9 research outputs found

    Deficiency of employability capacity

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    Young unemployed people have comprised one of the significantly largest groups of the unemployed people in Latvia in recent years. One of the reasons why young people have difficulty integrating into the labour market is the “expectation gap” that exists in the relations between employers and the new generation of workers. Employers focus on capacity-building for employability such individual factors as strength, patience, self-discipline, self-reliance, self-motivation, etc., which having a nature of habit and are developed in a long-term work socialization process, which begins even before the formal education and will continue throughout the life cycle. However, when the socialization is lost, these habits are depreciated faster than they can be restored. Currently a new generation is entering the labour market, which is missing the succession of work socialization. Factors, such as rising unemployment and poverty in the background over the past twenty years in Latvia have created a very unfavourable employability background of “personal circumstances” and “external factors”, which seriously have impaired formation of the skills and attitudes in a real work environment. The study reveals another paradox – the paradox of poverty. Common sense would want to argue that poverty can be overcome by the job. However, the real state of affairs shows that unfavourable coincidence of the individual, personal circumstances and external factors leads to deficit of employability capacity and possibility of marked social and employment deprivation


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    Algoritam odred- ivanja kontakata za metodu diskretnih elemenata........................................... 29 Márta Szilvási-Nagy, Teréz P. Vendel, Hellmuth Stachel: C2 popunjavanje praznina pomoću konveksne kombinacije ploha pod rubnim ograničenjima................... 41 STRUČNI RADOVI Miljenko Lapaine: Krivulja srediˇsta i krivulja fokusa u pramenu konika zadanom pomoću dviju dvostrukih točaka u izotropnoj ravnini............................................................... 4

    Mākslas terapijas izglītības desmit gadi Rīgas Stradiņa universitātē: No ieceres līdz profesijai

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    Grāmatā apkopotas 37 profesijas izveidē un izaugsmē iesaistītu ģeogrāfiski tuvu un tālu kolēģu intervijas. Šīs intervijas tika ievāktas, gatavojoties mākslu terapijas izglītības desmitgadei Rīgas Stradiņa universitātē, lai jubilejas reizē reflektētu par mākslu terapijas tapšanu – no dažādiem skatupunktiem, lai uzrunātu un atcerētos cilvēkus, kas ir devuši būtisku ieguldījumu profesijas attīstībā, tā veidojot daudzbalsīgu stāstījumu, fiksējot, kā notika Latvijas mākslu terapijas modeļa tapšana un attīstība


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