nongeometric "fluxes" in order to have a superpotential which is invariant under T-duality. Additionally, we discuss some elementary aspects of the worldsheet description of nongeometric backgrounds. This review is based on lectures given at the 2007 RTN Winter School at CERN.Comment: 31 pages, JHEP