40 research outputs found
In this study a continuous improvement implementation process and improvement idea’s collection process are developed for the case company ETS-Lindgren. The reason behind the study was the company’s need to develop a systematic process for collecting improvement ideas and improving project processing. Maximizing their resource capabilities, the company ensures profitable business in future in global competition. The thesis’ context and selected solution were based on academic literature, publications and on the interviews of the company’s key personnel.
The goal of this thesis was to develop an implementation process for continuous improvement development projects. The process contains clear responsibilities and tools for CI process’ implementation. The goal was also to develop a process of collecting improvement ideas from all company employees. In addition, the purpose was to apply the developed model for
company’s internal projects. Together with the study an improvement project supporting cost control and project management templates were developed. Using standard documents helps the company to harmonize project management and reporting.
In future, it would be interesting to research what kind of advantages and opportunities it is possible to achieve by having a global, continuous improvement process at ETS-Lindgren. This would help different departments to share results and history data of improvement projects and increase productivity in the company.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format
JÄÄKIEKKOILIJAN ENSIAPU: Ensiapuopas ja -koulutus jääkiekkoseuralle
Jesse Maja
Sanna Santaoja
Sini Svärd
Jussi Viljanen
Jääkiekkoilijan ensiapuopas - Ensiapuopas ja –koulutus jääkiekkoseuralle
25 sivua ja 3 liitettä
Syksy, 2019
Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto
Sairaanhoitaja AMK, Sairaanhoitaja-diakonissa AMK
Opinnäytetyössämme tarkastelimme yleisimpiä jääkiekkovammoja, keskittyen niiden ensiaputoimiin. Työn keskiössä oli ensiapupäivä jääkiekkojoukkueelle sekä käyttöön jäävä ensiapuopas yleisimmistä, jääkiekkovammojen hoidosta. Ensiapupäivää ja -opasta suunnitellessamme kiinnitimme huomiota osallistujien jo olemassa oleviin ensiapuvalmiuksiin ja kohdensimme oman koulutuksemme vain jääkiekossa syntyviä vammoja käsitteleväksi kokonaisuudeksi.
Vammojen ennaltaehkäisy on tärkeää, mutta vammautumisen tapahtuessa oikean ensiavun saaminen edesauttaa parantumista sekä ehkäisee lisävammojen syntyä. Vammojen ehkäisyn ja niiden oikean hoidon kautta, halusimme tukea nuorten terveyden edistämistä ja innostusta liikkumiseen.
Ensiapupäivää suunnitellessamme keräsimme tietoa useilta eri tahoilta. Tarpeellista informaatiota saimme kerättyä, kun osallistuimme jääkiekkojoukkueen harjoituksiin, ensiapuiltaan sekä pääsimme haastattelemaan ison jääkiekkojoukkueen huollosta vastaavaa henkilöä.ABSTRACT
In this thesis was discussed the typical ice hockey injuries concentrating on treatments. The main outcome was to create and implement a First Aid Day to a local ice hockey team and to produce a first aid guide which the players can use also in future. When planning the day and the guide, the attention was paid to the already existing first aid skills of the participants and targeted the training day to the injuries, which are the most common in ice hockey.
Information was collected from many different faces during the first aid day planning process. Furthermore, important necessary information was gathered when participating in practice of the hockey team and their first aid course. A person who was the caretaker of a big hockey organisation was also inter-viewed for the study.
