60 research outputs found

    Wodginite as an indicator mineral of tantalum-bearing pegmatites and granites

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    In the composition of tantalum-niobates, the tin-bearing wodginite group minerals (WGM) were found: wod-ginite, titanowodginite, ferrowodginite, ferrotitanowodginite, lithiowodginite, tantalowodginite, “wolframowodginite”. We reviewed the worldwide research on WGM and created a database of 698 analyses from 55 sources including the author's data. WGM are associated with Li-F pegmatites and Li-F granites. Wodginite is the most prevalent mineral, occurring in 86.6 % of pegmatites and 78.3 % of granites. The occurrence of WGM in granites and pegmatites differs. For instance, titanowodginite and “wolframowodginite” occur three times more frequently in granites than in pegmatites, whereas lithiowodginite and tantalowodginite do not appear in granites at all. The difference between WGM in granites and pegmatites is in finer grain size, higher content of Sn, Nb, Ti, W, and Sc; lower content of Fe3+, Ta, Zr, Hf; higher ratio of Mn/(Mn + Fe); and lower ratio of Zr/Hf. The evolutionary series of WGM in pegmatites are as follows: ferrowodginite → ferrotitanowodginite → titanowodginite → “wolframowodginite” → wodginite → tantalowodginite; in granites: ferrowodginite → ferrotitanowodginite → “wolframowodginite” → wodginite → titanowodginite. WGM can serve as indicators of tantalum-bearing pegmatites and granites. In Russia the promising sources of tantalum are deposits of the Far Eastern belt of Li-F granites containing wodginite

    Deep structure and geodynamic conditions of granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Russia

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    We investigated the deep structure of the lithosphere and the geodynamic conditions of granitoid magmatism in the Eastern Russia within the borders of the Far Eastern Federal District. The relevance of the work is determined by the need to establish the geotectonic and geodynamic conditions of the granitoids petrogenesis and ore genesis in the Russian sector of the Pacific Ore Belt. The purpose of the article is to study the deep structure of the lithosphere and determine the geodynamic conditions of granitoid magmatism in the East of Russia. The author's data on the magmatism of ore regions, regional granitoids correlations, archive and published State Geological Map data, survey mapping, deep seismic sounding of the earth's crust, gravimetric survey, geothermal exploration, and other geophysical data obtained along geotraverses. The magma-controlling concentric geostructures of the region are distinguished and their deep structure is studied. The connection of plume magmatism with deep structures is traced. The chain of concentric geostructures of Eastern Russia controls the trans-regional zone of leucocratization of the earth's crust with a width of more than 1000 km, which includes the Far Eastern zone of Li-F granites. Magmacontrolling concentric geostructures are concentrated in three granitoid provinces: Novosibirsk-Chukotka, Yano-Kolyma, and Sikhote-Alin. The driving force of geodynamic processes and granitoid magmatism was mantle heat fluxes in the reduced zones of the lithospheric slab. The distribution of slab windows along the Pacific mobile belt's strike determines the location of concentric geostructures and the magnitude of granitoid magmatism in the regional provinces. Mantle diapirs are the cores of granitoid ore-magmatic systems. The location of the most important ore regions of the Eastern Russia in concentric geostructures surrounded by annuli of negative gravity anomalies is the most important regional metallogenic pattern reflecting the correlation between ore content and deep structure of the earth's crust

    Tectonic and magmatic factors of Li-F granites localization of the East of Russia

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    We have investigated tectonic and magmatic factors of Li-F granites localization of the East of Russia. The study is based on the ideas of Far Eastern geologists about the deep structures of intraplate activity. A model of a source structure with mantle heat sources and ore-forming magmatic complexes was used. We carried out a special metallogenic analysis of the East of Russia as applied to the rare metal-tin-bearing formation of subalkaline leucogranites, including Li-F ones. Source structures are the main factor in the tectonic and magmatic development of the East of Russia, localization of ore-forming granites and the formation of rare-metal-tin ore regions. On deep layers of source structures there are areas of the mantle and earth's crust decompaction, heat, magmas and fluids sources, as well as granitoid cryptobatholiths. Relatively large massifs of leucogranites, small intrusions of tin monzonitoids and Li-F granites are concentrated near the modern surface. The source structures correspond to the rank of the ore region. The source structures in the South of the region are: Badzhalskaya, Miao-Chanskaya, Ippato-Merekskaya, Hogdu-Lianchlinskaya, Arminskaya, etc.; in the North: Pevekskaya, Kuiviveem-Pyrkakayskaya, Kuekvun-Ekiatapskaya, Iultinskaya, Telekayskaya, Central Polousnaya, Omsukchanskaya, etc. Three types of ore regions have been identified according to the degree of source structures and Li-F granites erosion. We have also outlined the patterns of source structures evolution and their place in the geological history of ore-bearing granites. A classification of source structures and its comparison with the classifications of regional intrusives and metallogenic subdivisions are proposed. It has been established that, despite the diversity of tectonic, geological and petrological settings in the East of Russia, the intrusions of Li-F granites are regulated by the same tectonic and magmatic factors. The tectonic and magmatic factors of Li-F granites localization in the East of Russia are identified and classified as geophysical, orogenic, geoblock, magmatic, metasomatic and disjunctive

