14 research outputs found

    Utjecaj letalne aktivnosti 32P na aktivnost alfa-amilaze i koncentraciju glukoze u krvnoj plazmi pilića

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    An attempt was made to evaluate whether the activity of alpha-amylase and the concentration of glucose changes in blood plasma of chickens after 32P administration, and whether it helps in the diagnosis of organic or functional liver damage in chicken caused by ionizing radiation before the appearance of clinical simptoms of radiation sickness. Fifty day old hybrid chickens of heavy Jata breeds of both sexes were treated with 32P, administered intramuscularly in a single amount of 333 MBq per kilogram of body mass. Blood samples were taken from the wing vein on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 after administration of 32P. The activity of alpha amylase was determined spectrophotometrically by using the kits produced by «Herbos d.d Sisak» (Croatia). Concentration of glucose was determined photometrically with o-toluidinom, by also using the kits produced by «Herbos d.d. Sisak». Alpha amylase activity in the blood plasma od experimental chickens was decreased from the 3rd day after administartion of 32P to the 10th day of the experiment. A statistically significant difference was only recorded on the 7th day of the experiment. Concentration of glucose in the blood plasma of 32P treated chickens was signifacantlly increased on the 5th and 7th days of the experiment. The results obtained indicate that alpha amylase activity and concentration of glucose are changed in the blood plasma of 32P treated chickens. It seems that the concentration of glucose alone may serve as indicator of functional and/or morphological liver damage in chickens caused by ionizing radiation before the appearance of clinical symptoms of radiation sickness.Istraživana je aktivnost alfa-amilaze i koncentracija glukoze u krvnoj plazmi pilića, nakon primjene letalne aktivnosti 32P s ciljem da se utvrdi mogu li ti pokazatelji poslužiti za dijagnozu organskih ili funkcionalnih oštećenja jetre prije pojave kliničkih znakova radijacijske bolesti. Pokusi su načinjeni na pilićima, hibridima teške pasmine Jata, oba spola, starim 50 dana, nakon jednokratne, intramuskularne primjene radioaktivnog fosfora 32P, letalne aktivnosti od 333 MBq po kilogramu tjelesne mase. Krv za analizu uzimana je iz krilne vene 1., 3., 5., 7. i 10. dana nakon primjene 32P. Aktivnost alfa-amilaze određivana je spektrofotometrijski upotrebljavajući gotove komplete proizvođača «Herbos d.d., Sisak». Koncentracija glukoze određivana je fotometrijski o-toluidinom, rabeći također gotove komplete proizvođača «Herbos d.d., Sisak». Aktivnost alfaamilaze u krvnoj plazmi pokusnih pilića bila je smanjena od 3. dana nakon primjene 32P pa do kraja pokusa, ali statistički značajan pad zabilježen je samo 7. dana pokusa. Koncentracija glukoze u krvnoj plazmi pokusnih pilića bila je statistički značajno povećana 5. i 7. dana nakon primjene 32P. Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da se vrijednosti oba istraživana pokazatelja mijenjaju u krvnoj plazmi pilića nakon primjene letalne aktivnosti 32P. No, čini se da samo koncentracija glukoze može poslužiti kao pokazatelj oštećenja u pilića uzrokovanih ionizacijskim zračenjam prije pojave kliničkih znakova radijacijske bolesti

