1 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de anemia en ni帽os menores de 5 a帽os con desnutrici贸n cr贸nica en Santa Elena, Ecuador

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    Chronic malnutrition and anemia are health problems that significantly affect the world's child population; For this reason, the objective of this research is to determine the prevalence of anemia in children under 5 years old with chronic malnutrition in the commune of San Pedro, province of Santa Elena, Ecuador. It was possible to identify the magnitude of the problem and the associated factors to implement effective interventions to improve the health and well-being of the affected children. The methodology was based on a descriptive analysis with a quantitative, non-experimental, retrospective design; The data obtained are based on the information provided by the studied population, to identify possible correlations between chronic malnutrition and anemia in these infants through the collection of anthropometric data and measurement of hemoglobin levels in blood samples, socioeconomic and dietary variables and access to health services were evaluated to identify the risk factors associated with anemia in children with chronic malnutrition. The results indicate that chronic malnutrition and anemia are closely related in the child population of San Pedro. Chronic malnutrition, characterized by a lack of essential nutrients over a prolonged period of time, contributes to the onset and persistence of anemia. The study concludes that there is a significant number of children with severe short stature and short stature and with a high prevalence of anemia, coinciding with the scientific evidence linking chronic malnutrition with stunting, which increases vulnerability to anemia. La desnutrici贸n cr贸nica y la anemia son problemas de salud que afectan significativamente a la poblaci贸n infantil en el mundo; por esta raz贸n esta investigaci贸n plantea como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de anemia en ni帽os menores de 5 a帽os con desnutrici贸n cr贸nica en la comuna de San Pedro, provincia de Santa Elena, Ecuador. Se logr贸 identificar la magnitud del problema y los factores asociados para implementar intervenciones efectivas para mejorar la salud y bienestar de los ni帽os afectados. La metodolog铆a se sustent贸 en un an谩lisis descriptivo con dise帽o cuantitativo no experimental retrospectivo; los datos obtenidos son basados en la informaci贸n proporcionada por la poblaci贸n estudiada, para identificar posibles correlaciones entre la desnutrici贸n cr贸nica y la anemia en estos infantes mediante la recolecci贸n de datos antropom茅tricos y medici贸n de los niveles de hemoglobina en muestras de sangre, se evaluaron variables socioecon贸micas, alimentarias y acceso a servicios de salud para identificar los factores de riesgo asociados con la anemia en ni帽os con desnutrici贸n cr贸nica. Los resultados alcanzados indican que la desnutrici贸n cr贸nica y la anemia est谩n estrechamente vinculadas en la poblaci贸n infantil de San Pedro. La desnutrici贸n cr贸nica, caracterizada por falta de nutrientes esenciales durante un per铆odo prolongado, contribuye a la aparici贸n y persistencia de anemia. El estudio permite concluir que existe significativa cantidad de ni帽os con baja talla y baja talla severa y con alta prevalencia de anemia, coincidiendo con la evidencia cient铆fica que vincula la desnutrici贸n cr贸nica con el retraso en el crecimiento, lo que aumenta la vulnerabilidad a la anemia