    Type intrusive series of the Far East belt of lithium-fluoric granites and its ore content

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    The evolution and ore content of granitoid magmatism in the Far East belt of lithium-fluoric granites lying in the Russian sector of the Pacific ore belt have been studied. Correlation of intrusive series in the Novosibirsk-Chukotka, Yana-Kolyma and Sikhote-Alin granitoid provinces of the studied region allowed to establish the unity of composition, evolution, and ore content of the Late Mesozoic granitoid magmatism. On this basis, a model of the type potentially ore-bearing intrusive series of the Far East belt of lithium-fluoric granites has been developed: complexes of diorite-granodiorite and granite formations → complexes of monzonite-syenite and granite-granosyenite formations → complexes of leucogranite and alaskite formations → complexes of rare-metal lithium-fluoric granite formation.  The main petrological trend in granitoid evolution is increasing silicic acidity, alkalinity, and rare-metal-tin specialization along with decreasing size and number of intrusions. At the end of the intrusive series, small complexes of rare-metal lithium-fluoric granites form. The main metallogenic trend in granitoid evolution is an increasing ore-generating potential of intrusive complexes with their growing differentiation. Ore-bearing rare-metal-granite magmatism of the Russian Far East developed in the Late Cretaceous and determined the formation of large tungsten-tin deposits with associated rare metals: Ta, Nb, Li, Cs, Rb, In in areas with completed intrusive series. Incompleteness of granitoid series of the Pacific ore belt should be considered as a potential sign of blind rare-metal-tin mineralization. The Far East belt of lithium-fluoric granites extends to the Chinese and Alaskan sectors of the Pacific belt, which allows the model of the type ore-bearing intrusive series to be used in the territories adjacent to Russia

    International Integration, Democracy and Information Security of the State

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    Information security of the state in the socio-political sphere is provided by state authorities and the national media. Democratic processes and international integration depend on a proper understanding of peoples social policy purposes in the universal scale. Information security of the state under democratic conditions requires a clear national policy reflecting its results and advantages in the world media

    The Problem of Countering Violent Extremism inthe Information War

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    International extremism has become one of the most dangerous comprehensive security threats of the XXI century. The ideology of violent extremism is a genetic source of terrorism and poses a significant threat to global peace and security. Aggression of the extremist communities causes social consequences which severity is comparable to operations of a military nature. Prohibition under criminal law of extremism propaganda aimed at the protection of human rights, life and health of the people and is an integral element of the developed countries legal system

    The Problem of State Sovereignty in the Modern Geopolitical Conditions

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    The transformation of state sovereignty in the twenty-first century became a real challenge to the international system. Some countries ceased to exist fully independently from the surrounding world economy and universal communication system. The constant participation of people in direct international communication has created a new political and legal reality on a universal scale - a virtual sovereignty

    Democracy and the «Fourth Estate»

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    The special legal status of journalists in democratic society is determined by the efficiency of the communication mechanics in achievement of political goals. Virtual jurisdiction of state is formed under freedom of expression and universal competition. It should be legally secured on the national level and recognized on the level of international law. This jurisdiction is based on the democratic principals: participation and opposition. State institutions which are endowed with specific broadcasting competence in law are politically responsible for the compliance of democratic principals in virtual informational space

    The Problem of State Information Security in the Field of Mass Media

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    In the international media space the issues of ensuring information security of thestate is inseparably interrelated with the political, economic and legal guarantees for exercising freedom of speech and expression. Under modern political and legal conditions censorship and abuse of freedom of mass media, the isolation and extremism, bias and indifference to those events that occur in international system are equally dangerous and unacceptable. Emerging security threats of multimedia reality connected with the technical features of data transfer, and economic nature of social relations in a virtual environment. Mediaindustryandsustainable development of information infrastructure of civil society becomes prima priority for stateinformation security

    International Treaties and Jurisdiction of States in Modern Geopolitical Conditions

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    The Vienna Convention on the Law of International Treaties of 1969 over the fi fty years of its existence has become a symbol of the international legal order where the rule of law enshrined in multilateral agreements is dominant. The obligation of international treaties provisions, however, is constantly in doubt, as in the context of globalization, developed states adhere to their international obligations not under the fear of political sanctions, such as retorts and reprisals, but because of the need to maintain high reputation and authority on the international political field. The rationality of international agreements implementation at the national level is often criticized for the reason that, firstly, certain international obligations have become obsolete, and, secondly, any contractual limitation of state sovereignty is intended to achieve economic and/or political goals. Obviously, a unilateral withdrawal of a state from an international treaty is possible only on previously agreed terms, but the usual practice of fulfilling international obligations demonstrates that the content of the principle of pactasunt servanda depends largely on the interpretation of international law, dictated by the doctrine of constitutional justice and legislative policy of sovereign power
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