    Entropija i njezino značenje u transportu iona kroz staničnu membranu

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    The aim of this paper is to present the concept of entropy in a simple way and to show its key importance in the transport processes of ions through the cell membrane using the latest discoveries in biophysics. Using a real-life example, we show how processes within a system lead to an increase in entropy. We also show how this entropy increase is directly related to the irreversibility of the process, and how it defines the arrow of time (direction of the flow of time). Using an abstract example, we clarify the meaning of the concept of disorder in a system, which is often used in defining entropy by connecting it with the number of microstates that realise a macroscopic state of a system. The importance of entropy in transport processes of ions through the cell membrane is considered. We show that passive transport processes through the cell membrane are the result of an entropy increase in the cell membrane-transported substance system. A model of active ion transport through the cell membrane following Rubi et al. (2017) is presented. The force that transports ions through the channel in the transport protein arises due to the entropy gradient formed along the transport channel, which is a consequence of the funnel shape of the channel. The entropic force is proportional to the ratio of the ion-available cross-sections of the exit and entrance surface of the channel. That means that only a very funnel-shaped channel can produce a sufficiently large force on the ions to overcome the concentration gradient of the substance. We analyse the final result for the force of entropy in the limits of a very wide and very narrow channel and find that the entropic force is proportional to the ratio of the areas of the exit to entrance surfaces of the channel, i.e., when the channel is very wide, while it becomes high as the width of the channel tends to the ion diameter, i.e., when the channel is very narrow. We explicitly explain how the presented model solves several fundamental questions about the active transport of substances: how is energy, a scalar quantity, converted into the directional motion of the ion (a vector quantity), how does energy drive ions considering that the point of release of energy is far from the point of binding of an ion in a transport protein and finally, how does energy, which is released in a very limited space, transport the ions over a very large spatial scale.Svrha ovoga rada je predstaviti na jednostavan način koncept entropije i njezinu ulogu u transportu iona kroz staničnu membranu koristeći najnovije spoznaje iz biofizike. Na primjeru iz stvarnog života ukazujemo da procesi unutar nekoga sustava vode do porasta entropije, a prikazujemo da je porast entropije direktno povezan s ireverzibilnošću procesa i da određuje „vremensku strijelu“ - smjer protoka vremena. Na apstraktnom smo primjeru razjasnili pojam nereda sustava, koji se vrlo često koristi u definiciji entropije, povezujući ga s brojem mikrostanja koja ostvaruju određeno makroskopsko stanje. Razmatrali smo značenje entropije u transportnim procesima kroz staničnu membranu. Pokazali smo da su pasivni transportni procesi kroz staničnu membranu posljedica povećanja entropije u sustavu stanična membrana - transportna tvar. Detaljno smo prezentirali model aktivnoga transporta iona kroz staničnu membranu slijedeći Rubi i sur. (2017.). Sila koja transportira ione kroz kanal prouzročena je gradijentom entropije koji se prostire uzduž kanala, a posljedica je ljevkastoga oblika kanala. Sila entropije je proporcionalna omjeru ionu raspoloživih poprečnih presjeka izlazne i ulazne plohe kanala. To znači da kanal samo dostatno izraženoga ljevkastoga oblika može transportirati ione suprotno koncentracijskom gradijentu. Analizirali smo i konačni rezultat za entropijsku silu u graničnim uvjetima i izračunali da je za vrlo široki kanal sila proporcionalna omjeru površina ulazne i izlazne plohe, dok je za vrlo uzak kanal, čiji polumjer teži polumjeru iona, sila postaje izuzetno velika. Razumljivo smo objasnili kako prezentirani model rješava nekoliko otvorenih pitanja aktivnoga transporta tvari: kako se energija koja je skalarna veličina pretvara u usmjereno gibanje iona i što je vektorska veličina; kako energija transportira ione s obzirom da je mjesto oslobađanja energije daleko od točke vezivanja iona u transportnom proteinu; kako energija koje se oslobađa u vrlo uskom području može transportirati ione na velikoj skali

    Utjecaj letalne aktivnosti 32P na aktivnost alfa-amilaze i koncentraciju glukoze u krvnoj plazmi pilića

