4 research outputs found

    Improvements in optical techniques to investigate the behavior and neuronal network dynamics over long timescales

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    Developments in optical technology have produced an important shift in experimental neuroscience from electrophysiological methods for observation and stimulation to all-optical solutions. One expects this trend to continue as future developments continue to deliver, and improve upon, the original promises of the technology: 1) minimally invasive actuation and recording of neurons, and 2) a drastic increase in targets that can be treated simultaneously. Moreover, as the high costs of the technology are reduced, one may expect its larger-scale adoption in the neuroscience community. In this thesis, I describe the development and implementation of two alloptical solutions for the analysis of behavior, neuronal signaling, and stimulation, which improve on previous state-of-the-art: (1) A minimally-invasive, high signal-to-noise twophoton microscopy setup capable of simultaneous, live-imaging of a large subset of sensory neurons post activation, and (2) a low-cost tracking solution to stimulate and record behavior. I begin this thesis with a review of recent advances in optical neuroscience techniques for the study of neuronal networks with the focus on work done in Caenorhabditis elegans. Then, in chapter 2, I describe my implementation of a two-photon temporal focusing microscopy setup and show significant improvements through the use of a high power/ high pulse repetition rate excitation system, enabling live imaging with high resolution for extended periods of time. I model temperature increase during a physiological imaging scenario for different repetition rates at fixed peak intensities and find range centered around 1 MHz to be optimal. Lastly, I describe the low-cost tracking setup with the ability to stimulate and record behavior over the course of hours. The setup is capable of two-color stimulation of optogenetic proteins over the area of the behavioral arena in combination with volatile chemicals. To showcase the utility of the system, I demonstrate behavioral analysis of integration of contradictory cues. In summary, I present a set of techniques for the interrogation of neural networks from animal behavior to neuronal activity, over timescales of potentially hours and days. These techniques can be used to address a new dimension of scientific questions.Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate Universit

    Improving Signal and Photobleaching Characteristics of Temporal Focusing Microscopy with the Increase in Pulse Repetition Rate

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    Wide-field temporal focused (WF-TeFo) two-photon microscopy allows for the simultaneous imaging of a large planar area, with a potential order of magnitude enhancement in the speed of volumetric imaging. To date, low repetition rate laser sources with over half a millijoule per pulse have been required in order to provide the high peak power densities for effective two-photon excitation over the large area. However, this configuration suffers from reduced signal intensity due to the low repetition rate, saturation effects due to increased excitation fluences, as well as faster photobleaching of the fluorescence probe. In contrast, with the recent advent of high repetition rate, high pulse energy laser systems could potentially provide the advantages of high repetition rate systems that are seen in traditional two-photon microscopes, while minimizing the negatives of high fluences in WF-TeFo setups to date. Here, we use a 100 microjoule/high repetition rate (50-100 kHz) laser system to investigate the performance of a WF-TeFo two-photon microscope. While using micro-beads as a sample, we demonstrate a proportionate increase in signal intensity with repetition rate, at no added cost in photobleaching. By decreasing pulse intensity, via a corresponding increase in repetition rate to maintain fluorescence signal intensity, we find that the photobleaching rate is reduced by ~98.4%. We then image live C. elegans at a high repetition rate for 25 min. as a proof-of-principle. Lastly, we identify the steady state temperature increase as the limiting process in further increasing the repetition rate, and we estimate that repetition rate in the range between 0.5 and 5 MHz is ideal for live imaging with a simple theoretical model. With new generation low-cost fiber laser systems offering high pulse energy/high repetition rates in what is essentially a turn-key solution, we anticipate increased adoption of this microscopy technique by the neuroscience community

    Improving Signal and Photobleaching Characteristics of Temporal Focusing Microscopy with the Increase in Pulse Repetition Rate

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    Wide-field temporal focused (WF-TeFo) two-photon microscopy allows for the simultaneous imaging of a large planar area, with a potential order of magnitude enhancement in the speed of volumetric imaging. To date, low repetition rate laser sources with over half a millijoule per pulse have been required in order to provide the high peak power densities for effective two-photon excitation over the large area. However, this configuration suffers from reduced signal intensity due to the low repetition rate, saturation effects due to increased excitation fluences, as well as faster photobleaching of the fluorescence probe. In contrast, with the recent advent of high repetition rate, high pulse energy laser systems could potentially provide the advantages of high repetition rate systems that are seen in traditional two-photon microscopes, while minimizing the negatives of high fluences in WF-TeFo setups to date. Here, we use a 100 microjoule/high repetition rate (50–100 kHz) laser system to investigate the performance of a WF-TeFo two-photon microscope. While using micro-beads as a sample, we demonstrate a proportionate increase in signal intensity with repetition rate, at no added cost in photobleaching. By decreasing pulse intensity, via a corresponding increase in repetition rate to maintain fluorescence signal intensity, we find that the photobleaching rate is reduced by ~98.4%. We then image live C. elegans at a high repetition rate for 25 min. as a proof-of-principle. Lastly, we identify the steady state temperature increase as the limiting process in further increasing the repetition rate, and we estimate that repetition rate in the range between 0.5 and 5 MHz is ideal for live imaging with a simple theoretical model. With new generation low-cost fiber laser systems offering high pulse energy/high repetition rates in what is essentially a turn-key solution, we anticipate increased adoption of this microscopy technique by the neuroscience community