The prevention of the injuries is important, but when the accident happens, the right kind of the first aid helps the recovery and healing process and prevents the development of additional injuries. Prevention of injuries and through their correct treatment, this study aimed at supporting youth’s health promotion and joy of movement. With this thesis, the authors wanted to support sport activities in a small local city
Bordetella pertussis isolates in Finland: Serotype and fimbrial expression
Abstract Background Bordetella pertussis causes whooping cough or pertussis in humans. It produces several virulence factors, of which the fimbriae are considered adhesins and elicit immune responses in the host. B. pertussis has three distinct serotypes Fim2, Fim3 or Fim2,3. Generally, B. pertussis Fim2 strains predominate in unvaccinated populations, whereas Fim3 strains are often isolated in vaccinated populations. In Finland, pertussis vaccination was introduced in 1952. The whole-cell vaccine contained two strains, 18530 (Fim3) since 1962 and strain 1772 (Fim2,3) added in 1976. After that the vaccine has remained the same until 2005 when the whole-cell vaccine was replaced by the acellular vaccine containing pertussis toxin and filamentous hemagglutinin. Our aims were to study serotypes of Finnish B. pertussis isolates from 1974 to 2006 in a population with > 90% vaccination coverage and fimbrial expression of the isolates during infection. Serotyping was done by agglutination and serotype-specific antibody responses were determined by blocking ELISA. Results Altogether, 1,109 isolates were serotyped. Before 1976, serotype distributions of Fim2, Fim3 and Fim2,3 were 67%, 19% and 10%, respectively. From 1976 to 1998, 94% of the isolates were Fim2 serotype. Since 1999, the frequency of Fim3 strains started to increase and reached 83% during a nationwide epidemic in 2003. A significant increase in level of serum IgG antibodies against purified fimbriae was observed between paired sera of 37 patients. The patients infected by Fim3 strains had antibodies which blocked the binding of monoclonal antibodies to Fim3 but not to Fim2. Moreover, about one third of the Fim2 strain infected patients developed antibodies capable of blocking of binding of both anti-Fim2 and Fim3 monoclonal antibodies. Conclusion Despite extensive vaccinations in Finland, B. pertussis Fim2 strains were the most common serotype. Emergence of Fim3 strains started in 1999 and coincided with nationwide epidemics. Results of serotype-specific antibody responses suggest that Fim2 strains could express Fim3 during infection, showing a difference in fimbrial expression between in vivo and in vitro.</p
Trimetazidine Reduces Endogenous Free Fatty Acid Oxidation
INTRODUCTION: The metabolic modulator trimetazidine (TMZ) has been suggested to induce a metabolic shift from myocardial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) to glucose utilization, but this mechanism remains unproven in humans. The oxidation of plasma derived FA is commonly measured in humans, whereas the contribution of FA from triglycerides stored in the myocardium has been poorly characterized. AIMS: To verify the hypothesis that TMZ induces a metabolic shift, we combined positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS) to measure myocardial FAO from plasma and intracellular lipids, and myocardial glucose metabolism. Nine obese subjects were studied before and after 1 month of TMZ treatment. Myocardial glucose and FA metabolism were assessed by PET with (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose and (11)C-palmitate. (1)H-MRS was used to measure myocardial lipids, the latter being integrated into the PET data analysis to quantify myocardial triglyceride turnover. RESULTS: Myocardial FAO derived from intracellular lipids was at least equal to that of plasma FAs (P = NS). BMI and cardiac work were positively associated with the oxidation of plasma derived FA (P ≤ 0.01). TMZ halved total and triglyceride-derived myocardial FAO (32.7 ± 8.0 to 19.6 ± 4.0 μmol/min and 23.7 ± 7.5 to 10.3 ± 2.7 μmol/min, respectively; P ≤ 0.05). These changes were accompanied by increased cardiac efficiency since unchanged LV work (1.6 ± 0.2 to 1.6 ± 0.1 Watt/g × 10(2), NS) was associated with decreased work energy from the intramyocardial triglyceride oxidation (1.6 ± 0.5 to 0.4 ± 0.1 Watt/g × 10(2), P = 0.036). CONCLUSIONS: In obese subjects, we demonstrate that myocardial intracellular triglyceride oxidation significantly provides FA-derived energy for mechanical work. TMZ reduced the oxidation of triglyceride-derived myocardial FAs improving myocardial efficiency