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    An attempt was made to evaluate whether the activity of alpha-amylase and the concentration of glucose changes in blood plasma of chickens after 32P administration, and whether it helps in the diagnosis of organic or functional liver damage in chicken caused by ionizing radiation before the appearance of clinical simptoms of radiation sickness. Fifty day old hybrid chickens of heavy Jata breeds of both sexes were treated with 32P, administered intramuscularly in a single amount of 333 MBq per kilogram of body mass. Blood samples were taken from the wing vein on days 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 after administration of 32P. The activity of alpha amylase was determined spectrophotometrically by using the kits produced by «Herbos d.d Sisak» (Croatia). Concentration of glucose was determined photometrically with o-toluidinom, by also using the kits produced by «Herbos d.d. Sisak». Alpha amylase activity in the blood plasma od experimental chickens was decreased from the 3rd day after administartion of 32P to the 10th day of the experiment. A statistically significant difference was only recorded on the 7th day of the experiment. Concentration of glucose in the blood plasma of 32P treated chickens was signifacantlly increased on the 5th and 7th days of the experiment. The results obtained indicate that alpha amylase activity and concentration of glucose are changed in the blood plasma of 32P treated chickens. It seems that the concentration of glucose alone may serve as indicator of functional and/or morphological liver damage in chickens caused by ionizing radiation before the appearance of clinical symptoms of radiation sickness.Istraživana je aktivnost alfa-amilaze i koncentracija glukoze u krvnoj plazmi pilića, nakon primjene letalne aktivnosti 32P s ciljem da se utvrdi mogu li ti pokazatelji poslužiti za dijagnozu organskih ili funkcionalnih oštećenja jetre prije pojave kliničkih znakova radijacijske bolesti. Pokusi su načinjeni na pilićima, hibridima teške pasmine Jata, oba spola, starim 50 dana, nakon jednokratne, intramuskularne primjene radioaktivnog fosfora 32P, letalne aktivnosti od 333 MBq po kilogramu tjelesne mase. Krv za analizu uzimana je iz krilne vene 1., 3., 5., 7. i 10. dana nakon primjene 32P. Aktivnost alfa-amilaze određivana je spektrofotometrijski upotrebljavajući gotove komplete proizvođača «Herbos d.d., Sisak». Koncentracija glukoze određivana je fotometrijski o-toluidinom, rabeći također gotove komplete proizvođača «Herbos d.d., Sisak». Aktivnost alfaamilaze u krvnoj plazmi pokusnih pilića bila je smanjena od 3. dana nakon primjene 32P pa do kraja pokusa, ali statistički značajan pad zabilježen je samo 7. dana pokusa. Koncentracija glukoze u krvnoj plazmi pokusnih pilića bila je statistički značajno povećana 5. i 7. dana nakon primjene 32P. Dobiveni su rezultati pokazali da se vrijednosti oba istraživana pokazatelja mijenjaju u krvnoj plazmi pilića nakon primjene letalne aktivnosti 32P. No, čini se da samo koncentracija glukoze može poslužiti kao pokazatelj oštećenja u pilića uzrokovanih ionizacijskim zračenjam prije pojave kliničkih znakova radijacijske bolesti

    Učinak letalne količine 32P na kliničku sliku, hematološke pokazatelje i patomorfološke promjene u tovnih pilića

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    Due to its quality and relatively low price as a result of a simple and short production cycle, poultry meat occupies a very high position in the consumption of foodstuffs of animal origin. It is just because of such simple and rapid production that, under the circumstances of larger-scale radioactive contamination, poultry meat might become the main source of protein of animal origin. This fact, as well as the fact that no investigation into the effects of radioactive phosphorus (32P) on fattening chickens has been conducted so far, induced us to investigate the impact of a lethal quantity of this isotope on chickens at slaughter age. The investigation was performed on chickens, hybrids of the Jata heavy breeds of both sexes, aged 50 days and with a mass ranging from 1500 to 2000 g. The experiment was based on the application of radioactive phosphorus 32P at 333 MBq/kg of body mass. Test animals were clinically examined, blood samples were taken for haematological analysis and, immediately after death, dissection and pathohistological examination were performed. Based on the obtained results it was concluded that radioactive phosphorus 32P, when applied to 50-day-old chickens of the Jata heavy breed at 333 MBq/kg of body mass, causes: 1) anaemia, manifested by a decrease in erythrocyte count on the 5th day and decreased and haematocrit values 7 days post-contamination; 2) leukopoenia, in a decrease in lymphocyte count on the 1st day; decreased eosinophil count on the 3rd day, and decreased heterophil count 5 days post-contamination; 3) thrombocytopoenia, on the 5th day post-contamination; 4) onset of clinical signs of radiation sickness on the 6th day, and death of all contaminated animals on the 9th and 10th days post-contamination contamination. Pathoanatomic examination of dead animals revealed dotted bleeding sites on heart and mucous membrane of digestive tract, as well as changes in parenchymal organs. Pathohistological examination of tissues and organs confirmed the findings of pathoanatomic examinations, which indicated the changes caused by radioactive radiation.Meso peradi po svojoj kvaliteti i relativno niskoj cijeni, zbog jednostavnog i kratkog proizvodnog ciklusa, zauzima vrlo visoko mjesto u prehrani namirnicama životinjskoga podrijetla. U okolnostima radioaktivne kontaminacije meso peradi, upravo zbog jednostavne i brze proizvodnje, može postati glavni izvor bjelančevina životinjskoga podrijetla. Navedene činjenice, te činjenica da ni do danas nije načinjeno istraživanje o učinku radioaktivnog 32P u tovnih pilića, potaknule su nas da istražimo utjecaj letalne količine ovoga radionuklida u peradi u dobi za klanje. Istraživanje je obavljeno na pilićima teške pasmine »Jata« oba spola, starosti 50 dana i tjelesne mase od 1500 i 2000 g. Pilićima je apliciran radiaoktivni 32P u količini od 333 MBq po kilogramu tjelesne mase. Pokusne su životinje klinički pregledane, a krv za hematološku analizu uzimana je iz krilne vene. Neposredno nakon smrti životinja učinjena je razudba i patohistološka pretraga. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da 32P, apliciran pilićima teške pasmine »Jata« 50. dana starosti u količini od 333 MBq/kg tjelesne mase uzrokuje: 1) anemiju koja se očituje padom broja eritrocita 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije te padom hematokrita koji se očituje 7. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 2) leukopeniju uzrokovanu padom broja limfocita 1. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije, smanjenjem broja eozinofila 3. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije i smanjenjem broja heterofila 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 3) trombocitopeniju 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 4) pojavu kliničkih znakova radijacijske bolesti 6. dana i smrt svih kontaminiranih životinja 9. i 10. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije. Patohistološka pretraga tkiva i organa sukladna je patoanatomskom nalazu

    Učinak letalne količine 32P na kliničku sliku, hematološke pokazatelje i patomorfološke promjene u tovnih pilića

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    Due to its quality and relatively low price as a result of a simple and short production cycle, poultry meat occupies a very high position in the consumption of foodstuffs of animal origin. It is just because of such simple and rapid production that, under the circumstances of larger-scale radioactive contamination, poultry meat might become the main source of protein of animal origin. This fact, as well as the fact that no investigation into the effects of radioactive phosphorus (32P) on fattening chickens has been conducted so far, induced us to investigate the impact of a lethal quantity of this isotope on chickens at slaughter age. The investigation was performed on chickens, hybrids of the Jata heavy breeds of both sexes, aged 50 days and with a mass ranging from 1500 to 2000 g. The experiment was based on the application of radioactive phosphorus 32P at 333 MBq/kg of body mass. Test animals were clinically examined, blood samples were taken for haematological analysis and, immediately after death, dissection and pathohistological examination were performed. Based on the obtained results it was concluded that radioactive phosphorus 32P, when applied to 50-day-old chickens of the Jata heavy breed at 333 MBq/kg of body mass, causes: 1) anaemia, manifested by a decrease in erythrocyte count on the 5th day and decreased and haematocrit values 7 days post-contamination; 2) leukopoenia, in a decrease in lymphocyte count on the 1st day; decreased eosinophil count on the 3rd day, and decreased heterophil count 5 days post-contamination; 3) thrombocytopoenia, on the 5th day post-contamination; 4) onset of clinical signs of radiation sickness on the 6th day, and death of all contaminated animals on the 9th and 10th days post-contamination contamination. Pathoanatomic examination of dead animals revealed dotted bleeding sites on heart and mucous membrane of digestive tract, as well as changes in parenchymal organs. Pathohistological examination of tissues and organs confirmed the findings of pathoanatomic examinations, which indicated the changes caused by radioactive radiation.Meso peradi po svojoj kvaliteti i relativno niskoj cijeni, zbog jednostavnog i kratkog proizvodnog ciklusa, zauzima vrlo visoko mjesto u prehrani namirnicama životinjskoga podrijetla. U okolnostima radioaktivne kontaminacije meso peradi, upravo zbog jednostavne i brze proizvodnje, može postati glavni izvor bjelančevina životinjskoga podrijetla. Navedene činjenice, te činjenica da ni do danas nije načinjeno istraživanje o učinku radioaktivnog 32P u tovnih pilića, potaknule su nas da istražimo utjecaj letalne količine ovoga radionuklida u peradi u dobi za klanje. Istraživanje je obavljeno na pilićima teške pasmine »Jata« oba spola, starosti 50 dana i tjelesne mase od 1500 i 2000 g. Pilićima je apliciran radiaoktivni 32P u količini od 333 MBq po kilogramu tjelesne mase. Pokusne su životinje klinički pregledane, a krv za hematološku analizu uzimana je iz krilne vene. Neposredno nakon smrti životinja učinjena je razudba i patohistološka pretraga. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da 32P, apliciran pilićima teške pasmine »Jata« 50. dana starosti u količini od 333 MBq/kg tjelesne mase uzrokuje: 1) anemiju koja se očituje padom broja eritrocita 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije te padom hematokrita koji se očituje 7. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 2) leukopeniju uzrokovanu padom broja limfocita 1. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije, smanjenjem broja eozinofila 3. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije i smanjenjem broja heterofila 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 3) trombocitopeniju 5. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije; 4) pojavu kliničkih znakova radijacijske bolesti 6. dana i smrt svih kontaminiranih životinja 9. i 10. dana nakon radioaktivne kontaminacije. Patohistološka pretraga tkiva i organa sukladna je patoanatomskom nalazu

    Koncentracija bjelančevina i bjelančevinskih frakcija u krvnoj plazmi pilića izleženih iz jaja ozračenih malom dozom gamazračenja.

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    This study was performed to investigate the effect of egg irradiation by low dose gamma rays on the concentration of total proteins and protein fractions in the blood plasma of chickens hatched from irradiated eggs. The eggs of heavy breed chickens were irradiated with a dose of 0.15 Gy gamma-rays (60Co) before incubation. Blood samples were taken from the right jugular vein on the 1st and 3rd days, or from the wing vein on day 7 after hatching. The total protein concentrations in the blood plasma was determined by the biuret method using Boehringer Mannheim GmbH optimized kits. The protein fractions (albumin, α1-globulin, α2- globulin, β- and γ- globulins) were estimated electrophoretically on cellulose acetate strips. The total protein concentration was significantly decreased in the blood plasma of chickens hatched from irradiated eggs on days 3 (P<0.05) and 7 (P<0.001). The albumin concentration in the blood plasma of chickens hatched from irradiated eggs was significantly decreased on the 7th day (P<0.001), and the concentration of α2-globulin was decreased on days 1 (P<0.05) and 7 (P<0.001). β- and γ-globulins concentration was significantly decreased on the 7th day of life (P<0.05). The obtained results indicate that a low dose of gamma radiation has an inhibitory effect upon the concentration of total proteins and protein fractions in the blood plasma of chickens hatched from irradiated eggs before incubation, during the first week of their life.U našem prethodnome radu pokazano je da se u krvnoj plazmi pilića, izleženih iz jaja ozračenih dozom od 0,15 Gy gama-zračenja prije inkubacije, povećava aktivnost aspartat-aminotransferaze i alanin-aminotransferaze tj. dvaju enzima koji imaju važnu ulogu u metabolizmu bjelančevina. Stoga je u ovom radu istražen učinak ozračivanja jaja dozom od 0,15 Gy gama-zračenja prije inkubacije na koncentraciju ukupnih bjelančevina i bjelančevinskih frakcija u krvnoj plazmi pilića izleženih iz ozračenih jaja. Jaja teške pasmine pilića ozračena su dozom od 0,15 Gy gama-zračenja iz radioaktivnog izvora kobalt-60 (60Co) prije inkubacije. Krv za analizu vađena je iz desne jugularne vene u dobi od prvog i trećeg dana, te iz krilne vene 7. dana. Koncentracija ukupnih bjelančevina određivana je u skupnom uzorku krvne plazme od 10 pilića uzetim slučajnim odabirom, biuretmetodom na spektrofotometru rabeći gotove komplete reagencija proizvođača Boehringer Mannheim GmbH. Bjelančevinske frakcije (albumini, α1-globulini, α2-globulini te β- i γ-globulini) određivane su elektroforezom na trakicama geliranog celuloznog acetata. Koncentracija ukupnih bjelančevina u krvnoj plazmi pilića izleženih iz ozračenih jaja bila je statistički značajno smanjena trećeg (P<0,05) i 7. dana života (P<0,001). Koncentracija albumina u krvnoj plazmi pilića izleženih iz ozračenih jaja bila je značajno smanjena 7. dana (P<0,001), a koncentracija α2-globulina bila je smanjena prvog (P<0,05) i 7. dana starosti (P<0,001). Koncentracija β- i γ-globulina u krvnoj plazmi pilića izleženih iz ozračenih jaja bila je značajno smanjena 7. dana života (P<0,05). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da male doze gama-zračenja imaju inhibicijski učinak na koncentraciju ukupnih bjelančevina i bjelančevinskih frakcija u krvnoj plazmi pilića, izleženih iz ozračenih jaja prije inkubacije, tijekom prvih sedam dana života

    Vremenska dinamika antioksidansa i lipidne peroksidacije u jetri kokošjeg embrija nakon izlaganja niskoj dozi gama-zračenja

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    The effects were measured of low-doses of gamma radiation within 24 hours after irradiation on the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and levels of glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxide concentrations (malondialdehyde, MDA) in embryonic chick liver. The chick embryos were irradiated with doses of gamma radiation of 0.05, 0.15, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8 Gy at the dose rate of 0.0117 Gy/s on day 19 of incubation. All parameters were measured 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 hours after irradiation by spectrophotometry, apart from the level of lipid peroxidation, which was assessed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A versatile analysis of the data was made and it consisted of: 1) a comparison of the means of antioxidant enzyme activities and GSH and MDA concentrations for each radiation dose and the time after irradiation with the corresponding control samples; 2) research into the temporal dynamics of enzyme activities and concentrations a) for each value of radiation dose and b) when the data for radiation doses were merged, i.e. regardless of the radiation doses. A significant increase in GSH- Px activities in time after irradiation was found in dose intervals from 0.05 to 0.5 Gy, which was well described by linear function. This is a highly reliable result, because it was obtained as a result of all the analyses applied. For other parameters, we did not find any dependence of activities and concentrations on time. The analysis of comparison of means of the irradiated and control samples gave statistically significant results for some dose-time pairs.U ovom je radu istražen učinak malih doza gama-zračenja na aktivnost glutation-peroksidaze (GSH-Px), superoksid-dismutaze (SOD), katalaze (CAT) te koncentraciju glutationa (GSH) i malondialdehida (MDA) u jetri kokošjih zametaka. Kokošji su zametci ozračeni dozom od 0,05, 0,15, 0,3, 0,5 i 0,8 Gy gama-zračenja i brzinom doze od 0,0117 Gy/s 19. dana inkubacije. Aktivnost GSH-Px, SOD, CAT i GSH određena je spektrofotometrijski dok je koncentracija MDA određena tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke učinkovitosti (HPLC). Svi su pokazatelji određivani 1, 3, 6, 12 i 24 sata nakon ozračivanja a rezultati su obrađeni različitim statističkim metodama pri: 1) usporedbi prosječnih vrijednosti svih pokazatelja pokusne s odgovarajućom kontrolnom skupinom; 2) određivanju vremenske dinamike za sve vrijednosti promatranih pokazatelja kada su bile: a) ovisne o dozi zračenja i b) neovisne o dozi zračenja tj. kada su vrijednosti pokazatelja svih doza bile međusobno spojene. Aktivnost GSH-Px u ozračenih kokošijih zametaka bila je značajno povećana primjenom svih statističkih metoda u rasponu doza od 0,05 Gy do 0,5 Gy te je imala linearnu funkciju. Rezultati ostalih pokazatelja nisu pokazali promjene vrijednosti tijekom vremena promatranja

    različiti učinci radiofrekvencijskog elektromagnetskog polja na ličinke medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera) u ovisnosti o oblikovanju pokusa

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    Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) at the operating frequencies of different communication devices can cause various biological effects. However, there is a lack of studies on the oxidative stress response and genotoxicity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera) after exposure to RF-EMF. In this study, we investigated the oxidative stress and DNA damage in honey bee larvae situated in waxcomb cells, exposed to modulated RF-EMF 23 Vm-1. The glutathione S-transferase activity decreased, whereas the catalase activity increased significantly in the honey bee larvae upon RF-EMF exposure. Superoxide dismutase activity, the level of lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage were not statistically altered in exposed honey bee larvae when compared to the control group. These results suggest that the biological effects of modulated RF-EMF in honey bee larvae depend on the exposure design.Izloženost radiofrekvencijskom elektromagnetskom polju (RF-EMF) na radnoj frekvenciji različitih komunikacijskih uređaja može imati razne biološke učinke. Nedostaju istraživanja odgovora na oksidacijski stres i genotoksičnost u medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera) poslije izloženosti RF-EMF-u. U ovom je radu istražen oksidacijski stres i DNA oštećenja u ličinkama medonosnih pčela smještenih u stanicama saća i izloženih modulirajućem RF-EMF 23 Vm-1. Aktivnost glutation S-transferaze smanjena je, dok je aktivnost katalaze značajno povećana u ličinkama medonosnih pčela izloženih RF-EMF-u. Nije bilo statistički značajne promjene u aktivnosti superoksid-dismutaze, razini lipidne peroksidacije i DNA oštećenju između ličinaka medonosne pčele i kontrolne skupine. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da biološki učinci modulirajućeg RF-EMF u ličinkama medonosne pčele ovise o oblikovanju izloženosti

    The effects of radiofrequency radiation on humans and animals, with special reference to honey bees (Apis mellifera)

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    Bežični prijenos informacija, koristeći radiofrekvencijsko elektromagnetsko zračenje (RF-EMZ), danas ima nesagledive mogućnosti. S druge strane, osim mnogobrojnih korisnih primjena, bežična tehnologija pobuđuje zabrinutost šire javnosti o štetnim učincima na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Unatoč mnogobrojnim provedenim znanstvenim istraživanjima, do danas nije postignut jedinstven stav u pogledu štetnosti RF-EMZ-a na živa bića. Štoviše, veliki broj objavljenih rezultata istraživanja čak je i kontroverzan. Kada govorimo o biološkim učincima RFEMZ- a na životinje, moramo istaknuti da su istraživanja provedena na velikom broju životinjskih vrsta od beskralježnjaka do sisavaca. Nakon postavljene sumnje da RFEMZ može biti jedan od mogućih uzroka poremećaja gubitka pčelinjih zajednica, provedena su brojna istraživanja na medonosnoj pčeli (Apis mellifera). U ovome su radu sažeto objašnjeni osnovni pojmovi iz područja RF-EMZ te učinci toga zračenja na ljude i životinje, a s posebnim osvrtom na zajednice medonosne pčele.Wireless technology, based on radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR), now has unimaginable possibilities. However, the use of wireless technology raises concerns about its possible harmful effects on human and animal health. The general population, and even a considerable number of scientists, seem to be unaware of the changing nature of the natural electromagnetic environment, despite huge increases in electrosmog. This may be due to poor knowledge of the effects of RF-EMR of anthropogenic origin on human and animal health, and a lack of understanding of its effects on other natural and artificial atmospheric components and the ionosphere. Moreover, the large number of published research results is even controversial. When referring to the biological effects of RF-EMR on animals, it must be stated that research has been performed on numerous animal species, from invertebrates to mammals. This paper briefly explains the basic concepts of RF-EMR and the effects of this radiation on living beings, with special reference to honey bees. A comprehensive understanding of the non-thermal biological effects of RE-EMZ on living beings, despite the rapid increase in the number of devices and users of wireless technology, certainly requires long-term research on different ecosystems. Despite numerous studies on bee communities, the effects of RF-EMR are still not completely understood and the mechanism of action remains unknown, and no consensus has been reached regarding the harmfulness of RF-EMR to living beings. A possible reason is that earlier studies of the impacts of RF-EMR on bee communities were conducted primarily on adult bees and through shorter exposure times, and in the absence of simultaneous observation of impacts on different developmental stages or individual tissues. There has also been a lack of research on all the physical properties of radiation, such as frequency, modulation, polarization, intensity, power density, electric field strength and others. Finally, the currently unclear results of the effect of RF-EMR on bee communities should not exclude the possibility of bee adaptations during short- or long-term exposure, depending on changing environmental conditions